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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. I think the trick will be to build a list with lots of command point generation. Lords of the Storm, Aetherquartz Brooch, etc. Getting 20 Sequitors back even just once is absolutely brutal.
  2. You can use this command ability when a friendly HAMMERS OF SIGMAR REDEEMER unit is destroyed. If you do so, roll a dice. On a 5+ a new unit identical to the one that was destroyed is added to your army. Set up the new unit anywhere on the battlefield, more than 9" from any enemy models.
  3. So the Warrior Brotherhood is still legal... Setting up a unit with Lightning Strike is different than setting it up with Scions, so RAW you can do a 1 drop null deployment army
  4. Sequitor Swords should always be better. Even with zero buffs 3 attacks wounding on 4+ is better than 2 attacks wounding at 3+. When you add in wound buffs like Empower and Celestial Blades the swords pull even further ahead.
  5. Here's what I've got so far: 100 Gavriel 240 LADracoline - General, Pride Leader, Artifact* 100 Heraldor - HS artifact 120 Cleansing Phalanx 300 Dracoline 300 Dracoline 400 20x Sequitors 120 5x Sequitors 120 5x Sequitors (Battleline) 100 Ballista 100 Ballista 5 units on the board, 5 units in reserve (LAD, Dracolines, Dracolines, Gavriel, 20x Sequitors) You can drop the battalion but it feels like it's too valuable given the core of this list already has Dracolines in it and you can take Sequitors as Battleline. You could drop the 20x Sequitors down to 5x, though. You could swap the Heraldor for any 100pt hero, like a Relictor or Castellant. You could swap the Ballistas out but I think they work as a deployable gunline. It bothers me that I don't have a second mounted hero to give another trait from the battalion... As for the artifact, there are a lot of great choices: Lens of Refraction, Mirrorshield, Aetherquartz Brooch (5+ refund CP), either of the Rend-3 artifacts, Gryph-feather Charm, Banshee Blade (synergy with +1 hit and -1bravery!), Ethereal Amulet, Mindlock Staff, Quicksilver Draught
  6. Gavriel only effects Hammers of Sigmar units, unfortunately
  7. I was thinking something along these lines, but with Dracolines instead. Dracolines are 100ppm compared to the 120ppm for Fulminators, and they give Look Out Sir a lot easier than Dracoths. Dracolines natively reroll charges and do D3 damage instead of 1 on the charge. Lord Arcanum on Dracoline with Pride Leader mount trait to give all Dracolines +1 hit (for all weapons) and can use his command ability to give +1 attack to Dracoline monstrous claws. You drop 3 unbinds directly into play, and after the deep strike charge turn you can start casting buffs. Add in a Heraldor to make sure you can retreat & charge later. Seems fun, and possibly even viable in competitive play. You can also toss a Burning Head into range before your deep strike to reroll hit1
  8. You can take battalions to get bonus artifacts
  9. Staunch Defender VS Hammers of Sigmar command trait SD stacks well with rerollable saves, but does nothing on the turn you charge (very relevant with Gavriel +3/6/9" charge lists) and offers no protection against mortal wounds. A 6+ ignore against wounds and mortal wounds is very tempting... especially when combined with a Lens of Refraction What do you guys think?
  10. Why leave it to a 92% chance? Use Gavriels command ability 3 times for guaranteed deep strike charges ?
  11. Is that in the new battletome or on the app? The app has a lot of errors The Shockbolt Bow has gotten a lot less valuable with LOS making it more difficult to hit characters and I think the Thunderbolt Crossbow is worth considering now. If you're dropping into range for crossbows then you should be in range to hit some kind of 5+ model unit with a Thunderbolt for D3 mortal wounds. Since it doesn't need to hit, you can give the Prime a crossbow. I think Hurricanes will probably do more damage (and cost less points) but if you you're bringing Judicators for battleline then they can get a lot of value clearing screens with crossbows.
  12. Rather than jumping into list building I thought it would be better to examine some combos and form some cores. I want to see the exact wording and restrictions on the Battalions before going too deep, but so far I've found the following combos: Stardrake + Wizards + Endless Spells Stardrake + Save buffs (Castellant, Staunch Defender) + Arcanums + Heraldor, the ultimate immortal Stardrake deathstar Stardrake + Everblaze comet can reduce enemy casting by 2 Vexillor with healing banner + Arcanum x3 + Lots of multi-wound models + Emerald Lifeswarm, take the Lens of Refraction from Hysh to reduce damage from enemy spells by D3 within 6" of bearer Hurricanes + Incantor reduce enemy charges drastically 20 Sequitors with Arcanum command ability and Evocators Empower, reroll hits & wounds & saves Celestian Vortex + Tempestors can really mess up enemy shooting 4 Ballistas + Ordinator can form a solid gunline that out-ranges every other army, forcing them to come to you. Use Aetherwings + Hurricanes to stop melee armies in the midfield Deep strike units alongside a Vexillor and Cogs for a 7+ rerollable charge Spam Heraldors? At 100pt this might be the best shooting unit in the game...
  13. Lord Ordinator: +1 attack, new weapon option, command ability changed - now gives Battleshock immunity within 18" Heraldor: Blast only effects enemy units within 3" of terrain piece. Buff requires wholly within 12"
  14. Scions no longer requires a roll. Same restrictions as nighthaunt: 1 unit in reserve for each unit on the table. If they dont come into play before turn 5 (or 4?) they are counted as slain. All battalions changed significantly. CP changes: +1 attack, +1 bravery aura for all ORDER within 18", no longer HAS to be placed in reserve
  15. Buying command points is probably a mistake. I think it should be an ability restricted to playing one of the 4 grand alliances instead of specific allegiances.
  16. If they don't limit the Anvils command ability then competitive play will not be fun. What can beat 12x Longstrikes and 10 command points?
  17. It will also be interesting to see what Stormhosts do, and if there have been any other warscroll changes. Has anyone noticed that Gryph Hounds have changed? Their Warning Cry only works on STORMCAST units within 6" (not 2d6), they gain +2 attacks near a Castellant or Veritant, and they make a 6" retreat move after attacking (instead of d6 move).
  18. I think Ordinator can't use his ability on the same Ballista because it says 'can shoot twice' so multiple uses won't do anything. However, he can use it on multiple ballista.
  19. I have the GHB in front of me right now and there is no rule of one, or any kind of matched play restriction about using the same command ability more than once. They might errata it later but given how many erratas they put out for some potentially broken stackable abilities, I think it's fair to assume the intent is what is written.
  20. The Ordinator easily outvalues bringing more ballistas when you use his command ability more than once per turn
  21. I think we're going to move to a metagame focused on shooting down units and using spells to focus down heroes. Spells/abilities that obliterate screens are going to be especially useful, since you can isolate heroes away from units to deny LOS! to give your Judicators/Longstrikes/Castigators a chance to snipe.
  22. When you stack it with another hit debuff (like the Gryph-feather Charm that every army has access to) then it's like having a Mirrorshield. Shooting down foot heroes is going to be a lot less common now!
  23. I would assume Rippers function like they did in the previous edition. They wouldn't cost 140 points if they did infinitely exploding attacks. It's ridiculous to even consider anything else. Thunderquake is just as potent as it was before, but 40pt cheaper. I have no idea why they reduced the cost of this battalion, but between that and Knights getting cheaper I think it's time to run my 9x Kroxigor Thunderquake list
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