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Posts posted by Malakithe

  1. 24 minutes ago, RoloMcFury said:

    I'm frankly concerned that the Spellportal will result in either a nerf on the spell itself or Nagash in the near future. I haven't seen it yet in practice (first 2.0 game tomorrow), but the spell takes away Nagash's only real downfall: his limited sphere of influence. Prior, a savvy opponent could limit his effect on the battlefield by committing resources wherever he wasn't. Now, Nagash can sling spells around the battlefield as desired, with his shortest-range spell (Hand of Dust) now reaching out a good 22".  Furthermore, the 30" range unbind allows him to effectively take entire other armies out of the magic phase (taking the new Endless Spells away from less magic-heavy factions). 

    We'll see if my fears are unjust, but it feels like he'll just dominate the meta if the Spellportal keeps its current rules.

    My guess is the Spellportal will get nerfed seeing as how almost every faction with magic will be using them. Its popularity isnt just limited to Nagash. For example Tzeentch theorycrafting is having a semi-circle of caster shooting 10-15 spells through the portal and melting anything on the board

  2. 26 minutes ago, Richelieu said:

    This was actually my one big mistake in game two.  I had a command point and a LCoD available and just forgot that everyone can use their command abilities, so I lost 3 sequitors that round and two the round before that to battleshock.  In general though LCoD is a pretty solid option now that you can just wait until the last minute before using his CA.  

    I didn't use a stormhost, so I had staunch defender going, but it's much harder to use now that it is wholly within 9".   Putting models where you need them while keeping the unit in range for staunch is a struggle.  

    In game two I also had a single Ballista do serious work.  I scions dropped it on top of a castle in the middle of the board and it mowed down units as they were summoned.  

    Cogs were amazing both games.  Geminids were good.  LAoGC has been performing better than I anticipated and the incantor auto unbind has been gold in all four games I've played with her.   

    What was your full list? Did the lizzy player use Kroak and his now triple pew pew?

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  3. 2 hours ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Irritated my Stormcast playing friend immensely last night by banging down the Pallisade right in front of his gunline then pushing spells through the portal at him. Making the most of the quality time before he gets the Everpick Comet and uses it to break up the huddled coven of wizards on my side of it ad infinitum.  

    Yeah that comet is going to be nuts. The scary part is even if you dispell it he can just drop it down again

  4. Ive been saying pretty much what @Malakree has been saying as well. Ardboyz pretty much lost their place. Even in units of 10 I question adding them. 

    Ironjawz are an elite army. Similar model count to SCE. Adding bodies just for the sake of adding bodies seems like a waste.

    Im leaning towards a MSU Bloodtoofs approach with Brutes/Gruntas. +2 CP with 3 artefacts sounds like a good start to me

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  5. 28 minutes ago, Izikail said:

    The pts change from the addition hasnt been to kind to the IJ. Do we think that the comand ability change is enough to carry IJ forward into the new edition successfully? I like most share a fear of jamming, charictor wraping and ranged punch. We cant afford to splurge CP on a turn where we are going to be cought on trash, but if we dont then the counter charge will hurt.

    Yeah thats something im concerned about. How many factions have deployment shenanigans? I know Nighthaunt can now hold 50% of their army in reserved and auto drop them as long as its before turn 4. A smart general will anticipate the stacking Waaagh! then just slap down a unit of 40 chainwraps to simply block a charge. 

  6. 4 hours ago, James S said:

    Had another game tonight with my WiP tournament list. Played against a Neferata lead battalion, Queens something. Nef, vamp on dragon, vamp on steed, vamp throne, 2 morghasts, 3 units of 10 dogs. Two drop list. 

    Played the mission from new book that is 4 objectives, need to hold all four to win after turn 3. He deploys firsts, and chooses to go first.

    Death player running all 4 heros together on left side of table, Morgasts on right side. I deploy my 60 Grots in a big line on the right side all the way to mid table. They are three rows deep. Leadbelchers behind them all mid table. Overpower my left side with both units of 12 Ogors facing down the Death heros. Tyrant behind Grots and near Ogors. All three Butchers behind the two Ogor units. I am deployed in the 12" line to shut down two gravesites right near my objectives.

    Opponent takes first turn. Summons a unit of dogs in the back line, casts spells, including pinions. The Vamp Lord on Dragon and Vampire throne are in my face top of one. They move crazy fast. Lol. Neferata is about 7" behind the throne giving her debuff. Morghast move up but do nothing on the right side.

