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Posts posted by ledha

  1. On 2/9/2019 at 12:38 AM, Grimrock said:

    I'm guessing the axe is a predatory damage dealer, the giant bronze rune is some sort of anti magic (maybe like a suped up malevolent maelstrom or a once per turn brazen rune?) and the bleeding skull is a blood tithe generator.

    For the book I'm hoping they make the generic mortal heroes viable somehow, I've got a couple that have barely ever been on the table. Maybe they'll make the gorechosen battalion something like the gobbapalooza? Let you field 8 heroes without actually taking up any hero slots so you can use it in a regular game. If they can do that, iron out the internal balance a bit, and make unused blood tithe stick around instead of disappearing I'll be pretty happy.

    A super cool way to make The Gorechosen playable, fun AND powerful would be to :

    1 - bypass the limit number of 6 heroes (obviously)

    2- Giving to ALL OF THEM a command trait (like the clawlord from Verminus Clan)

    3 - All of them can have a magical item from the khorne battletome, bypassing classic limitations.

    It sounds "too good" but if half the points of your army are in 8 models with 5 wounds and save 4+ in average, you need this to make them worthy.  Plus it could make a super cool scenario of some heroes vs an entire army. A grimdark and ironic retelling of the 7 seven samorais (with 8 khornate heroes) and the old Warhammer Fantasy Battle scenario where a few bretonnian heroes were pitted a whole army. Which could be a good hommage to some of Khorne's qualities, like bravery, determination, martial prowess and fighting against the odds.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Kramer said:


    Personally found it a very weak move in GW’s part to make endless spells for Khorne. Even if they call it not magic but bloodlust made real. 


    To be fair, the most popular khorne list (gore pilgrim) make slaughterpriests borderline tzeentchians. 6 spells prayers per turn with 75% chance of sucess and not needing line of sight ? YES

    • Haha 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Mark Williams said:

    You’re suggesting that if an opposing unit out numbers another, it should just get trampled over and removed from the table because you feel that’s more realistic. 

    The issue is that large units like skeletons don’t move very fast, and getting into charge range of a gryph hound actually makes them move faster than if he wasn’t there at all.

     I’m saying that I think it already works the way you say it doesn’t, and that your argument doesn’t make sense to me.

    In game terms, a gryph hound is in front of 40 skeletons, the skeletons charge and move an extra 2D6” that they wouldn’t have gotten otherwise if he wasn’t there, they “probably” make contact with the unit behind, which they wouldn’t have been able to do if they didn’t get the extra charge distance because the gryph hound was there in the first place. The gryph hound dies to an overwhelming number of attacks. The skeletons are farther ahead than they were before and basically got free movement out of it.

    It’s win win for the skeleton player. I don’t see what the problem is. The effectively “trampled” over the model, which is what you said you think they should do.

    If the skellies start already at 3" of the gryph hound, they can't move past him (because of his 3" wide footprint and their 4" move which is not enough to just move around him). Then they have  only their charge roll to move : 2D6

    If the gryph hound isn't there at all, they move normally, then charge, which is 4, then 2D6.

    The trick is to use him by putting him just in front of ennemy units (not hard with a 9" move + run), not like 7-8" away of them.  I never recommended to be a complete idiot and just run blindly toward the ennemy for giving him a free move. Of course, it need to be skillfull and use it at the right moment against the right ennemy (it doesn't work against flying or VERY fast units) but that's how victory come.

    Use it in your next game so you'll be able to see how it works. Well used it's very useful. 

    Anyway, between you who say it doesn't work at all and the other who think it's pure cheese, i don't even know why i'm bother trying to help people...

  4. 47 minutes ago, Requizen said:

    But also, Lightning Storm has been so good in many of my games - hitting a monster or big unit with -1 to hit slows things down so much that it's not even funny. And occasionally hitting an Evocator unit with Healing Storm to keep it from death for another turn is huge, way bigger than the Hound imo. 

