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Everything posted by SwampHeart

  1. I don't think they're useless, I'm just pointing out that the idea of the old 'bait and switch' doesn't hold up when discussing this. I also just assume most chaos players have weird random spawn collections to begin with from various projects.
  2. That is 100% irrelevant to the current legality of the play. Also even if they change that Bestigors are still a fantastic unit so I guess you'll have some useless spawn.
  3. You don't have a leg to stand on - I can spend 2 CPs to give a single Bestigor unit +2 attacks if in range of 1 spawn. That is RAW, it wasn't FAQ'd - that is how it works. There is no argument other than what you feel the intent is which is irrelevant because I feel the intent of the rules is for Bestigors to have 2 wounds.
  4. I've been having a lot of success with 20 Tzaangors (don't feel the need to max the unit now that the attack bonus is for 9+ rather than every 9) backed up by 6 Enlightened on Foot. They're a durable unit that has pretty solid offensive output and act as a great second 'wall' for my army. But I also run 30 Gors and 10 units of 10 Bestigors so I've got my toes dipped in both sides.
  5. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. It really just depends on the unit and how its written - fortunately Tzaangors are written in a way that allows you to get the defensive bonus of the unit without giving up most of your offensive output.
  6. It says if ANY model is equipped so even if you only put 2 shields in a unit you get the 6+ save after save bonus for the unit.
  7. This isn't quite right it actually says 'During set up you can set up some or all units from a Warscroll Battalion at the same time rather than setting up each unit individually' so you can place half of the units from your desolating brayherd in ambush and the other half on the table to meet the ambush requirements. Now if you did want to deploy the entire Battalion (every individual unit) in Ambush you would need an equal number of units to deploy on the table.
  8. The Centigors were all stars for sure - their mobility makes them an excellent toolbox style unit. The Chimera was also pivotal, he's a very effective character sniper and dives well on other monsters, small hammers, and similar units. He was actually the key in my game against DoK because I was able to put 3 wounds on Morathi out of the gate which severely hampered her and then he dived onto the Cauldron and managed to do 10 wounds before he was killed in return. Overall I didn't have a unit that I thought didn't fit though I may swap the Bestigors to 2 10s instead of 1 20.
  9. Figured I'd report in on my weekend event - played in a small local tournament (12 people). Went 3-0 and took first place. My opponents were SCE (newer player with mostly what comes in various starter boxes), Idoneth (eel ambush, pretty savvy player but new to the army) and DoK (the other guy in our shop who regularly competes with me). The scenarios were (in the same order as opponents) Shifting Objectives, Gift from the Heavens, and Scorched Earth. Had a lot of fun pushing the beasts around the table. My list for the weekend was: Gavespawn, Ghur -Beastlord - General (Unraveling Aura), Mutating Gnarlblade -Shaman - Vicious Stranglethorns -Tzaangor Shaman - Tendrils of Atrophy, Gryphfeather Charm -30x Gors - Shields -20x Bestigors -20x Tzaangors - 8 Great Blades, 4 Mutants, 2 Shields -6x Tzaangor Enlightened (on foot) -10x Ungors -5x Centigors Phantasmagoria of Fate -Chimera -Geminids of Uhl-Ghysh
  10. My issue isn't getting them in when I ambush. Its the fact that I could play a game where any points I invest in ambush are wasted. To be clear I mean points invested or opportunity cost to buff ambushing units (artifacts, great frays, command traits, etc).
  11. I'm curious as to folks thoughts, from a competitive point of view, on ambush. I know its only one out of 18 game types but Total Commitment basically means I'm totally uninterested in relying on really building around ambushing. Fortunately have some flexibility in that most of our units are fast enough that even without ambush they can get into position quickly but it does leave me effectively skipping dark walkers and the bray horn every time.
  12. I've been experimenting a lot, that said I haven't moved away from a core of 30 gors and 10 units of Bestigors. That's been the base building block for every list - I've been going with a lot of Tzeentch lately.
  13. So far - fantastic. It isn't a 'kill' army by any stretch but my ability to take objectives effectively with dense cheap bodies has proven very effective. I've had a chance to play a few 'top tier' armies with the book and its performed very well for me. It did take a minute to get past the 'run, charge, fight' mentality because honestly the book isn't actually good at it. What I have found though is my board control is excellent, as is my ability to quickly establish buffers against my opponent being able to take objectives.
  14. This is correct. I'm not sure I understand - do you mean can your opponent move his models over the Wildfire Taurus (the answer to that question is no, he would have to move around it). Or do you mean can the wildfire taurus move over other models (the answer is yes because it has fly but its effect will still trigger). You must have the ENTIRE unit within range of the aura to get the bonus for Locus of Savagery. So in your example if the 3 ungors were not in the aura range you would not get the benefit. The enemy unit only needs to have a single model within range for this effect. So if he had 10 models and 2 were inside the range he would be affected. They would need to be two separate units - you spend the points to get the exact unit listed (so 10 Bestigors).
  15. I noticed the same thing when I opened mine. I think I might take some time to make a few dividers for it so I can make it a long term carry case for all my 'extras'.
  16. I don't believe so, it says may choose one, not choose any. But I do see the flip side.
  17. I actually enjoy painting Beastmen (particularly the various types of -gor) because they've got good texture that takes to fast techniques well. They've got lots of good crevasses and raised areas so washes and drybrushes are very effective. Their details are largely simple to make look good things like metal, flayed skin, etc. so you can add some nice detail to them without needing to say freehand or do lots of hard line highlights (my least favorite technique to do). I think the big benefit to the range is you can have a nice tabletop army in a fairly quick amount of time that you can then double back on to make look really good on your own time. Also I thought I'd report on a game I had last night with the new book. 2k - Gift from the Heavens, my opponent was playing a pretty classic Stardrake list while I ran: -Dragon Ogre Shaggoth - General (Adamantine Scales), Thermal Rider Cloak, Hailstorm -Great Bray Shaman - The Knowing Eye, Vicious Stranglethorns -Tzaangor Shaman - Viletide -30x Ungors - Spear and Shield -10x Ungor - Club and Shield -30x Gors - Shield and Blade -10x Bestigors -10x Bestigors -10x Bestigors -3x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc -3x Tzaangor Enlightened on Disc -Chimera -Phantasmagoria of Fate I was able to win 23 - 5. Having a 2 Drop army helped as did a pretty effective character assassination unit in the Chimera and the Viletide Shaman. I was able to bury my objective in 30 Ungors plus another 10 Bestigors and then take his objective late game with the remenants of my Gors and Enlightened. The Stardrake killed a bunch of stuff as is to be expected but I was able to eat his Relictor on turn 1 and his Castellant was gone by turn 3 which really helped. Overall I was pleased with both the list and how the army functioned, especially with no Greatfray.
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