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Posts posted by DrDemento

  1. 23 minutes ago, Imperial said:

    Just downloaded 31 warscroll from new book. Nice boost! Congratulation to everyone!


    I only found 24!   The six spiders, four endless spells, terrrain, three squigs, two fanatics, two grots, warbosses on squiq and with squig, new loonking, fungoid and madcap shamans, fellwaters.   That's all the dowloadable scrolls I could find.  If you count the pics in the community and on the battletome, you get the loonboss on manglers, trollboss, mollog, and rockguts for 28.    What am I missing???!!!

  2. 9 hours ago, Ekrund Oath Splitters said:

    + Also fellwater have 4 attacks 3+ 3+ -1 damage 2 vs the rockguts 2 attacks 3+ 3+ -2 damage 3, so potentially the fellwater trolls can kill more models.

    My first thought seeing the Rockgut scroll was cheaper troll option!  But looking closer, I'm not so sure they'll be cheaper, in which case the Fellwaters seem a bit safer.   Two attacks for Rockguts is my biggest concern...I'd want a unit of 6 to get the 12 attack rolls that the 3 Fellwaters would have to not be so vulnerable to a bad rolls.  The auto-hit rock throwing MWs sounds amazing though!  

    • Haha 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Malakree said:

    Personal call. If you are going for a spiderfang based army and want to run scuttliings they make perfect stabbas. Just make sure you convert an icon/banner bearer etc.

    Was talking with friend about shoota's vs. stabbas for scuttling stand-ins.  Not sure shields will work with the models (or which shields), and they seem mandatory for stabbas. 

    Also, horde of shootas for home turf objective holding (and maybe later game teleporting) might complement spiderfang melee and speed and bit more than stabbas. 

  4. Saying a lot of the same things, but I’ll post my thoughts anyway.

    I am both disappointed and understanding, in addition to exuberance over this gloomspite release – I really didn’t expect so much love for the troggoths!!!  

    I don’t like the prospect of all our old models becoming “obsolete” in the matched play rules and points, although in practice that is irrelevant for me as my group just plays at home so we can do whatever we want.  We also all have contemporary armies that we love collecting and painting and would take to a tournament if we ever made that leap. 

    Ultimately, most of us want more and hopefully better stuff to collect, model, paint and play with, rather than more of the same.

    Also, the plastic gitmob and wolfrider models are not great and don’t stand up in the new aesthetic. By contrast, Dispossessed elites fit the new aesthetic and I think have enough of a dedicated base to warrant some new models (cogforts) and a tome.

    I love the mechanical elements of the grot warmachines and snotling pumpwagons, even chariots, and would love to see something to retain them.  That said, AoS seems to be moving away from the archaic technology, taking dwarves as an example, and artillery in general.  Not optimistic.

    Free Cities for Destruction?  Maybe not cities but roving warbands organized into waaaghs and perhaps forts out in the wilds.  Greenskinz and gitmob (or at least the artillery) and snotlings could be folded into a sort of destruction free cities style GHB allegiance update, with some narrative support.  Not optimistic though.  IP issues, etc. others noted. Maybe Gutbusters folded in too or just in parallel but better to just give them a GHB allegiance, if not a bundled ogor tome along gloomspite and LoN lines. 

    There is something appealing about simpler rules of the older, non-battletome armies. More accessible for new players or people who were attracted to the simplicity of AoS 1.0 and for whom the newer tomes could feel overwhelming or just more complicated than they prefer. 

    It would be awesome if White Dwarf keeps publishing rules for AoS like the Delaque book for Necromunda. 

  5. 11 hours ago, Bolgan said:

    So, I'm curious if anyone has seen or tried this before, and how well it worked out...

    The idea is to run an Order army with Living City allegiance built around the grudgebound war throng. Here's the list at 2000 pts:

    1 Warden King

    1 Runelord

    1 Unforged

    4x10 Warriors

    10 Hammerers

    30 Ironbreakers

    20 Irondrakes

    1 Treelord Ancient

    The battalion gives all the bonuses of dispossessed allegiance (except for pickaxe). From my understanding of the living city allegiance I could deploy in just 2 drops and leave most of my army in reserve. Then I could summon wildwoods and deploy ironbreakers, drakes etc. on objectives / at the board edges. What do you think? What could go wrong?

