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Chris Tomlin

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Posts posted by Chris Tomlin

  1. Good morning all,

    I thought it was time I got a thread together to gather all my thoughts and progress on my Ironjawz army (perhaps branching into Destruction in a broader sense). I will be including modelling, painting, army lists, battle reports etc etc, I didn't want to do it as a separate blog or anything as I like the idea of keeping it within this Destruction sub forum (which for my money is the best part of the forum at the moment - some great chat, really enthusing me for this army). Hopefully @Ben and the Moderators are cool with this decision.

    As well as this thread, you will also be able to hear about my exploits on my podcast - The Black Sun. You can find all the most recent episode on this forum, or check out iTunes or www.theblacksun.co.uk - It's not family friendly like most of the other podcasts out there, but is entertaining I like to think. Also I am reasonably active on Twitter, and usually like to post photos of most my games etc. Follow me @the_black_sun

    I do actually have armies for all 4 of the Grand Alliances in AoS and whilst I am working on all of them simultaneously in various ways, I've definitely noticed my focus begin to increasingly shift towards Destruction. Disclaimer - when the Dark Aelves are released in whatever guise they may be, I am likely to abandon ship and spend all my time in the Order sub forum, being that they are my true Warhammer love, but for now, I'm all about the Ironjawz! ;) 

    I've always been a fan of Orks in Warhammer 40,000 but have never actually played Orcs & Goblins in WFB. So whilst the detractors and troggoths bemoaned the pseudo 40K look of the Ironjawz, I think for me this aesthetic really drew me in and got me going green. So I have already actually played a bunch of games with Ironjawz, having gone "all in", as they say, on the release, but these were all at 100 SCGT points and included a Magma Dragon just to make up the points (oh, and its pretty good!). I figured with the impending release of the General's Handbook, now was a perfect time to draw a line under what's gone so far and start afresh with the new system.

    We won't get into all the recent allegiance nonsense, you can read about that in other threads. Suffice to say, the Battleline "unlocks" for Ironjawz and the Destruction traits and artefacts make for a pretty nice combination. I'm not saying Ironjawz are going to be out there winning events (certainly not with me using them, if my abysmal results at Call to War are anything to go by!) but I am hoping and somewhat confident they can be competitive...and we have a pretty extensive thread on that right here in this forum!

    So this is pretty much just an introductory post for now. I have already painted some models (not as many as I would've liked); Megaboss Krunk, who can be found in the gallery and 5 Brutes. I will take some better photos and add them to this thread as soon as possible. I am reasonably happy with the level of the paint jobs and whilst not my best work, believe the army will look nice upon the table. I've intentionally kept the basing quite plain, though I am consider scraping off some areas and adding the flavour of the month; Agrellan Earth, just to add some interest. Using my 40K Ork bitz box I have been able to customise my models and this combined with some reposing has allowed me to make all 20 Brutes so far individual. Just a bit of a shame I got my Gore-gruntas after the Brutes as mixing in their Jagged-Hackas would've been super cool. Considering another 10 Brutes just for this purpose.

    This weekend (Thursday night to Sunday) I am attending Bossfest, a camping, drinking, gaming extravaganza. Whilst there will be various games being played, I am hopeful of getting in a good few games with Da Black Sunz, which will be the only AoS army I'll be taking. These will be my first games under the General's Handbook and will be played to 2,000 points using the Matched Played Battleplans. Many people in attendance will be practising for my 1 day event, Rain of Stars, which is removing the army restrictions and adding a sideboard (as the event is two weeks after the book drops), so we will also allow that over this weekend, therefore some of the armies I play may not be exactly true to the book. However, this should allow for some solid competition and really stress test the army. The list I use personally will be General's Handbook legal though.

    For now, my pool of Ironjawz models is; Maw-krusha (happy to use as Gordrakk or Megaboss), Megaboss, Warchanter, Shaman, 20 Brutes, 10 Ardboyz, 3 Gore-gruntas. I am not adverse to buying more though! 2 more boxes of Gore-gruntas are definitely happening after assembling some this past weekend - amazing models. It's worth pointing out that aesthetics are definitely a consideration to me in this army.

    Here is the list(s) I am currently considering for the weekend;

    Da Black Sunz - 2,000 points

    Gordrakk - 700

    Megaboss - 140

    Warchanter - 80

    Weirdnob Shaman - 120

    10 Brutes with Jagged Hackas - 360

    5 Brutes with Choppas - 180

    5 Brutes with Choppas - 180

    10 Ardboyz - 180

    Ironfist - 60

    Total - 2,000 points

    Nice to hit the 2,000 points dead on really! That seems a challenge in of itself under General's Handbook.

