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Everything posted by Carnelian

  1. I disagree. If it's like Necromunda they can keep expanding the world and easily add in say, Sigmar's Holy Orders of Knights and Priests on crusade/jihads...or bands of gobbos or orruks bent on destruction of the allpoints etc. I would expect them to be unique though and not part of existing factions
  2. Sidebar: I'm surprised people are surprised about necromunda still being supported. I'd heard it was selling very well and there is a thriving scene in London.
  3. If they're customisable like necromunda models that would be amazing. (actually I'd prefer if they were a little bit less customisable than necromunda!) 🤣those models are ridiculous
  4. Said with literally NO CLUE about ANY of the game play/rules design choices Do you really not agree that the skirmish stuff we've seen fom GW in recent years are good quality games? I.E. Underworlds, Necromunda reboot and Kill Team? Imo these games are a all great.
  5. I'm totally in. I think it's a great idea to start small and focused on the chaos warbands. Really digging into them will give so much character and flesh to the world, like in necromunda. This is how legends are made!
  6. I would love it if the duardin rode worms that were basically identical to earth worms and were movement 3
  7. From listening to the Stormcasts and reading between the line, I don't think Warcry will be the Nu-Mordheim I was hoping for but instead something completely fresh and new (both rules-wise and lore-wise)
  8. I think that even in Firestorm the Agloraxi were an ancient, long-dead civilisation
  9. What a chump! Bet he's regretting that decision now
  10. I really hope the gryph hound is a playable character 🤣🤣🤣
  11. I'm not sure toxicity of the sort we saw can ever be justified or necessary in what is a game/hobby. Anyway we are getting completely off topic here - back to rumours everyone! (not that I have any sadly)
  12. Just to clarify, although the terrain, spells and book can be produced overseas, that's still a lot of designing/rules testing/writing for gw to do!
  13. I think for the first time I understand just how restrictive the old world setting was
  14. This sounds like a completely separate rule set that uses the same models, but which would leave a place for skirmish still
  15. I accidentally double posted so here is some close-up screenshots of the characters from the images. A lot look knightly to me, so I thought perhaps they will be order models, but given the setting its equally possible to be just loads of different human factions that have heard the call of Archaon. The there's definitely Darkoath in there. Looking at them, my guess is a starter box with a knightly faction and a darkoath faction.
  16. Here's some other pictures no one seems to be talking about from that trailer: I'm not sure it they are just random flavour art or are actually indicative of what's to come but it's fun to speculate
  17. These look like order haloes to me. I'm so excited for warcry I'm legitimately about to wet myself even though I barely know what it is
  18. The images from the trailer suggest there will be order forces as well as chaos
  19. In Oz the preview takes place at eleventy twelve, last June, about afternoon snack time. Either that or my astrological chronander is horribly behind. I never should have trusted that weezily blue-skinned monk outside the gates of Excelsis who sold it to me but he gave me SUCH a good deal...
  20. Best of both worlds: release funky new specific factions and if they sell well, continue to add models to their range and if not, at some point in the future (e.g. Aos 3) subsume them into a wider faction
  21. It's way WAY too early to start worrying about imbalance. Literally all you've seen is a good spell. There are tons of good spells throughout the existing battletomes and warscrolls. This is no different.
  22. This this this this. New GW is great but Black Library have not caught up. Their website is messy and they keep releasing books in multiple formats that don't go together. I don't want to be punished for having bought the short stories individually!
  23. I think I can help out if you think that post didn't have argument or engage with your post: It contains an argument by analogy by pointing out that what you are saying superhumans in aos could largely be applied to the 40k world and yet the 40k world has a rich and vibrant human faction. Therefore the argument goes that what you have pointed out about superhumans does not necessarily lead to what you are saying about a human faction. You you might not agree with that but you've accused the poster of an absence of argument or engagement. Either you didn't see the argument he was making or you are being disingenuous.
  24. I think I can help out if you think that post didn't have argument or engage with your post: It contains an argument by analogy by pointing out that what you are saying superhumans in aos could largely be applied to the 40k world and yet the 40k world has a rich and vibrant human faction. Therefore the argument goes that what you have pointed out about superhumans does not necessarily lead to what you are saying about a human faction. You you might not agree with that but you've accused the poster of an absence of argument or engagement. Either you didn't see the argument he was making or you are being disingenuous.
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