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Everything posted by Carnelian

  1. I think we all get it but we're just trying to rise above it... (which I've now failed! 😂)
  2. This is a great frickin idea. Only the faithful!
  3. I checked on my phone and the Khul novel seems to be £9.99 still! Hurrah!
  4. This is perfectly sensible and correct and yet... I look at the community site on my phone and because my phone is not as big as a magazine, I don't get the full glory of the new releases. Also I love seeing pictures of the new models, and picking out cool things about them I wouldn't othersize see or understand. For example I spent ages looking at the ork 40k vehicles thinking how I might convert them for necromunda. I wouldn't come across them so much normally as I'm not really into orks or 40k vehicles. I will miss the new releases section a lot.
  5. Hope that doesn't also apply in uk £9.99 for ebooks is already out of line with other non gw ebooks!
  6. I'm kindof holding out for an entire new range of Wanderers at some point as their own faction. Remember when they did the last chance to buy off the metal waywatchers. Think I remember someone commenting they'd soldvery well indeed. Imagine Kurnothian Aelves riding forest beasts
  7. The new white dwarf finally has a close up of the Slaanesh harpist - even if it's in part of an advert for the paint app! 🤣😂
  8. Even just gluing a penny the under base works - and cheap, simple and convenient
  9. There is no chance that you would not be able to field the unit straight out the box - they are new types of fanatics so they will definitely have new rules. Maybe you field them in units of 1,or 5, or units of 1 to 5, but the old rules will deffo have changed.
  10. WD is only almost pointless for news and teasers - but it's still full of great content for anyone who loves the hobby! I've been reading through November's edition over the last few days (I had a busy November) and it's jam packed with great articles.
  11. I don't think I'm overreaching or talking out of turn when I say that literally everyone I know in the entire world loves grots and are clamoring for multiple grot battletomes!
  12. Gotta be a space wolf right? I see an axe and a wolf's head!
  13. Well it sure makes the movies a lot of money so they might be on to something here
  14. I've read novella 7 and 8 and let me tell you they are bloody brilliant and you'll have a great Christmas! The age of sigmar short stories are absolutely brilliant at the moment.
  15. So we are agreed - Malign Portents was a great campaign (and not a 'let down' as you described it previously) but it's a bit of a missed opportunity that they haven't produced a physical copy collecting the Malign Portents so stories and art together to formally celebrate what a great campaign will it was (which would indeed have been sweet if they had done this)
  16. But didn't Malign Portents lead up to the necroquake... Which kickstarted aos 2.0 and created the AoS world that there is now, with endless magic roaming around? Thsts how I remember it now at least! I'm pretty certain the last Malign Portents story was the rats invading the pyramid which was literally followed on by Soul Wars. I don't see how a new edition with a new rulebook, a new story book and the start of endless spells models and the endless spells book could be seen as a let down? The only criticism I can see is that the more recent story books haven't followed on directly from Malign Portents/Soul Wars but that's because there's a million different stories to tell throughout the realms - I'm sure there will be a follow up to Soul Wars at some point.
  17. Thanks for this I've been trying to work out if sacrosanct is worth getting. How annoying.
  18. The models were shown on warhammer community at the blood and glory preview. Also John Roy, you are sooooo wrong about the Slaanesh fiends! They're amazing! Another great episode leading to ridiculous public transport interactions!
  19. Chatting with someone who seems to be in with the right crowd but time will tell whether that means much
  20. Mark my words: a new Ironjawz battletome will come with new Ironjawz models
  21. Everchosen plus Darkoath = take all my money
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