    Back then when the relictor was 80 pts, i played 4 of them with lightning chariot. For 320 pts (10 judicators) those 4D3 mortal wounds and -1 to hit were absolutely absurd. I could make two ennemy units completely irrelevant, and it was ridiculously cost effective

  5. A lon

    8 hours ago, Mark Williams said:

    On the topic of a gryph hound stopping a unit for a turn, I see nothing wrong with it, but further to this, I don't even see that it would work like your saying except in the form of deep striking. Whenever I've had small units on the field and I'm going up against a large unit that's assaulting me, they typically assault straight past me, touching my few models with however many they feel is necessary to kill that model while still taking the fight on past it. If anything that lone gryph hound will actually help opponents engage with you faster, while doing nothing to provide any sort of attack strength in the process.

    In your hypothetical scenario, 40 skeletons will charge the gryph hound, and the majority of them will flow right on past him into the units behind him, and behave exactly like your imagined "wade past the lone guy".

    There's nothing a single model can do to stop an opponent from leap frogging past it and going for another model behind it. And in fact, the charge rules are quite a bit more favorable to the opponent with the large unit than the one with the small unit. Gryph hounds have poor saves and generally will just die in a puff of smoke the first time they engage anything. They aren't good units, and you're talking about them like they break the game or something. If I saw my opponent stick a gryph hound out in front of his army expecting that to slow me down or protect his army in any way, shape, or form, I'd probably just laugh.  Single gryph hounds aren't "screens" - they don't have a big enough footprint for that, and I'd argue that the larger packs are some of the worst models in our arsenal that you could use as a screen, in general. They are very expensive, and have pretty low survive ability unless they go first, and that's only because they can retreat, which won't win you any objectives.

    They are a nuissance/harrassment unit AT BEST. Stop trying to make out like they are some form of cheese. I don't even know where you're getting that idea.


    A lone gryph-hound won't completely stop a unit, but preventing it to move past it in the movement phase make the charge harder to reach the units behind. if the ennemy's 40 skellies are 3" away of your gryph hound and 9" of your others behind units at the start of his move phase, it will be harder for him to reach those units than if the gryph-hound wasn't there, because he can't simply move toward you (since he can't use his normal move and going toward you without being at less than 3").

    It's far from cheese, but i used it enough to know it can work outside of simple theory. Even if it work only one time, it's ok, it's a free model.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Nos said:

    I understand how it works, as I stated above.

    But the idea of one dude/less than gigantic creature somehow stopping a regiment without the aid of magical assistance is ludicrous. I'm supposed to believe that 50+ of something are honestly going to prevaricate over how to get past one guy rather than just running him over?

    It's a game, not a balanced simulation of warfare. Why the archers would be able to fire at a monster wrecking them ? Why aren't the boat immune to melee attacks ? Why does a 20-tons mawkrusha can't smash trough a sylvaneth forest and go where he want ? How the hell a stardrake can eat a kurnoth hunter ?  Why does the stormcast teleport religiously far away from their opponent ?

    For the same reason that a handful of models can halt the advance of bigger regiments. It doesn't make sense but we shouldn't care. Plus, every model represent many more soldiers "in reality", and history is full of big armies being bog down by much smaller band of soldiers.

    This being "realistic" or whatever is absolutely not important or even meaningful here anyway.

    And i don't say it stop people from taking hordes, it just give a flaw to those to not make the decision of spamming hordes a no-brainer. 

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Nos said:

    I did the Block a unit thing with it once but never again.  The idea that a single dog bird can block advancing mass of 80 skeletons etc is clearly an unintended accident of the rules.

    Dont get me wrong it’s in the rules and everything and anything goes in tournaments  but in the context of friendly matched play it’s utter cheese.

