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Everything posted by broche

  1. Yes, in fact most of my list are ironfist, but I think small gorefist detachement has some value in that case: 1. Cost 30 pts less. Might seem not much, but try fitting the above in an ironfist and you'll likely fall short (having to downgrade gruntas to brutes or Megaboss to warchanter/weirnob) 2. With Ironfist you get 1 free move. With gorefist you get at least 3. If you want to strike first with an ironfist it will cost you more CP and likely include a Maw Krusha in the strike , exposing a high-value piece. That said, I think the 6-pig alpha strike ironfist is a viable strategy, but i think it's a little bit more all in. I've done a version with bloodtooth where i throw 20 ardboys, 6 pig and mawkrusha in turn 1 also. I think it just play a bit different.
  2. One of the list I would like to test, using a gore first in da Choppa: List come at 8 drop, wich is quite high but should let you go first againts some shooting list (skaven and now cities). The goal is to hit with the 3 x 3 pig in T1 to clean as much model as possible, and ideally pile in onto shooting units. Burn the 2 CP for waaagh and gordrak buff, the pigs will hit 100 damages before save. Da choppa here save 2 purpose: Early game you get reroll charge for your mini-alpha strike. And mid game you can buff up to 4 units with only 2 warchanter. That mean your ardboys, brutes and megaboss/gordrak would all get +1 damage making all of them a huge threat. the +2 bravery is a nice add on so your brutes pig will never flee. Going second against army likely to hit you first, I will likely do a screen with the ardboys, spread the pigs and put units behind in counter attack. You could also downgrade Gordrack for regular mawkrusha to increase to 15 ardboys.
  3. I would say no, as it's not stated. But it's a good question for FAQ team.
  4. You're mentionning RAW, but you're infering rules in your interpretation. 1. Nobody is arguing that you can't take Brutish cunning or Ironfist in Big waagh. This is undoubtfully totally legal. 2. The litigious point come from the Mighty destroyer command ability, wich clearly state at the begining: "Ironjawz army can use the Mighty Destroyer command ability". So by default, it's safer to argue that a Big waaagh army is NOT an Ironjawz army, thus you can't use brutish cunning / ironfist ability in those case (you could still take Ironfist to reduce drop, extra warbeat and extra artefact), until they FAQ that you can. Obviously, you can do what you want in your play group
  5. Honestly it's really a gray area right now. We will need to have the FAQ to be sure. But personnally if I had to play game berore FAQ, I would assume it won't work: 1. Taking the worst-case scenario avoid potential conflict on a ruling with an opponent and 2. Also avoid disapointment in the likelyhood I really like my Brutish cunning/Ironfist Big waaagh list
  6. I do hope that we can, cause it would be really good, on the other hand it might be best if it stay with Ironjawz to make them more appealing.
  7. I'm not so sure you can't play big waaagh without Gordrakk. There is a lot of way to pump Waaagh point, that you should get to 16 by round 2 already, and 20 is almost garantee by turn 3. Taking a maw-krusha with trait like Ironclad or Live to fight is certainly not a bad choice. And I think Ardfist is really good. the fact that it lower your drop, and cost just 120 points for the odds of grabing a far objective mid game, i'll take that any day!
  8. It's legal to take them, but there is unclarity as if you can use Mighty Destroyer with a non-Ironjawz allegeance. @Malakree have already asked the question for next FAQ.
  9. Saw some big waaagh list with Ironfist earlier. Do we have confirmation that is legal? If yes i think it's not worth playing Ironjawz unless the list is super agressive, especially with Ironfist giving you access to Migthy Waagh. Big waaagh just give you much more flexibility from casting bonus to 6++ to army wide hit/wound bonus
  10. what is your question exactly? you can use the ability at the start of the combat phase (any one). If other ability trigger at the start of the combat phase, the active player ability goes first. hope that help!
  11. english is your first language, so it's already a plus it's stated at Capital City Bloodbath in ottawa, one of his opponent said it was just within now and this was confirmed by the TO. They it propagated like a fake news around here...
  12. Already posted that on Ironjawz thread, taking my chance here: Could someone confirm me that cover bonus is still Wholly within? a friend is arguing that is now just within cause it say Wholly on or within. In my interpretation this mean wholly within, if not i had totally miss that ( and nobody never pointed that to me since AoS2 lol) @PlasticCraic? @svnvaldez?
  13. @Malakree, what's your take on that?
  14. I think the timing in the charge phase make it difficult to use. If you move Mawkrusha 24 you'll never be wholly within 15 of a warchanter.