    I’ve comsidered something like this, when my friend’s new sylvaneth are ready, but haven’t looked closely.   If the Treelord gets taken out, can you still deploy at least from table edges?

  6. 50 minutes ago, Dammaz said:

    For the Runelords, the matter is that if I choose to pickaxe the warden king, I loose his Grudge for one turn, and that's a sad thing.

    Since you’re also taking an Unforged, he’s a great option for the pickaxe but I think you can’t take two artefacts on one hero?  So, yes, a hard decision on that.

  7. 37 minutes ago, Furuzzolo said:

    I was thinking if I swap out one Cannon for an Organ gun, it alliws me to either run an extra Organ gun for three artillery pieces, or run two pieces and put the Longbeards at 20. Perhaps also swap out a Runelord for another Hero?

    I’d say if you are taking cannons and/or organ guns then take a Cogsmith for sure, and maybe also a Lord Ordinator with emphasis on maybe.

    Also, consensus seems to be that you have to take the Ancestral Pickaxe to have mobility to grab an objective, and it’s also a big strategic threat your opponent has to deal with.  I agree and it’s also super fun to pop up with drakes or 30 quarrelers and likely erase a unit.

    A lot of folks, including me, really love a unit of 30 quarrelers in addition to the 20 irondrakes.  

    Even though the “meta” seems to have shifted away from missile, Dispossessed need the threat ranges from missiles and pickaxe to compensate for lack of mobility that all the newer armies have.

    Also, as much as I love cannons and organ guns, they are very easy to kill with spells or missile - essentially 3 wounds each.  Placement at their maximum range is essential and even that isn’t always enough.

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  8. 2 hours ago, pforson said:

    Anyone? Anyone?

    I love all the dwarf modded stand ins!  I'm always concerned about elite units (breakers and hurricanum) in smaller points games and being able to cover/threaten objectives and enemy units,  but playing on 4x4 as you said, mitigates the issue to some degree.  Also not sure Greywater Fastness will play out well at low points with your two or three warmachines (6+ to get extra shot, and I'm still not clear if you roll once for each war machine or one roll per turn).  Certainly sounds like a fun list to try.  

    Also, as @Ironbreaker has been experiencing, "advancing slowly up the board" does not play out well in AoS.   Therefore, I like the Tempest Eye list for flexibility, and maybe even tradeout some of the ironbreakers for a ballista or two.  


    • Like 1
  9. 17 hours ago, Ironbreaker said:

    I am thinking of starting Legions of Nagash just so I can be competitive in the meta.

    ? I’ve done the same.  And that’s the warhammer way and GW’s sales model, which we might complain about but also love.  Have two or three armies that you can cycle through as meta shifts, and keep your hobby side going.  My moonclan are getting ready to get back on the table, and still painting up undead.

    Anyway, I’ve learned a lot playing dispossessed because they are a so challenging.  Number one is measure measure measure!!!  Opponents threat ranges, my threat ranges.  

    Your drakes should never have been in a position to get shot with spells or anything before they get their pickaxe alpha shot.  Put those damn breakers in with them as counts as.  Deploy them way in your back field, behind one of those annoying buildings.  Turn one take off table, turn two pop them out and blast the verminlord (or whatever lynchpin unit he brings next time) and try to charge if you need to finish him off.

    This is no longer a game of lining up your blocks of troops and marching towards your mutual destruction and seeing who manages to win the attrition odds battle.

    Also, as much as I love them, I can’t recommend artillery because it is so easy to kills the crew, but the tips are right in terms of keeping them as far back as possible and boosting with engineers and ordinator.

    Who and how is terrain setting up?Sounds problematic...

    A few final thoughts if you really don’t want to count the breakers as drakes.  Try a 1500 pt game and bring your artillery x 2 with cogsmith and ordinator, and get the endless spell swords for your Incantor!!!.  You’ll need to play GA Order with Tempest Eye from Firestorm but the extra first turn 2” move (4” for your copter) and +1 save might suit your penchant for marching lines forward.

  10. 11 hours ago, Bolgan said:

    How about this list?

    Warden King


    Knight Incantor

    20 Warriors

    10 Longbeards

    20 Irondrakes (proxy 10 of them)




    11 hours ago, Bolgan said:


    17 hours ago, Ironbreaker said:

    The list I am playing are the only models I own besides a Knight Incantor, Lord Ordinator, Battle Mage, and a Cog Smith. I don't really have the money to be buying tons of models to experiment with.