    That's how the interdiction area of 3" work. It make lone characters and small units very good to block massive units, and make massive units less mobile and more vulnerable to that sort of manoeuvers. It's the entire purpose of skirmishing units like skinks, freeguild's archers or aertherwing. If your opponent bring ton of big blocks of unit but don't have any plan against those 5/10 models units, then he messed up

  8. 3 hours ago, Marzillius said:

    I've been thinking about something I've been unsure about. What do you people usually do with the free Gryph-Hound you get when you take a Lord-Castellant? I've not found ways to make it useful yet.

    area denial : asingle 40mm base create a area of interdiction of 8" your opponent can't cross except if he fly or charge.  

    Just run 3" in front og a big blob and look it having to take the other way around because of your single gryph-hound. If he charge your gryph hound, he will have to attack it first. If he doesnt.. the gryph-hound can attack, retreat in front of the ennemy unit but outside its reach. Rince and repeat.

    Or charge the edge of a blob while another big unit charge somewhere else, making pile-in more difficult.  It make another very big area denial against deepstrike. Very cool in games where you don't have to "waste" a unit staying behind to prevent deepstrike in your a**.

    In low-points game, he is very useful for his big move+charge+move after attack. He can quickly flank the ennemy army, and your opponent may not always have enough units to use one to chase your gryph hound. And if he dedicate one to this, it's still a whole unit who had to go in the outsides of the board to chase a free model. If your opponent don't chase the gryph hound, he can grab or contest an objective. His single base also mean that few models can attack him, so his survival is better than it look.

    And, of course, near a gunline, he can scare some deepstrikes.

    Of course, against shooting, he is usually shot off before doing anything good. But against full melee army, he can be a real pain.

    I ended up 5th of a 1000 pts tournament with a weak list (no sacrosanct, only liberators, protectors, a castellant and a veritant) thanks only to the two gryph hound who are an enormous pain to deal with.

    • Like 5
  9. i would prefer they simply delete the +1 attack + immun battleshock from him and slap +1 attack to every khorne model. And give him new abilities

    Wouldn't change anything (except making us not auto-ignore a very interesting mechanic of AOS) power-wise for khorne, but would answer to the problem that the entire army is entirely reliant on a single model

    because let be honest, without the +1 attack, the khorne models are absolutely pitiful

    • Like 2
  10. one cool thing in the lore is that khorne directly interverne when a battle take his attention

    A cool thing would be that those endless spells/whatever are automatically cast when you reach or use a certain amount of blood tithe points. Like one every 3 points, so, as the slaughter grow, khorne influence grow as well.

    Only downside is that it would force us to buy those models

    • Like 2
  11. On 2/4/2019 at 4:46 PM, Beliman said:

    Doesn't matter how many you can take, not enough dakka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    New rumours: After Sylvaneth and KO warbands for Warhammer Underworlds, it could be a new box with both armies and 2.0 battletomes (like Carrion Empire box). Like I said, it's just a rumour....

    ALL ABOARD THE HYPE SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    a dual box with one army based on shooting and the other based around woods that prevent shooting ? would be a fun, but terrible idea

  12. 8 hours ago, THUNDERFISTS said:

    I'm going to disagree, but here is my reasoning. One unit gets all the buffs - Bloodstoker and Slaughterpriest specifically. Their own cute bonus for killing models depends on the number of models in the unit at the time, so if they start dying that "paywall" diminishes anyway.  Their main damage output is in MWs as far as I can see, getting it on 5's and 6's with Killing Frenzy. They will reroll all wound rolls of 1 with that Bloodstoker prodding too (all 10 vs one unit of 5, increasing their efficiency). 

    All eggs in one basket seems pretty on par with a lot of what I've seen on the internet, and we know the internet is always right. One big killy unit/monster that gets all the buffs and goes roughshod over an army. Is that an incorrect perception? 

    They do only have a 1" range which I see as a minor downside, but I can still move them in a rough line or zig zagged so their pile-in brings everyone in, right? No one has to run 5x2 lines. My inexperience shows now, but I think that's viable enough. Plus when any tertiary models die, they still get to deal some MWs for funsies.