    VLoZD proceeds to chew up 6 Ogors. Bulls attack Throne, take it down to 8 wounds, it fights back killing an Ogor. Hitting on 5s is kicking my ass. Ogors punch the Vamp Lord back and get him down to 10 wounds. Have to burn my CP on battleshock for Ogors fighting VLoZD. Pass other battleshock test.

    Bottom of 1. Cauldrons fire up. First gives +1 hit to Ogors fighting Throne. Second gets MW AoE. Only the throne take wounds. Down to 6. Third gets the same but out of position. Get no Destruction movement because everything is so close to me. Maw fails to cast, get a D3 Arane Blast on the Throne, roll a one. Mystic Shield my 3+ save Tyrant. Proceed to move the Grots up and clear a lane for my Tyrant and Belchers to slide over. 6d3 shots go into the Throne and some hot dice saw it removed. 

    Charge time. Ogors go all in and charge Neferata. 9 make it into base contact. Roll an 11 on the charge for my Tyrant, goes across and gets in with th VLoZD. Hoped I could insta-gib the Vampire on the charge. Only do 3 damage. Neferata kills another Ogor. Swing with the last 6 Ogors in combat with the Vamp Lord. Get 6 damage through, leaving him on 1 wound. ? He hits back and splits attacks. Bounces off the Tyrant, kills two more Ogors. Lastly my Ogors activate on Neferata. 37 attacks at 4s to hit rerolling 1s and 3s rerolling wounds. 21 wounds push through. Opponent fails 14. Then rolls 28 6+ minion saves and fails enough for Neferata to retire from the field. Opponent concedes. 

    Brutal match. I thought I was done in after the multi-charge top of 1. Hung in there and had some dice go my way. Never had a chance to test out the Shackles Endless Spell though.


    What was your full list for this battle?

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  7. 1 hour ago, Lobeau said:

    The Chaos Seige Giant was moved to the Monstrous Arcanum, and looks like it lost a number of attacks down from 2D6 at full health to 7 now, and declining to 6, 5 so on and so on. Not sure about that. On on hand you know how many attacks you're getting, and remove the chance of rolling for only two or three attacks, but on the other hand if you decided to take one, part of the fun in running him in a going for broke hoping for 12 attacks.

    Is there a model for a Chaos Siege Giant?

  8. 46 minutes ago, robbobobo said:

    It's been hit by the 'wholly within' rewording, but at least he doesn't have to wound something to regen anymore. Aside from sticking him in the middle of Clanrat blobs I don't see him covering whole units wholly within 13" when we need it to cover our lacking bravery. He'll survive shooting attacks which I'm ecstatic about, mine usually gets sniped before I get to move it =P

    Everything is getting hit by 'wholly within'. But hey at least it didnt get hit by 'if this model is the general' lol 

    Not being a monster is good for Look out Sir! as well. He lost some of his hitting power but still hits plenty hard and can regen

  9. 9 minutes ago, Nevar said:

    We don't know enough about the battle tome to do that yet.

    Yep. At this point its just foolish to attempt to even brainstorm a list until everything is layed out in front of us. All the new rules. GH2019. The battletomes. 

    If your missing even one of those elements then your lists will be possibly flawed or lacking

  10. 12 minutes ago, Lemon Knuckles said:

    My Grand Plan is to slowly go bankrupt buying more new plastic than I can ever hope to paint up in my lifetime.

    I need a new Grand Plan.

    The Grand Plan and the Long Game are one in the same 

  11. Yeah seems like a backwards move. Do we know if the stormhosts are staying or being changed?

    Regardless, like in 40k, if I want to paint my stuff neon pink and call them Hammers of Sigmar I will...and no one can do ****** about it as GW has daid multiple times over years that it doesnt matter

    • Like 1
  12. 2 hours ago, El Syf said:

    So compared to the new stormcast named characters the nighthaunt ones are poor.  I know they are the literal golden boys of the setting but it's ridiculous how much more the two stormcast characters have.

    Plenty of mortal wound output, making ethereal rather redundant. I don't play against stormcast often and tbh with the new warscrolls am rather glad. 

    Yeah no...the Nighthaunt named guys are supremely better then the SCE ones. And thats just face value...points are way cheaper for one. We still dont know about spell lores, endless spells, battalions, or allegiance....

    At this point there is no reason to look at any one warscroll and say it sucks or is pointless. You have to look at all the pieces of the puzzle and realize the Grand Plan

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