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Everything posted by Carnelian

  1. Yes exactly! Haha didn't see these. I don't have any orruks or ogors at the moment, do you think any orruk heads would suffice for the frost lord?
  2. Do you think you could replace the frost lord on Stonehorns head with an orruk head and paint him green and it would look just like a fat orruk?
  3. Really great terrain! I think it would look even more amazing on a printed battlematt or something similar rather than the plain green.
  4. Hmm that's a cool model but my friend already has it! Was hoping for something brand new...
  5. Oh okay that's great news. Thanks guys! So Stormcast, seraphon, stormcast Extremis, fyreslayers, flesheaters court, bloodbound and Ironjawz are all going to get updated rules to bring them in line with current Battletomes? (Did I miss any?) That's really cool news if so. I love the new flexible games workshop.
  6. Wow where did these come from? Did I miss them further up? Sounds very exciting. I hope there are some new models for the Steamheads. What sort of thing would a new allegiance book be?
  7. Yes it was the tokens and map I was wanting!
  8. I really hope they make a campaign pack like that for general release. Seems like a no brainer
  9. I love the idea of cheap starters, just be good fun to paint a few random units like that on the cheap. Was really liking the Allarielle on giant beetle idea so I hope there is still a beetle model. I wonder if the beetle is still part of the same model or is an entirely separate kitchen? (Edit: I mean kit)
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