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Everything posted by PlainOldGavin

  1. I know it’s a long shot, but I have the Khorne half of the old starter set and I’m looking for either the Stormcast or Nighthaunt from the new box. Let me know if you’re interested in trading.
  2. So I've been through a roller coaster ride since I started this blog. Firstly, my friends bought 40k "Start Collecting" boxes each with the intention of playing again, I followed suit, but the enthusiasm seems to have died as quickly as it sparked. Then I purchased a faulty primer spray from an LGS where I play Magic, which set me back a week and covered my kitchen in Chaos Black! Then after my SCE finally got primed, I painted a test model for Celestial Vindicators. By paint I mean I base coated and shaded the armour. I wasn't very happy with the model at all, a combination of a non-basic colour scheme and my lack of recent painting experience made for a bit of a messy first try. I wasn't looking for Golden Demon, but I wanted to feel happy with what I produced. Then I found the series on Warhammer TV of a step by step painting of the entire AoS starter set. I figured, what did I have to lose? Base coat another Liberator in gold and see where we go. One afternoon of full on hobbying later and I'm here. With 5 Liberator's base coated and washed and I couldn't be happier. Yeah, every man and his dog is going to have a gold SCE army, but who cares? This one is going to be mine. I know these pictures are really not anything to write home about but it made me happy to actually make some progress I'm satisfied with. Going to throw some Auric Armour Gold (as instructed by Duncan!) tomorrow and build up some of the other models from the set. Baby steps people, baby steps.
  3. A long, long time ago in a White Dwarf far far away, the hipster inside of me always wanted to paint an entire army of Glade Guard in a cherry blossom theme. These inclinations are urging me towards Sylvaneth, but to try and instil some good habits, I'm going to finish these Stormcast before I move away. Thanks for the reply, I didn't honestly expect anyone to even view this!
  4. I've always loved Warhammer and I've always preferred fantasy to 40k, I've just never owned an actual army. Been a long time lurker of forums and the Games Workshop website has always been on my bookmarks bar, so now is the time we go all in. I've got disposable income, no responsibilities and I really am just going to do this. I'm going to paint up some random bits and see where we get. I want an army to field at the end of all this that I'm happy with, whether that's Stormcast or something I pick up along the way naturally, we shall find out. For now, here's the Liberator's I have built over the past couple days from the starter set. Going to paint them in the Celestial Vindicators colours. Bring it on!
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