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Everything posted by Carnelian

  1. I think these Eldar do definitely look more "AOS" than previous Eldar but they look fantastic and will make for great converstions. I really like the one with the puppy.
  2. The quality of the current releases is so high that I say bring on Grot Scutterlings ! I'm sure they'll be amazing
  3. Try telling that to all those fyreslayers, goregruntas, varanguard, etc etc
  4. If it comes with an exodite I will loose my mind
  5. Haha I am so torn over limited dice! I totally don't need them and honestly my money is better spent elsewhere but DAMN THEY ARE COOL
  6. Guys this is the rumours thread not the financial thread
  7. I heard it was the end of an Ironjawz mega crossbow... Hur hur hur
  8. Although that all makes sense, the picture above doesn't really have an AoS vibe and I hope they end up looking dramatically different from the artwork!
  9. That looks so good but how are the other models around it going to fit in the squares?
  10. themed selection Each player is only allowed to bring models of a certain type: E.G. one player must have only models that fit the fluff of a fast moving scout force whilst the other must have only models that are suitable for the end of anext artillery train that has been caught by surprise
  11. This is brilliant news. I'm definitely picking the up just to read!
  12. To confuddle mattees, time can move at different speeds in different (parts of the) realms.
  13. This is not a response to anyone in particular but I don't think we should necessarily be thinking all battletomes in the future will be as expansive as Disciples of Tzeentch. I hope we still get faction specific battletomes to accompany the smaller ones.
  14. They did describe it as a human fire mage (or something similar) but from their tone erc I still feel it is a duardin!
  15. It definitely looks like a duardin face to me. Plus he's much lower down in the picture which suggests he's pretty short. This is aos after all - maybe duardin will have wizards?
  16. Would be great if they tweaked his warscroll to make him more useful
  17. Didn't realise amazon owned twitch. if that's the case might as well go the prime route if you are gonna subscribe at all.
  18. I don't mean to be a dingus (although I probably am) but I just wanted to comment that there are reasons to sign uo with twitch directly and to avoid using Amazon because of their extreme tax avoidance practices. I won't go on about it as I certainly don't want to take away revenue for tga (buy scenery dice instead!) but you can read more about it here if you are interested: http://www.ethicalconsumer.org/commentanalysis/corporatewatch/isittimetoboycottamazon.aspx
  19. @ElectricPaladin: This guy is pointing at you! better watch out!
  20. Honestly I'm struggling to make sense of that picture. if it's just a single model then it's really really tall! No sure it matters much but the white background and single model focus would set it apart from all prior white dwarf releases. Are we sure it's not just an official random mockup to promote the new language?
  21. Yeah it's strange they didn't mix between systems more - they definitely enough material
  22. I would like to see active points changes following tournaments. for example they recently revealed the top 5 lists from Blood and Glory. the would be great if they said hey, we've seen many many people taking X (warscrolls/battalions) and we've noticed that it's super powerful so we have added a little bit of points to it so it's just a wee bit harder to squeeze in to 2000 points. Let's see if that makes a difference at the next tournament!
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