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Everything posted by Harpo2

  1. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/09/01/coming-soon-legends-monsters-mercenaries/ Guess I was wrong, its Gotrek and Warcry.
  2. Pre-orders are usually the second article posted on Sunday so there is still the possibility of Orruks and Cities being up for pre-order this week.
  3. Ossiarch Bonereapers are slated for October so Free Cites and Orruks will probably out by the end of September and Ogors will be in October to go with the box set along with the Bonereapers.
  4. I love the Mortarch and how all his servants have a purpose, the one in front holding a scroll, beaky sending out messenger birds, the banner bearer in the back and the other guy who I think is his champion. It's a very characterful model and I can't wait to see how his warscroll works.
  5. Umm a lot of them have noses like the horse dude on the right has a nose, the scythe dude, the Mortarch and his lackeys have noses. They not skeletons they are constructs made of bone, they more like animated bone armour than an actually skeleton.
  6. Yeah the banner on the community site says "9PM BST for news from the far future".
  7. I think the solution to the puzzle is that Dark Elves have the largest amount of modern kits in the Aelf range and when the time came to cull GW went "Why have Swordmasters when Executioners exist" in terms of Warscrolls both are aelves with 2 handed weapons. This leads to most of the High Elf line being canned in favour of keeping the Dark Elf line since they had the most of amount of updated models and therefore the make the most coherent looking army. Wood Elves keep going thanks to the future Kornothi plans and they probably have plans for the Phoenix Temple thanks to City of Phoenicium existing (even if it's just for the Cities book). That is my theory for why the Aelfs got culled the way they did.
  8. Dark Elves had nothing touched, they kept their heros (Sorcesses, Dreadlord on a Dragon, Black Ark Fleemaster, Assassin), Monsters (War Hydra, Kharibdyss) and Cav (Drakespawn Knights, Dark Riders, Chariot). You could give them a battletome of their own grouping them up together again and it would not look out of place. I genuinely thought that only the Darkling Coven units would survive (as the generic Aelf battleline) or atleast the Corsairs were getting culled but nope all Dark Elves units survived.
  9. I think they survived due to them having the most amount of base kits (dreadblades, spears, shards) and elite units (Black Ark Corsairs, Black Guard, Executioners) so they are now the baseline for Cities of Sigmar Aelves.
  10. I wonder if the warscrolls in Cities of Sigmar are going to be more generic sounding, like the Dreadlord on a Dragon becoming Aelven Lord on a Dragon, or Dreadspears becoming Aelven Spearmen. I also now wonder with the Dark Elves now being the majority Aelven faction, are the more generic Aelfs in Age of Sigmar are going to be more cut throat now.
  11. I think they are orange because Ghur magic colour is amber orange. Ghur is awkward because despite being the realm where the Orruks are based they can't have green due to the Ghyran the realm of life already taking it (and the fact that the Lore of Beasts users are called Amber Wizards in World That Was).
  12. Anyone notice the green seeds (soul pods?) in the chest area of the Kurnothi?
  13. I wonder if the Kurnothi will be part of a Daughter of Khaine style Wanderers release (under a new name). Have the core of the army be World-That-Was units while the new models make up the more elite units. Cities of Sigmar might make that awkward but I think you could balance it by making it so you can't take Kurnothi units in a Cities of Sigmar army. It's also good to see the Wardancer concept back, though mohawks must be fashionable to dead gods.
  14. I think GW knows how much of a big deal Settra is too people and if Settra was to comeback he would be more front and centre. Plus "Settra does not serve, Settra rules." is so much of a calling card for him that I think GW would use it when announcing Settra for AoS.
  15. Huh guess I was right, a new death army to fight against the Ogors. I am guessing that the army is going to based around skeletons judging the entrance being surrounded by skeletons and the whole Feast of Bones deal. The character in that video is mostly likely a Mortarch and I think it is Krell since he was a skeleton, already made a Mortarch during The End Times and was loyal to Nagash throughout The End Times (unlike other End Time Mortarchs). . If Krell is back I want him to have the ability to summon Kemmler as a ghost to be his pet wizard, a reverse of their relationship in Fantasy.
  16. Maybe new death army (since Death is getting a battletome and all of their armies have battletomes now) judging by the name (Feast of Bones sounds like army of skeletons).
  17. The Quote is from the Malign Portents short story A Rescued Soul, where Malerion and Morathi are talking to each other about the Twin Light Gods relations to Sigmar among other things. https://malignportents.com/story/a-rescued-soul/ Now with Forbidden Power we might know what Teclis is angry about.
  18. From the recent short story (paragraph above the picture of the two skaven skulls). Apparently we may have robots waiting in the Stormvaults.
  19. I think the reason why GW is being up front about the delay is because of the Looncurse and leaked banner was making people wonder about the Sylvaneth battletome. Better to say something happened and it's delayed than get people thinking the Sylaneth are getting a big release. Nice to see them managing hype and expectations more.
  20. What if Vlad came back as a Stormcast and Isabella came back as a Mortarch. That would be an interesting dynamic consider how in love the two were. I do wonder if the Stormvaults are going to be related in any way to prison escape that Malign Portents ended on since it sounds to be a similar idea, historical characters returning to the Mortal Realms after being freed.
  21. Sylvaneth are split into sub groups with the Forest Folk, Free Spirits and Noble Spirits which all have different leaders, but the Noble Spirits who are lead by Treelords tend to be the ones in charge of the Glades.
  22. I don't know where the idea of this being a teaser for a new army has come from when it says: Unless there is also army release coming out with Forbidden Power, then its looks to be a campaign book with more endless spells (they said that more are coming) and other game wide rules (like the Maglin Portents book).
  23. The Nurgling is from the Death Guard Champion kit for 40k before any one thinks its for AoS.
  24. The guy in back looks like a skeleton with a khopesh and a whip in robes, but remember that Death Grand Alliance is lead by 3 separate Tomb Kings (Nagash, Arkhan and Neferata though she leaned into Vampire Counts as well ). It possible that new faction models for death could take design cues from the Tomb Kings. I did think the Skeletons in the artwork for Shadespire looked Tomb King-ish. The guy in the front reminds of Devoted of Sigmar see in this art work of Celestant Prime.
  25. Blackstone Fortress video has them with the cultists
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