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Posts posted by mhsellwood

  1. Is it possible that the Deepkin will  not of one of the four Grand Alliances, or able to ally outside of just Order? Like, we know that they can be allies with Daughters, but would there be any reason they may not also be able to ally with say Destruction?

    • Like 1
  2. From my point of view I have no issue with say a five pound a month membership scheme.For me this cost is about supporting the production of content for the whole community to enjoy, rather than a transactional quid pro quo type arrangement.

    The only thing I would say is that if paid memberships were sufficient to cover the costs of running the site and additionally leave a surplus it would be great to see that reinvested in the creation of more content - maybe some short stories being commissioned, or art work, something like that we can all benefit from.

  3. Just saw on Facebook that the Start Collecting boxes will be going up for purchase this weekend, presumably with the Paths To Glory book.

    I would love to see a new unit for Fyreslayers (mini magmadroths plz) but expect something like Grimwrath, 5 Hearthguard, 10 Vulkite.

  4. 7 hours ago, Galas said:

    Hmm... I think that all those batallions its a little overkill. I have prefered more pages of Lore and History, but well. Priorities and all that. 
    A shame they don't include Slaves to Darkness units.

    Same approach as Disciples of Tzeentch - actual Khorne models in the book, those that can choose the Khorne keyword not.

  5. 11 hours ago, Chikout said:

    Hastings popped up over on Atia's blog to say that it looked like the shadow Aelves. He made it clear that he has not seen any models just been told about them. The somewhat tentacle like ears may be a hint.

    He also said that there was at least one airship in the Duardin release (maybe a dual build) and that he expects them at the end of March. He said he has not seen those models either.

    Really hoping force reveal in the next 2 or 3 days.


    Cool thanks for that @Chikout - Hastings has always been a very reliable source so if he is saying end of March that gives me confidence.

  6. 1 hour ago, Dawnmane said:

    Yeah, if they did fold the Dispossessed into the new faction (however unlikely) in a way that would let me keep everything I have in my current army except for the cannons, that would be okay with me. I would miss the synergies of playing with a Runelord and a Warden King, but I never bought the Warriors or the other older models anyway because of their quality. When it all comes down to it, I guess I'll be happy as long as I can have new models and still somehow play with Irondrakes and Longbeards in some sort of army. 

    To my eye the aesthetically weak models are the warriors, the war machines and the quarellers / thunderers. Like you I don't actually have any of these models due to this so no loss if removed, so if I can put the 8th ed range in a new updated faction happy days.

  7. 1 minute ago, Dawnmane said:

    The reason I hope this is not true (and the reason I find it unlikely), is that that would spell the end of Dispossessed as a faction. Why would they do that? And they haven't done that before, either, have they? Killed off one faction to make a new one? If Irondrakes and Gyrobombercopters  switched sides, that would sorta make sense, but hammerers/longbeards? (full disclosure: I am a passionate Dispossessed player). The part about the warmachines being phased out sounds sad but probable - they're not the most high quality plastic kits in the range (just like quarrellers/thunderers/warriors. They need to go as well) I also find the number of people who *suddenly* have sources on this new faction really suspicious. No one really knew anything 6 days ago and everyone was asking for the new duardin back then as well.

    Sort of agree, sort of disagree. At the moment I actually feel that the older parts of the dispossessed range is a bit of low point - if the warriors and war machines disappeared and we got in return new high quality models that maintained the quality and aesthetic of the hammerers and irondrakes that would be a huge plus. However at the moment as you say they have not killed off anything to create a new faction so I don't know if I feel it is likely.

    On the subject of all these new sources, a bit salty yes but on the other hand if they are coming in about two weeks...

  8. 11 hours ago, daedalus81 said:


    From reddit:



    Although it sounds reasonable I feel that it may be missing some parts (if true).  To wit, look back at some of the recent release sizes:

    • Disciples of Tzeentch. Boxed sets of Acolytes, Tzaangor, Enlightened/Skyfires, Tzaangor Shaman, Lord of Change, Blue Horrors / Brimstone Horrors. So four new box sets, a new monster and a new character (ignoring the re-boxing of the Thaumaturge and the Summoner)
    • Stormcast Vanguard chamber. Lord Aquilor, Vanguard-Palladors, Vanguard-Hunters, Vanguard-Raptors, Gryph Hounds. Four box sets and a monstrous mount character.
    • Sylvaneth. Alarielle, Drycha, Kurnoth Hunters, Revenant box, Branchwych. Two monsters, monstrous infantry, infantry, character.
    • Ironjawz. Mawkrusha, Megaboss on foot, Weirdnob, War chanter, Gore-grunta, Brutes. A monster, 3 characters and two units.