    Yep, Knight Incantor is definitely the best choice given the models you have, and this is the list I would play too.  The knights auto unbind is a great disruptor (assuming he takes a caster), but the spirit flask mortal wounds for an epic defense of your duardin objective holding bodies should be great.  

    Maybe pickup a 20 pt endless spell (swords or shackles) for the incantor but the triumph is good too.  The swords against chaos are awesome - 12 x 5+ mortal wound shots.  If can’t borrow one to try out could model one up with some axe bits you might have. 

    And like @Kramer said, play the objectives. Killing the dragon and gargant will be daunting, take out his bodies to lower his chances of claiming objectives.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes!

  11. 19 hours ago, Ironbreaker said:

    How do I even play this army? 

    Allegiance: Dispossessed
    Warden King (120)
    - General
    - Trait: Resolute 
    Runelord (100)
    - Artefact: Ancestral Pickaxe 
    20 x Warriors (160)
    - Double-handed Duardin Axes & Shields
    10 x Longbeards (100)
    - Great Axes & Shields
    10 x Ironbreakers (140)
    10 x Irondrakes (180)
    Organ Gun (120)
    - Allies
    Gyrobombers (80)
    - Allies

    Total: 1000 / 1000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 200 / 200
    Wounds: 69

    I think we all feel you on this!  I’ve been in the same situation, many times, still haven’t pulled off a win in a while but getting closer.  1,000 points is hard and there’s a lot of bad matchups and there’s not much room for error, but I feel it is possible, and maybe try to set expectations as underdog for yourself and if you pull off a win then it is all the sweeter.  

    Tip on focusing on objectives is right on. 

    Seeing what your opponent plays can help us with more tips.

    Since your opponent has won so many times, hopefully he’ll be cool with you picking a mission that gives you a better chance (a lot can vary by mission). Hopefully will also be cool with you doing some “counts as” mods to experiment with (see below).

    Knowing what other models you have available can help us with ideas too (discouraging to think about buying and painting a whole bunch of new stuff when already discouraged).  I’m suggesting some ideas below working with most the models in your current list:

    Reitrating what others have said:

    - drop the organ gun (I know, I have 3, so sad artillery rules for duardin and engineer are crappy currently- and hard at 1k anyway and without engineer). 

    - drakes need to be 20 models and pickaxed.  Put the iron breakers in with them as “counts as” for next game, or can confidently get 10 more drake models as they are super solid and will always want to use 20.

    - if opponent has a hoard unit, use bomber as a copter, otherwise drop it.  

    So, with your 80 or 160 points left, take 10 or 20 more warriors, assuming you have the models. I’d say make the current unit 30 models, and if you dropped the copter too then another unit of 10 or maybe boost the one unit to 40 (but then have 40 pts left unfortunately - I think at small points the second unit is more flexible to cover flank or hold objective). 

    If you don’t have more warriors (or any other units for more bodies and wounds), then I like the idea of Unforged/slayer against chaos too. Give him the pick axe to go with the drakes. Maybe he gets his 9” charge off, but also you don’t lose a round of Runelord’s buffing.  But at 100 points he doesn’t quite fit with the 80 points you have left if you keep the copter, and if you drop the copter then you have 160 to use but minus 100 for Unforged leaves you an awkward 60 pts left for command point and triumph (not sure if command point and triumph worth it at 1k pts but  if you don’t have any other models the command point would help with a reroll charge on the unforged so it makes sense).

    • Like 1
  12. 18 minutes ago, Bolgan said:

    I like the theme of dispossessed being the builders, but I'm not sure how setting up fortifications after deployment would fit thematically. I mean, even if the dwarves worked all night there wouldn't be enough time to build stone fortifications.

    Legion of Nagash setup gravesites before battle and Nurgle sets up one gnarlmaw tree before.  Not that stone fortifications would make sense but fences or trenches, and booby traps would.

    There is also rumor of Cogforts - fortifications on wheels.  

    In any case, anything that creates new models to sell and reboxing of current models would be win win for us and GW!

  13. These are all fun ideas.  In the meantime the best we can do is pickaxe quarrelers or drakes and ally a runesmtiter to also tunnel a magmadroth a behemoth, or 10 hearth guard for more pop up shooting, or 20 vulkites that have a decent  chance of charging with their reroll on single die.

