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Everything posted by Erdemo86

  1. I don’t think so.. but we will see! I said it before and I say it again: they want to sell new models! Even if they adjust warscrolls to the new edition like your desolaters example. Why do you think yndresta is only working on new models? Because they want to sell new models.
  2. You can’t reinforce desolaters more than one time! So Max unit is size is 4!! Battlelines reinforce 2 times, everything else 1 time. and it depends on stormgost rules, allegiances if they are still weak. But new units look not bad like I said.
  3. Yeah but they have a 3+ save my friend and can be revived by yndresta!! And yndresta is an auto include now! Evocators and retributors can’t. Also Range 2!!! I would say liberators are dead if there warscroll stay the same. and I have still the opinion that we won’t see any changes on old warscrolls. if you revive only one vindictor the cost is the same as a unit of liberators. It could even be worth playing 3x 10 vindictors because of range 2! Best unit to compare them with now are Auralan wardens. And I think vindictors are just better!
  4. Is it on twitch? And where is that information from? No announcement on community site.
  5. You showed me that negation of wounds are ward saves not transferring wounds. One question, maybe you understand me better: if praetors ability would be that: if the hero takes damage roll a dice 1: you get the damage 2: heal d3 3: move 6 4: throw a mw back 5: revive some model 6: negate the wound so now you used the ward save with yndresta, so you can’t roll for praetors anymore? Because on 6 it is ward save so the whole ability is a ward save?
  6. Yeah but on 3 or 4 It don’t negates a wound it transfers it to a praetor. So if you used your 4+ ward save on yndresta your not allowed to transfer wounds? Show me where that’s written? Your text is right as long as you negate a wound but what’s with transferring? Do transfer is negation too? if the ability of praetors would only have that 5+ part you could be right but not with that 3+ part.
  7. Yeah I know that, looked now honest wargamer and some other YouTubers all saying that it’s not a ward save + the tournament judge. So for me/us it’s not a ward save Till faq will clear it out. I hate that everytime people try to make things that look clear more complicated. i remember with bloodknights ability everyone saying retreat is a normal move so they can’t charge afterwards… and what is? They can! Feel in the same boot now.
  8. What do you guys think about the praetors ability? We talked today with our group about it and everyone’s opinion was that praetors ability is not a ward save, because it don’t says give your attached hero a 5+ ward save. It says if you allocate a wound to your hero roll a dice. So you roll the dice after you used the ward save with your hero and not before. some informations: our group is a WhatsApp group with 20+ members and I’m the only stormcast player 😅 P.s: Asked now a tournament judge too and he says the same. His example was: „only because you use ydresta ward save it doesn’t mean that praetor can’t take the damage! Because it’s 100% clear that there take the damage ability’s is not a ward save, Right? So now you roll for praetors 3/4 they take the damage, 1/2 ydresta takes the damage, 5/6 it’s negated!!“ „Or do you think if you use your ward save you can’t use praetors ability anymore?“ what’s your opinion?
  9. Yeah all of the older factions which are still good, we’re op at release. Fyreslayer,OBR,DoK, to name some. sacrosanst chamber was something like B/A Tier as it released and now it’s trash tier.. so I Hope the battletome will be very Good, so it will stay competitive till aos 4.0… a lot of People will hate me but I will say it: hope they will be op like Lumineth and seraphon!! but I don’t think it will be, the new allegiance is nothing strong or even game breaking. The new units look beautifull but rulewise nothing over the top. Stormcast still have the Same problems like before. If that’s our new allegiance ability, than pray to Sigmar..
  10. Problem is if you make them now b tier, they will be useless in 6 month because other factions will get better battletomes.
  11. So sequitors are better than vindictors? Even if sequitors have 4+ save?
  12. I still think praetors ability don’t counts as ward save! Else it would say that.
  13. You can’t choose priority if you have less drops now. The only benefit you get from having less drops is that if you roll a tie on priority the first turn you can choose. Priority changed.
  14. Maybe units of 3 is only for dominion box? And after they will go up to 5? Was it not the Same with retributors and Evocators? I remember Evos were 3 for 200 and then after battletome its was 5 for 200. I can’t see why praetors or anhilators should have only 3 models. If rumors are true all paladins will get a 3+ save.
  15. They have Kruleboyz keyword but not Kruleboyz Orruks
  16. Orruk warclans, fore allegiance they need : Orruk and morrpirscha
  17. Yeah but consider you can revive them with ydresta.. that changes a lot!! Yndresta looks like the first stormcast hero that’s worth his/her points. If they now only would make prime better I’m very happy. praetors+ yndresta Praetors+ Prime 2x 3 anhilators+ Imparantant vexilor 3x5 vindictors 1995 points looks like a very solid list to me!!! Revive with Yndrasta and vexilor. Protect your big hero’s with praetors. Deploy and charge with anhilators+vexillor(reroll charge)+ prime+ praetors
  18. Yep just bad, considering the other ones have 2 wounds, 2 attacks with allegiance for 180points, 10 models..
  19. Nope they have the keyword for the allegiance!!
  20. Yes!! 95 points... run and shoot. Exploding 6.. looks like Lumineth strongness...
  21. The small goblins look really op,1 ranged attack and 2 melee attacks. Give them elixier and see mortal wounds flying over..
  22. I posted all stormcast ones, you need the Orks or what?
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