  15. Could a rule guru confirm me that cover bonus is still Wholly within? a friend is arguing that is now just within cause it say Wholly on or within. In my interpretation this mean wholly within, if not i had totally miss that ( and nobody never pointed that to me)
  16. Artefact are easier to play around because you can just avoid giving the hero an artefact, but trait are much harder to avoid (unless it's specify the kind of heros like ironsunz). Bloodtooth and da Choppa is any kind so you have no choice. @TALegion I agree with you, big waaagh seem more appealing to me. The only drawback is loosing smash and bash and mighty destroyer. So if you can get back mighty destroyer from ironfist, that is nuts
  17. Yeah I reread the section in pitched battle / FAQ yesterday, and you're right @Jabbuk in theory you alternate choosing terrain piece so you could always put a realmgates. But as @Malakree tournament usually use pre-setted table to save time. I'm guessing they will do something like allow player to swap a terrain piece if they want (anyway you already have to move terrain arround sometime so objective fit). Back to army list, I always forget you can't use generic command trait with Clan which is sad So much tough choice! And another tricky question: Can you use Mighty destroyer from ironfist when playing big waaaagh? (If it's the case it's realllllyyy gooooddd)
  18. So had a last run with the old Bonesplitterz today! went 2-1 (loss against Fyreslayer, win agains Gloomspite, win against Idoneth). I should actually have win against fyreslayer. I happen to had forgotten my 3 river troll at home, and played the 1st game without it, and game was super close until the end. Oh well happen when you get up at 6:30 in the morning. Now time for the neo Bonesplitter, ****** there is some really good stuff in that book! I didn't notice Wurrgog Mask was not limited to once per game now. On the other hand squiggly curse is really crappy with it's 3'' range... Also didn't notice the 80pts for wardock, such a bargain.
  19. same things. Smashing bash overcome that as well. It does not overcome Doppleganger cloak however for exemple. So goint thru the book, for bloodtooth it seem nowhere to mention you get a free realmgate, so i guess it's basicly a dead ability... Am gonna start testing some classic ironfist variant. I think i'm gonna use Footboss with Brutish cunning as a default. He is more likely to stay with the army main body than the Krusha, and I like splitting the egg in the eventuality of a dead Krusha. I'm still unsure if I want to play weirnob + hand of gork. I might as well not take any wizard and use Bloodtooth for the quickdeath amulet. All the subfaction have advantage, it's really hard to choose... they are honestly really well rounded. I like Ironsunz because there will be some new pesky shooting list with Cities of Sigmar, and nowday there is almost always a fight in round 1. I also like the Bloodtooth for the option to deepstrike with a pack of Ardboys. And da choppa with the option to use triple warchanter, + reroll charge, and +2 bravery to save some CP is really cool.
  20. I've tried to make a list a bit different focused more about some range attack and dishing mortal: Goal would basically pin (and hopefully kill) stuff with Maw krusha early, while put some range pressure with geminid and Scragnot. Then mid game try to pass a wrath of gork and maybe trigger a MK double charge. Note i'm not convinced it's a good list, i'm just trying to find if Wrath of gork is somewhat usable cause the spell is cool edit: list was actually illegal and need rework
  21. pretty sure someone confirmed it's 20 earlier. So about the drop: 3 drop or below: You need 2 battallion including Ardfist or Weirdfist, or one of those 2 with only 3 heros. It will ensure you go first almost every game, but at the expense on leaving you short on board coverage. 4 drop: Weirdfist and Ardfist can acheive 4 drop with 4 heros, or Ironfist with 3 heros. You might have to coin flip with some army for turn choice but should get choice the majority of time. 5-6 drop: Probably the average. You'll likely end up split turn choice between 35 and 65% of the time, depending on meta. However you have enough flexibility on unit choice and number of unit you want to play (up to 4 heros and 6 units). Classic Ironfist fall into that categorie. 7+ drop: At this point your srategy should be flexible going first or second. You'll probably wants to have double turn protection (either lots of chaff and/or geminid) I don't think we can really go bellow 3 heros (Maw-Krusha and 2 warchanter) and most list will likely want 4. Weirdfist is so bad it's depressing, so the best option to stay low drop is probably Ardfist. You can go up to 6 troops and 4 heros and stay at 5 drop . Downside is your army is just mass of aAdboys
  22. Absolutly. They still hit super hard, have 3'' to get hiding character and can now run and charge.
  23. Well I'm really happy for you, you're a champion. I was simply mentionning the fact that high model count is one of the factor that significantly increase game time (another important factor would be deepstriking army)
  24. Yes, i meant overall in the book the 2 strongest mechanic are the warchanter, and the Arrowboys. This is what will push both allegeance at the top of T1 army.
  25. lol @PlasticCraic thanks for checking my ortograph Fanatics don't really need any buff, what I usually do is spend the CP to reroll 1 to hit when they attack. 5 are like 12 damage at rend 2 and strike first.If you use the loonboss you can buff regiment of grots, but even without that they still pile some damage but they are not your big hitter.They are mainly use for area control, and they are really annoying thanks to the netter (-1 to hit). If you want big hitter to actually kill stuff check for Troll or Squig. Troggoth hag have a good profile, but I've never played her. I'm sure she's good enough in the right list.
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