  14. 54 minutes ago, erasercrumbs said:

    Are Thunderers with a full compliment of rifles instead of special weapons any good at all?  Rolling one die at a time to work the minor effects of said special weapons seems kinda fiddly.

    It’s about maximizing the khemist buff primarily, then range.  I like the fun of the special weapons stacking buffs but only maybe worth it with a unit of 10 and 2 each of the specials, and then even then it seems like the buffs go off half the time.

    • Like 2
  15. You like me, you really like me!   (oh, you'll read everyones post, everyone gets a prize!)

    So love your show, really makes me smile and laugh more than anything else these dark days.  I was listening on my earbuds and my son (7) says, "Daddy, why are you smiling so much and laughing?  What are you listening to?" then grabs an earbud and gets a listen just as you say "...****** hard" (seriously, impeccable timing) and then he says, "What does that mean daddy, ****** hard?"  " Nothing son, doesn't mean anything." Oh lord, thank goodness mom didn't hear him. 

    Anyway, problem with the measuring tools 3" side is that it is parallel to the 9" side so the disparity is rather distressing!  And when measuring for the 3" pile in the 9 inches always gets in the way.  

    I'm also rebasing my Phoenix Guard on 20mm bases so I can fit more and impress the wife!

    I'm pretty sure I drank a bottle of Jameson with your friend Will at a big 40k Apocalypse game out that way right when AoS came out. A dozen or so players and they all said he was the only one "crazy enough" to play AoS.  Tall, thin, long hair?  Likes Jameson.

    Oh, and you had it right with the trying not to be a nerd on the DJ tip.  I sold all of my warhammer stuff in 1993 (except for Spacehulk). Five boxes of so much stuff for $500 at a con, and bought a synthesizer to make techno music.  My best friend and gaming partner turned music partner really did become a superstar DJ (toured with Carl Cox and Orbital) and then gave it all up to play warhammer (okay, to have a life and not burn out, then got married, had and kid and then came the warhammer).  

    Anyway, thanks again guys! You Rock!

    • Like 1
  16. On 10/9/2018 at 4:57 AM, Kramer said:

    True, but thats why I especcialy would prefer the quarrellers. On a 6x4 table I rarely have problems setting them up (we play 1,5k so that does help) and I rarely set them up 9” away. That’s why the extra range is important. The tune lord is simply (one of) our cheapest hero that the second round will help you.

    (Unforged is also 100pts but because I tend to set the quarrellers  up slightly further away he won’t make an inpact unless my opponent  makes the choice to divert a bit of his army)

    so I force my opponent to wether multiple rounds of shooting (with -1 rend after the first) or divert a bit of their army. Add to that any and zone denying he diverts bits of his army to and I find it always forces him or her to make tough choices. 

    My one experiment with hammerers pick axing in was terrible. Those stupid 6” move ogors just moved away. ?

    I also love pickaxing shooters, 30 quarrelers or maybe 20 drakes.  It is the most fun aspect of a dispo allegiance and probably necessary to be anywhere close to “competitive.”  Yes, losing the runelord ability for a turn is disappointing but you get on  subsequent turns.  Also reason to take two runelords.

    I played two games recently with MSU warrior units (to make the battalion work for my models and in general for flexibility).  Ironjawz just obliterated the front line with their chain attacking (when kill a unit get to attack with another unit).  So, back to warrior horde and no battalion, which is marginally valuable anyway given the redundancy with the dispossessed allegiance abilities.

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, Ragnar Alpaca said:

    I would say probably the gyrobomber, it has +1 wound, only 2” slower, and can use the Grudge bombs more. The only reason the gyrocopter would ever be better was for securing objectives or dealing with hordes. For this reason I think both are good and both have their uses, it really depends on what your army composition is, what army you’re playing against, and the scenario.

    I would say if gyrocoptor with steam gun unless you know that you will not face any units with 20+ models.  If facing 10-model units (like 'elite' armies like Ironjaws, the steam gun is only going to get you 5 hits, 2.5 wounds, then saves, so say 1.25 wounds vs. 4+ save, making the bombs slightly better at d3 mortal so 1.5 on average.   But against a 20-model unit,  steam gun gets you 5 wounds before saves (so 2.5 in the end vs 4+ save), and you can still do one round of bombs.  I find it difficult to get a bombing run off before the copter gets destroyed anyway, so making multiple bombing runs isn't really part of the equation for me, but that could just be my poor skill at getting those copters to fly over enemies. 