    The only real benefit I'm seeing from splitting the unit is an extra Blood Tithe point when they die. I contend that they'll generate more BT points by killing more units together than as separate units. Eh?

    The thing is, those big units having all the buffs have advantages that the skullreapers don't have, usually being fast (including cavalry or flyers  like dracoths, enlightened, grimghast reapers, super fast witch aelves... ), having a good range on their attacks combined with a smaller base ( grimghast reapers, evocators with their 2" range and their mortal wounds with 3" range, skellies...) meaning they call easily all strike (while the skullreapers, with 40mm base and 1" range, can't strike) or a good mobility (run+charge, retreat+charge, deepstrike...) or a extremely good resilience making them able to tank everything (20 sequitors with castellant lantern, big blocks of dryads...)

    if you put your skullreapers in one big line, they loose mobility and are very easy to block with one guy on their flank. Their enormous base also mean more ennemies can attack them with more ease, and while not fragile, they are definitely not sturdy and don't want to expose themselves. They can't all attack efficiently.

    Plus they won't be able to be everywhere at once, and it make easier for your opponent to figure where is the danger. It's easier to manage a big 10-man units than two 5-man unit.

    5 skullreapers will usually have all their bonuses in one activation. 10 skullreapers will have a harder time to reach their very precious trial of skulls.

    It's the same for the fleshounds, who are better in units of 5 than 10 (two unbinds are as good as one unbind with +1, even more since they loose their bonus after the first death) because blood tithe + fast objective grabbers.

    I include skullreapers in all my list (from 10 to 15) since 2 years and units of 10 never achieved as much as 2x5 guys (you even loose one mutation !)

    Plus having one unit receiving all the buffs also mean a single debuff will wreck all your damage potential.

    And your more important buff, the +1 to hit, won't always suceed. NEVER count on your slaughterpriest doing his job outside of a gore pilgrim. I actually prefer a single aspiring deathbringer, who can even buff the two units with his CA (while slaughterpriest is limited to one), which CAN'T miss (while the priest suceed on a 4+), and combined with the bloodsecrator, such a ungodly amount of attacks (5 per guy !) will easily reach results as good if not better than the +1 to hit (which fail off 50% of the time)

    Of course, just my personnal opinion

    • Like 3
  13. On 2/4/2019 at 3:47 PM, THUNDERFISTS said:


    I'm thinking about attending a local 1000pt beginner's tournament with the following list. I haven't played any games with the Blades as of yet so I want to make sure I'm not missing anything crucial or messed up the list somehow. Let me know what you think!



    Slaughterpriest - Bloodbathed Axe, Killing Frenzy (best?)


    Bloodreavers x10 - Banner, Horn, Meatripper axes

    Bloodreavers x10 - Banner, Horn, Meatripper axes

    Fleshhounds x10


    Skullreapers x10 - Daemonblades


    It looks fairly vicious to me, but I don't have the experience to really know for sure. What's I'm very unsure of is who should be the general and what artifact to take; Bloodsecrator, or Slaughterpriest? Crimson Plate sounds good, but then I should also probably take Bronzed Flesh on the SP?

    I have a pretty big summoning pool built up too, so that's nice. 

    Put the skullreapers in units of 5. A unit of 10 mean all your threats are in the same bag, and don't combo well with their abilities asking them to kill more models than they are.

    Plus 10 big base mean that half of your unit won't strike. Meh.

  14. 15 hours ago, Skavelynn said:

    What are your predictions for warscroll and points changes? I have a feeling clanrats, stormvermin, giant rats, etc. will have their to hit/wound bonuses for unit sizes removed or nerfed in exchange for the new allegiance ability. Sounds like Skaven heroes are getting some big changes with these new keywords and abilities too.