    Compared to those releases, this leak suggests one character, one monster type unit and two units which would be less than any previous release. Hence, I am not necessarily going to suggest this information is wrong, just that it feels like kind of half the picture at this point.

  9. 1 hour ago, Requizen said:

    Squinting really hard:

    Hammers of Sigmar: Bravery +1, Liberators gain Lightning Strike on a roll of 6 during deployment, 6+ ward save for Command Trait

    Hallowed Knights: 3+ to ignore negative spells, +1" to run and charge, looks like potentially able to pile in and attack after being killed if they haven't already attacked. 

    Looks like both gain Lightning Strike if you max out the battalions? Pretty blurry.

    The ward save trait appears to be a 6+ ward save for all units within 3", which is a pretty impressive force multiplier. Also, as @Sennyo says I think it is 5+ rather than 3+.

    Still, very interesting and quite potent. Wonder how much they will cost?

  10. Worth noting that there is a hint that tomorrow will see a reveal of a non Stormcast release.

    To be fair I feel that we will quite a significant number of AoS releases this year - we had a significant change in how battletomes were done and the game was played when the Generals Handbook was released, and then we had basically six months with no major releases. I think this probably indicates that there has been a bit of a re-think and re-work of some releases that we might otherwise have seen. GW had a massive success with Sylvaneth and the General Handbook. They will want to take the lessons from that success and use it make the whole experience of AoS better.

    On the Stormcast, I can completely understand why they are releasing this. The current starter set is intended to get new players in, so a fair number of noobs are going to be doing Stormcast. Previously though there was no nice easy 'second step'. The next step was two battletomes (eternals + extremis) and the generals handbook? That is a lot to buy. Now, if you want to continue there is a nice second step - buy the new battletome, buy the start collecting box. In addition, long run if you like Stormcast you can get a much more varied army which again provides a longer sales tail.

  11. 2 hours ago, Darth Alec said:


    Did they even have the internet back then?

    Nope. You know the complaint was forged in those days because it is recalls ancient writings.

    "ye, the wolf of hunger known as Kirby fell on the flock in those times and much treasure was drained. Skies darkened, and some say a calf with two heads and eight legs and two bodies was born. And when prices went to 1 GBP the end times were upon us. Verily, since then the once great Games Workshop has been digging its own grave."

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, Darth Alec said:

    GW's profits are up, and 2017 is starting with a bang. Looks like the ship's turned around. After 15 years, we may finally be hearing the end of the constant "GW is going under any day now" talk.


    Mate, I have read people on internet forums say in all honesty that Games Workshop has been circling the drain since they raised prices to 1GBP per model, or moved from lead to pewter / white metal.

    For the people who want to see GW fail, all the evidence in the world will not change their view in the slightest.

    • Like 5
  13. 22 hours ago, daedalus81 said:

    I am immediately transported back to my childhood.  I used to run LoC and those monopose beastmen.  I scrimped and saved for ages to afford that tiny $50 LoC back then and it was the most incredible thing I had ever seen.

    Now I get to run beastmen again and a LoC that makes me giddy all over again...for more than $50, but oh so worth it!

    I love this hobby so much I often ponder what I would do in an alternate reality where it doesn't exist.

    Apologies for the continued off topic but I have to say that I actually can't imagine a reality like that.

    On-topic @Shane has posted up what Lady Atia has said re. more daemons. My gut feeling is that we will get Blue Horrors and Brimstone Horrors (maybe in one box?). Secretly though I am also hoping for something completely unexpected like disc riding Horrors, or a new large infantry.

  14. On 05/01/2017 at 7:01 AM, Turragor said:

    My money is on duardin steamhead harpoon spear!

