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Everything posted by Galas

  1. So Blood Pact its a normal summoning, no? The benefit its that you don't need to roll for it. Hmmm.
  2. To me, the "anchor" seems Destruction. Look at it. The "stick" that conect the 3 parts its like a bone. But not a Death bone, its just like... archaic, Destruction tribal style.
  3. Hmm... I think that all those batallions its a little overkill. I have prefered more pages of Lore and History, but well. Priorities and all that. A shame they don't include Slaves to Darkness units.
  4. Khalida has one of the best sculpted faces of a female GW has ever done. And its just half a mask! Oh Khalida how I mourn your loss... I had never the oportunity to paint you white and use you in the top of my wedding cake with a black tuxedo Krell
  5. Yeah, just like Ogre Kingdoms become more popular in 8th edition than in 7th. Thats because in 7th they were a little bad and in 8th they were actually strong if well used. As a narrative player I have to accept reality: Stronger armys sell better. And if they are updated by GW in a regular basis, they sell even better.
  6. In my club more people (3 guys) played TK than Vampire Counts (1 guy) so its a fact that Tomb Kings where more popular than Vampire Counts. Anecdotal evidence for the win!
  7. I love that idea. Now just up to 11 the characteristics of the High/Dark Elves: I want my light elves to be totally d*cks and so up in his high moral horse that they can't look down!
  8. Yeah, we need dark aelves loyal to Malerion. And in the future, slaaneshi aelves with the proper slaanesh release.
  9. In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
  10. A little cute Khezu... uhmm... I can buy that.
  11. Yeah, Hastings talk about the ships, the baloons dwarfs and all of that months before the release. That guy has contacts, thats obvius. Just like Lady Atia. Hastings too talk about a proper release of the Deathwartc and the Genestealer cult 1 year before anyone talk about that posibility.
  12. To me, their most noob friendly sets where the old one piece models or 2 piece models like Battle for Skull Pass or early. When the starters sets like the one of Age of Sigmar needs glue... its not so noob friendly.
  13. wow! So 65 € like Spire of Dawn. 35 € less and you gain a battlemat (It his paper or its of good quality? For the pics I think its just paper) and loss the Lord on Dracoth, the Migthy Lord of Khorne and the Bloodsecrator. Hmm... if they keep the old starter set its only good news.
  14. Oh. I understand. Its just that I don't like to have more toxicity in my internet. I have enough of that in my day to day life. People that can't just enjoy their decisions and need to autoconvince herselfs that they choose the right thing because other people choose the wrong thing its a little pathetic in my opinion. And "that" site its full of people like that.
  15. Ehm... what? Maybe its my level of english but I don't know whats the purpose of... this... "rumour"?
  16. Not Deadpool Dwarves but beautiful nonetheless. And yes, I'll miss the Chaos Undivided Armys, but I think I'll can still mix different gods armyes, but a back to the Chaos of 5º and 6º edition with Demons, Humans and Beastmen all together? Sweeeeett! Give me Khornegors! Please GW!
  17. Yep. Core set. It was mentioned early. I'm sure this is the GW response to X-wing style of gaming.
  18. You know, those races are very good but... I think we should follow the trend with Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords. Select a thing in the Warhammer Fantasy universe and up it to 11. My pick? Vampire Blood Knights. A faction of Blood Knights, fusioned with Wizards that use the blood of his enemyes to fight. What kind of big model they can have? Abhorash! Abhorash in the form of a Big Dragon-Knight (Literally, a bypedal dragon-knight ) hybrid with lots and lots of blood. The concept in my mind was something with a resemblance to this: Vampire Knights mountind mini-blooddragons, Knights on foot (Vampires too, obviously), even Abominations made of pure blood. The Fluff can't be easier. A rivalry with Khorne, you know, he has the monopoly of blood for too long. Death its the Alliance that need more variation in its themes. And need it fast!
  19. @AlexRasmussen Thats a lovely model. Can I ask you of what model or mark its the head? The body its the one of the sisters of silence, no? Boy, that body has to be the best thing GW has released ever to make female conversions. It works so well in Sci-fi and in Fantasy! I have to bought a box just to conversions.
  20. Woah, the stormcast of the Artwork. How many reforges has been that guy throught?
  21. They just slide like the Nagas in Warcraft Magic or being Anphibious like Toads and Frogs Why not? Why do care the Flying Dwarfs Pirates what happens below them?
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