    Stormfiends and Verminlords will likely receive changes to make them all fairly balanced instead of just a couple of the weapons/verminlords being good with the rest being situational or bad. I'm hoping Stormvermin and Hell Pit Abominations get points reductions

    I can see the flamethrower or other "free MW" habilities being toned down. Like making the flamethrower  being 6/7 attacks with auto hit, 2+ to wound and rend -3 damage 1. So nearly as powerful as before, but not "here i roll my dice and destroy everything or do nothing" like before, making it very frustrating either for the skaven (when you roll 1/2) or the opponent (when you roll 5/6)

  15. 9 hours ago, Roark said:

    lol I was partway through painting my Cancon army with 60 of 'em when W&R came out. My whole army strategy was nuked.

    I'm optimistic for a points reduction though, perhaps foolishly.

    To be honest, everyone saw this change coming ahead. When old and new armies have 6+ abilities coming to unmodified 6 and you know a box with khorne deamons is coming, it was 99% sure it would hit the bloodletters too, ESPECIALLY since they are one of the main, if not THE main reason of this change

  16. 16 hours ago, schwabbele said:

    20er Sequitor Blob with Heraldor scioned in , or how I like to call it: The art of not having fun while playing aos for all people involved :D

    We can always go further

    Hammer of Sigmar

    - Lord Arcanum (general, 180 pts)

    - Lord Castellant ( 100)

    - Lord Castellant ( 100)

    - 20 sequitors (400)

    - 20 sequitors (400)

    - 20 sequitors (400)

    - 20 sequitors (400)

     Total : 1980 pts

    Now, THIS is a list i can get behind. 160 wounds of sequitors (80 with a 3+) can be a nightmare to remove, and they hit freakingly hard. The baseline bravery 8 prevent the mindrazor of the DoK to go to dmg 2 and help a lot against bravery based armies. Plus any destroyed unit will come back on a 5+

    • Haha 1
  17. On 1/14/2019 at 10:29 PM, Nos said:

    One LA to make them legal  with Azyrite Halo and 3 Incantors with the same. On an 6 to save each unit now doing a MW and also healing one of their own with Castellant buff. 3 auto dispels and 4 dispels a turn. Makes up 3000 points.

    The Nope Battalion.

    I may be wrong, but azyrite halo, like every spell, can only be cast once per turn.

  18. 28 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    I can see Tauralons being good at 1000pt, especially Aventis since he heals every turn. Maybe even 1500.

    My experience has been that they are just too fragile at 2000+, even with the 6+ ignore from the mount trait and Staunch/Hammers defensive bonuses.

    His resilience is quite in line with other 300+ pts monsters, with the advantage of not having a degrading profile. I run mine with the gryph feather charm and as a general with staunch defenders, and a 2+/6++ with -1 to hit mean my opponent will have to work a bit too kill him.

  19. 8 hours ago, PUFNSTUF said:

    With more to come since we know they will get the other chambers.


    edit: Has anyone made the Taurelalon work? I could see one giving evos on dracolines the plus 2 run command ability with a heraldor having a long reach.

    I played aventis firestrike several time in a 1000 pts game and he is 100% awesome.

    I'm currently playing a jack of all trade 2000 pts list with the tauralon, 3x10 sequitors, 2x5 evocators, 4 balista and ordinator and it's doing well so far. Good frontline, and 4 balista with +2 to hit basically annihilate one if not two units per turn with the rapid fire. The Tauralon make the army faster (don't really need to teleport on objectives with the +2 to run), he it reasonnably hard, is resilient enough to hold several units if buffed, and being a caster make him very valuable on some objectives games, because he can be annoying to remove.

  20. 1 hour ago, Luzgurbel said:

    Do people really believe GW will remake the older battletomes? I don't think so. IJ, Fyreslayers, Seraphon and more have their rules and objects in the General's Handbook every year. 


    I don't believe they will remake those battletomes instead of creating news for those armies which don't have one (Slaves, Free peoples, Slaanesh...) or invent a new army.

    I'm convinced Fyreslayer will come very soon, early 2019

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