    The main change I am considering is dropping Gordrakk for a baby Cabbage. The 180 point difference is nice as it allows another battleline unit - in this case Gore-gruntas (mostly just to get all my models on the table). If I wanna keep the big man in there, I can also include the Gore-gruntas by dropping 5 Brutes.

    What do people think on this? Seems small to me! :S 

    I'll leave it there for now. This afternoon I'll add my thoughts on Command Traits and Artefacts!

    Thanks for reading,


    • Like 7
  2. 9 hours ago, Ben said:

    Entrants list updated in 1st post.  We are now at 50 players!  

    Congratulations - That's impressive!

    9 hours ago, Ben said:

    3 points for a Major Victory, 1 Point for a Minor victory, 0 for Draw or Loss.  Favourite Opponent 1st tie breaker, Victory Points 2nd Tiebreaker.

    I quite like this weighting of results. Looking to finalise mine for Rain of Stars by tomorrow. I hadn't considered not awarding a draw.

  3. Please can all Rain of Stars entrants email me your preferred email address for contact ASAP. 

    Just put Rain of Stars and your name in the subject. Info to follow over next couple of days. If you have friends attending please prompt them as well. 

    Send details to christomlin646@outlook.com please and not my PayPal address. 

    In other news, the tournament has actually capped out at 34 players as Ricky Mee and Ben Diesel can now attend!


  4. Ok great cheers. We'll have to get list writing and more importantly - painting!

    A downside to pure Ironjawz is the behemoth conundrum - we'll need them for the Battleplans but the Maw-Krusha being leader/behemoth is a downside in a couple of them I believe (not to mention being 520 points!). Will have to see what Paddy can bring to the table.

  5. Just had a full read over the pack @jonwarmington - really impressed. The scenarios look varied, fun and have clearly had some thought put into them. Good work. May need to reconsider my list plans though now that I'll need a behemoth it seems!

    One question though, me and Paddy are both looking at using Destruction. However as he is using Moonclan and me Ironjawz, I thought I would have to take some generic battleline units. However from the looks of the pack, as long as my individual 1,000 point army is pure Ironjawz, I can use Brutes, Ardboyz and Gore-gruntas as battline. Is this correct? I do hope so as it stops me needing crappy Orruk battleline tax and my army will look nicer!

    Either it'd be good to know asap as I'm gonna need to get painting!


  6. I will be updating entrants and closing ticket sales soon so that I can work on the organisational side of things. So if you're on the fence, no is the time to get involved!

    I will also be sorting the charity raffle over the next couple of weeks, as well as the forums be sure to follow me on Twitter @the_black_sun and listen to podcast episodes for all the latest news.

    It's looking like the Generals Handbook will be used for this, though ideally I want the book in hand before making that decision (which unfortunately I'm not sure will be possible if it comes out on the 14th - would like it confirmed for this event one way or another before then ideally) :( 

  7. 1 hour ago, DeadlySarcasm said:

    I think the key thing to remember is that this is only a very limited snippet of the generals handbook. 

    We've been discussing this on the clubs whatsapp group since this post went up, and while some of us are not too keep on the concept of bringing in a "core tax" (myself included, I love the freedom of play) we don't know what will be "battleline" and what won't be, there could be a very large pool of "battleline" units and could have very little effect on the way people build armies.

    We also have the option to simply ignore these restrictions if we want to, and just use the points (assuming you want to do that as well)

    Feel free to use my material bro! ;) 

    But yeh, let's all just wait and see shall we. I think it was a very odd (and somewhat naïve) choice for GW to tease that particular piece of text as it has certainly seeded some concerns and doubt.

    • Like 2
  8. Alright mate, looks good! Glad to see you entering the AoS fold...better late than never I guess! ;)

    I'm going to gauge interest amongst my guys and see how many we can get along for this one. Try and get yourself down to Weymouth a couple of weekends before! :P 

  9. Hey,

    Definitely understandable with the questions, there can be lots of variations amongst the packs! Would be great to have you along for your first AoS event, there are plenty of newer players in attendance.

    If you have other questions feel free to DM me directly on here as it is less likely to get lost etc :) 

  10. Hey Gav,

    Did you ask me this on Twitter the other day? If so I did see it and was meaning to reply, apologies.

    I am not sure that the "legacy" concept is one adopted by Clash tbh, I've just had a look over the current pool choice document and can't see this. Whilst it is a widely accepted term, I think "legacy" just applies to SCGT.

    That said, nothing is set in stone as of yet as the General's Handbook could come out and change everything. So whilst I cannot make promise *yet* I am confident that I will not be discounting any warscrolls and it would be great if you came along :) 

  11. Sounds great, I look forward to seeing them!!

    Entrants updated. Whilst 36 is as high as I'd like to go, 32 would be more ideal...so not too far away from that now and still a good few of my guys not paid up!

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