    • Like 2
  18. Been waiting too long to post high praise for you guys!  Love, love, love your podcasts!  Perhaps even more salient because our garage gaming group are also 40-somethings in Los Angeles, half in entertainment.  Episode 6 Tzeentch commentary had us all rolling!  Every two weeks I start checking incessantly for your new podcast like a lab rat conditioned for whatever drug is put in the feeder.    

    Ways to make bit of cash besides Patreon or whatever?    Maybe shows recorded with gamers, interviews and more material from our gaming histories and making fun of us?   I'd pay for that, and make the two hour drive from the Westside (that's why I never make it to the stores you mention, plus kid, wife, and life).  We all got stories to make fun of.  Reasons for going in and out of hobby (tried to be not be a nerd for a few years, didn't stick).  2nd or 3rd Edition Vortex of Chaos!  I was a GW red shirt for a few months in '91 (before there were red shirts), met John Blanche at the store.  Oldschool Ren Faire has tons of great stories (OG Cosplay baby! Cool before it was cool!).  Maybe it'd go over like a Led Zeppelin though.   Maybe this suggestion is because I might never get interviewed on the Daily Show but Legends of the Painty Men would be sweet!

    I would buy one of the measuring tools but it would be so much better if the 2" side was 3"  - that's the main thing we always need to measure besides 9" and 1".  Am I missing something on 2" measurements (never seem to come up in play)?

    Anyway, thanks for the podcasts!   You guys rock!

    • Thanks 1
  19. On 8/21/2018 at 1:18 PM, Myzyrael said:

    Pickaxe seems like an interesting choice. Thought about 30 longbeards with unforged tunneling round 2 to a

    The pickaxe tunnel with shooters seems so good to me (and is great fun) that I have a hard time suggesting a melee unit....except maybe losing a round of shooting but if they were out of range anyway (common on turn 1) it may not be a loss.  Maybe I should consider a harder melee unit for the pickaxe too.

  20. Agreed on the Throng’s superior universal re-roll to hit!  I guess it’s all in line thematically - conditional rerolls become universal with the battalion, and I guess the conditional gives a second reroll when applicable (useful when rolling buckets of dice for 30 quarrelers!

    I think it was (is?) more of an issue of you’re deciding between Dispossessed allegiance and Order/Firestorm allegiance.  

  21. Summing up thoughts from this thread on the dispossessed allegiance and grudge bound war throng batallion l, versus a Free City Order allegiance, to make sure I’m not missing something.   

    Ancestral Pickaxe teleport seems to be main reason to take Dispossessed generally over an Order Free City. I love the teleport play with 30 quarrelers!

    War Throng batallion for a one or low drop army seems like other reason to take Dispossessed (plus command point), but the battalion abilities seem frustratingly redundant with the allegiance abilities so add only marginal value (more re-roll 1s). Since the battle shock abilities are the same, seems no added value there.  Oh, and an artefact for the Unforged. 

    Finally, am I understanding correctly that could take the war throng battalion in an Order Free City list?   Would give up the pickaxe teleport but could get broader army wide speed boosts with Tempest Eye, IIRC.

    Thanks for any insights or corrections!

  22. On 8/6/2018 at 11:17 PM, Lossen said:


    Im still not clear what to bring, atm im stuck on this list. have a upcoming tournament in sept. thinking of Barak-Urbaz as my skyport.

    this any good, u guys think?



    Aether-Khemist (160) - General

    Knight-Incantor (140


    I’m new to KO, playing doubles with my friend and wanting to understand their options better.  Spent half a day last weekend studying the ports and even generic options.  Urbaz looks great but really should have at least two khemists to maximize benefit from Urbaz abilities and keep it going when one gets killed.  Give one the aethershock cannon (a must) and the other the aethershock loupe for an unbind.  Allied wizard probably still a good call on a 2k list. 

    Nar with all the unbinding looks like might be another good alternative to alphastrike Zilfin or Mhornar.  We play against a lot of  Nurgle and Tzeentch  so I think Nar against those.  

    We also face a lot of destruction so thinking Urbaz against them.

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