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Circus of Paint

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Everything posted by Circus of Paint

  1. Great stuff all-round! I wouldn't of even noticed you resculpted the Grunta's snouts if you didn't mention it - much better now!
  2. I'd really like some new Plague Monks! I have the current Battletome by never started Pestilens due to how outdated the Plague Monk plastics are. Clans Skryre stuff sounds right up my alley too!
  3. I'm very keen to see these Aelves, before I start painting my Tenebrael Shard. I know how I want to paint it (brown-grey like the Malerion artwork) but want to know if it'll match whatever new look these Aelves have first!
  4. The Horned Rat took its place within the pantheon. I never said he replaced Slaanesh as a whole! I don't think you read what I wrote properly...
  5. Clans Pestilens aren't Nurgle-worshippers, they follow the Great Horned Rat (now ascended to Slaanesh's former place within the quartet of Chaos gods). I'm aware they have the NURGLE keyword, I believe that's more for game-play reasons then thematic. If Skaven get a new-style Battletome, it would makes sense for GW to chuck all the Clans into it - Verminus, Pestilens, Skryre, Moulder, Eshin, Masterclan...
  6. Whilst I think most nautical-themed factions are cool - I think the beauty of Age of Sigmar is how GW have taken older and more generic forces, chucked in a load of wacky new concept and come up with something that is still distinctly Warhammer-y yet fresh and new. Example, the Merfolk concepts on this thread are great and I can see the effort put into that, but wouldn't they be better as highly-evolved remnants of whatever those sea-based High Elves were called? I was never much of an Elf fan before Age of Sigmar, so the name escapes me! Lothern Sea Guard or something?
  7. I really hope the first proper Aelf faction release fleshes out the "shadow / Ulgu" elements - things like Malerion, Mistweaver Saih, Tenebrael Shard etc. The other alternative that I would go bonkers for is the "Cthulhu Aelves" concept I keep hearing bandied around. If this includes adding to the Scourge Privateers too, all the better! 2017 has already been fantastic for Age of Sigmar, but I think its gonna get even better!
  8. The "Arena Combat" part of the tagline makes me think of Gorechosen. Shadespire could be an expanded successor to this perhaps? (e.g. what Shadows over Hammerhal is to Silver Tower).
  9. I have started a seperate thread for my take on Zombie Pirates, if anyone was interested? Link in my signature or on this Discussion sub-board!
  10. I'm going to have to start writing some of my concepts up I think!
  11. I've started making notes for reinventing the Zombie Pirates of the Vampire Coast for Age of Sigmar. All I have so far is a faction name and loose ideas in my head - "Drownwalkers"!
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