    Just a quick note here that on the War of Sigmar blog, Lady Atia [tres reliable] described it as 'it's time for the harpoon'. I would suggest that whatever it is, it is certainly a harpoon. So, steamhead duardin sky pirate mechs with harpoons and scatter guns please.

    • Like 4
  15. On 12/24/2016 at 11:14 AM, TerrorPenguin said:

    Unit of 6 Kurnoth Hunters = 360 points. 30 wounds; 18 attacks 3's to hit and wound, rend 2, d3 damage. 50% chance of causing 6 mortal wounds to the unit is in combat with. (I'll give you they won't get the re roll saves often).

    Equivalent unit of Morghast Archai is 3, recognising that you can't take this, but for illustration. 18 wounds, 9 attacks, 3's to hit and wound rend 2, damage 3. Extra 4" move and flying. 33% chance of ignoring wounds. 60% chance of being summoned. Chance of summon being dispelled. No options for ranged attacks. No mortal wound output.

    Would Sylvaneth players be happy to double the points in exchange for a longer move, more reliable damage and a ward save, but lose the mortal wound output.

    Archai should be 240 for three, imvho 

    Just a quick note on the maths re. the stomps - it is not a 50% chance of rolling 6 mortal wounds, it is about 1.5% as there are 64 possible outcomes rolling 6 dice with 1-3 doing nothing and 4-6 doing 1 wound, of which precisely one is 6 wounds, or 1/64 or 1.5%. 3 mortal wounds is pretty much it.

    My gut feeling though is that Kurnoth Hunters are currently slightly undercosted along with Morghast being slightly overcosted rather than Hunters being right and Morghast massively over costed.

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  16. 10 hours ago, Mikester1487 said:

    I'm going to choose to believe that sky zepplin dwarves will be a thing. All I need now is a new starter box with the new tzeentch vs the new dwarves. 

    Please let it be so.

    An ideal result would be something like February Tzeentch book and releases, March new steampunk duardin, April some 40K stuff, then in May a new starter set with a couple of basic units and a new character for Tzeentch and the duardin along with new terrain.

    • Like 1
  17. 6 hours ago, Bowlzee said:

    I'd prefer Drive, but then I'm a google user and use it all the time. 

    It's easy enough to share folders or individual items from Drive

    Not a Google Drive user, so how easy is it to share to a large group, and people unknown to you? Long term it would be great for this to be a community driven resource, and that really needs easy sharing to happen.

  18. On 26/07/2016 at 9:39 PM, RuneBrush said:

    Hi all :)

    Was just having a think about the best way to tackle Warscroll sharing.  My original thought of a copy/paste link isn't going to work very well, with just some filler text the "optimised" link is around 1800 characters long :|  So I'm thinking about alternatives.

    One option is a "free-for-all" that simply saves the Warscroll and gives you a link.  All well and dandy but you'd have no way of ever editing it and it's always open to abuse...

    Another option would be to allow you to log in using Facebook or Google, and your Warscrolls are saved alongside your login.  Not everybody has FB or Google though and some people (e.g. me) are quite apprehensive about signing in on an insecure website for what is in essence a novelty.

    I could hook registration into my blog - so you could sign up there but it means another account in a world where every website needs a different log in.

    Final option would be to enter your e-mail address and get sent the sharing & editing link (or something along these lines).  This would actually be the easiest but would people be happy at doing this?  Again there could be questions over data entry security.

    Thoughts?  Happy to take suggestions too!

    For me, I would be happy to sign up to a site if it allows me to save to the site and share that work with others.

    • Like 1
  19. 20 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    I was initially dubious of the September steampunk Duardin rumour but if what adhoc says is true(and I think it is) then the 40k stuff will come in August,  leaving a space in September for a big aos release. I imagine the next horus game will follow in October. That would have Tzeentch coming at the end of the year. Sad panda mentioned that this was a possible timeframe for a new Lord of change to come out. Somewhere in the midst of all that bloodbowl will come out.

    I wonder if this week's Wd has a hint in it. It is the last weekly white dwarf so it may not.

    Just a quick note - Blood Bowl, Adeptus Titanicus etc are all being done by the new Specialist Games studio, so may or may not overlap with main studio productions, so there release windows are a bit less certain.

    Anyway, come on September!!!

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