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Everything posted by TristanGray

  1. I fell off the wagon after my partner and I bought a house(my hobby time has become insulating a 100 year old house in eastern Canada) But now that the house is as insulated as it going to get till spring I’m back in action! Finished up a few conversions for a mounted Liche Priest, Tomb Herald and Necromancer. Also worked on some skeletal horsemen and added in Arkhan the Black. Really pleased with how my squad marking turned out on the skeletal horsemen. I think that unit really helped me turn a corner with how I want the army to feel when I’m all said and done. I’ve added more finishing touches to my basing scheme and am starting to go back over what I’ve finished, adding in the visual variety that my basic yellow sand bases were lacking. I’m not where I want to be with the army but I’m happy with the progress I’ve made since coming back to hobbying. Genuinely think Arkhan is the best model I’ve ever painted. Cheers gang!
  2. I agree, it's a real shame. I also feel like these, along with the other newer TK kits really do fit the aesthetic of AOS. I've had such a great time playing the army. Pretty bummed on the decision all and all. Hopefully the new death rattle stuff, what ever and when ever that is, will be awesome
  3. Got some work done. Still a WIP, but getting much closer to the finished project. Still need to do some of the highlighting and decide finally if I should add some grasses and little blue coral pieces.
  4. I've done a fair bit more to them since taking those photos. I'll post my progress later!
  5. Painting up the rest of my necropolis knights has gone quite a bit faster, and has really helped solidify some of the decisions I've made across the army. I've haphazardly swapped around my golds and what I've used as my wash mixture up until this point but now I'm for sure going to be using, Base: zandri dust Layer: liberator gold(one coat) Wash: gloss reikland flesh Highlight: aulric gold Top highlight: stormhost silver My thought process is I want the gold to have this sun bleached feel to it, a desaturated one. So instead of sticking out, it helps to frame the brighter blue and pink colours in my army. I think I'm accomplishing this with the zandri base and the single coat of liberator. What do you guys think?
  6. Lil' update. Slimmed down the burial mask to make it a bit more feminine. Swapped out the old staff for a new one. Chopped up a sepulchral stalker's spear to make it. Hacking up out of print sprues is going to give me a heart condition. Now on to changing out the knife. With the big blade at the end of the staff I think I should make it smaller and maybe use one that's a different shape. I think a squiggly blade might be in her future.
  7. Stepping outside my comfort zone and working on a Liche Priest(ess) conversion; what do y'all think? I'm into the gender bending vibe of the very mannish face. Reminds me of queens who ruled in Egypt who wore death masks that were similar. Still need to figure out what I'm going to do with the top of the staff and the sword butt. Also want to add a one or two more TK bits to ground her a bit. Sugggggggestions?
  8. I feel you there. I got really lucky a couple times over and now I have another two boxes of them in my closet!(and a very empty wallet)
  9. Ps. Ye gods, those are gorgeous! Love the shade of green you achieved. Quite regal and very well done.
  10. Oooooooh that looks good. Think I might have to shift gears and go with bone. Thanks for sharing. Super cool!
  11. Progress! Convinced some of my pals to try out Skirmish, and I used that as a carrot to get some paint on my favourite skeletons. Started and finished a liche priest to lead my party and got the first few coats and washes on a necropolis knight. Still trying to figure out what to do with the ribs on the snake. Think I should go with gold OR bone, or gold and bone!?
  12. Update: I've played a few games since I've last posted and the Skelton warriors have been doing well. Here's a couple pictures from taking on my pals iron jaws!
  13. Here you go! Dark reaper base Beil-tan shade Warpstone glow edge Moot Green fine edge
  14. Finally finished up my 40 man unit of warriors. I think I need to take a break from skeletons.
  15. Oh ps. I usually end up playing 2000 pts, with the endless desert battletome with a list kind of like this: TK on foot Liche priest x 1(one a hierophant) Necrotect Necro knights Necrosphinx Big brick of warriors Skeleton horsemen x 2 And other things depending on my mood.
  16. I'm really enjoying them. Using them in a big 40 skelli brick. Been great for tarpitting and for out right deleting things. I find them super useful for distracting my opponents while my other units either go score, or get in position for strikes.
  17. After a couple days off I slapped some base coats on. Hope to get 10 more of these guys done for my Monday wargamming night. It's nice to have a quick recipe dialled in.
  18. i think my bases are looking a bit bland and a tuft could be a great idea. any suggestions on what type to use? I love your basing and would love a good recommendation.
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