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Everything posted by Derptau

  1. Second this. Volcanic Axe is a non-herd option that will serve the beastlord much better. On a Shaggoth It almost feels wasted with the lower rend.
  2. Sigils are actually pretty useful. With all the extra things they can provide for the minimal points it almost feels like a steal. Also, with such a low casting value, you set it up reliably. Some opponents will see it turn something into a spawn or get you a clutch move and then try to dispel it, making them lose that dispel against things that do matter.
  3. Belakor has only really ever been a nuisance whenever I’ve gone up against the fella. Also, I play a 13 drop army and do ok. It just comes down to knowing your opponent’s army and what to take them down with.
  4. When I get real saucy, it’s “the bacon, that hates.”
  5. Unfortunately you’d still have to buy a different base as our chariots have smaller bases if I remember correctly. I’ve been doing a conversion that has been looking nice so far. On the herdstone problems though, if you run a Shaggoth and a unit of dragon ogres, you’ll be fine if you just keep healing. Another one for use is the life swarm if you’re that worried. As an army we’re in a nice place where we’re so close to the edge in terms of competitive games that most people don’t understand (or care) about our summoning until it’s too late. just send a goat-meat missile into the slann or whoever is hiding in plain sight on a pyramid.
  6. War glaives are the best general purpose ones I use. I run 2(3) with glaives and 1(3) with crushers. Glaives rending is super helpful when backed up with a Shaggoth and then I usually add rend to the crushers with his spell. The block of them run me up to 55 wounds, which at 4+, survive a lot longer than they probably should. Always back them up with a Shaggoth though as that makes them so much more reliable.
  7. This is totally a viable option, I’ll be trying it out in the near future for sure. Even though the Horrors are going to be the go to I can see its utility in summoning letters Or bearers as well. But yeah, horrors are probably what I’d use. for conversions I’d look no further than the skills box. Just cut off a bit on their noggin and slap one on.
  8. This, I've been getting my dudes up to rend -3(ish) reliably late game now.
  9. It would be for both. The points and Warscrolls are shared. Shaman going down is nice, but WTF enlightened? Did we see any changes to Skyfires or Enlightened actual rules?
  10. Yup. This. Ya gotta make goat meat to get more goats.
  11. Belakor is ok, also the giant summoner is another one that I’m going to try out. It’s self contained so it adds a lot to the army itself. The price of the sphyrinx is amazing so I can see always dropping in at least one of them.
  12. Ungor raiders serve a couple of different purposes. With their shooting they have the ability to thin out enemy units or mass shoot a wizard to death. With the before game movement (and the banner) they can act as offensive screens that force your opponent to move around them with a +3” to their movement. (Can’t move within 3” of an enemy unit) Third, in ambush, they will always be able to attack whether or not you make a charge.
  13. So I’ve been getting my self together and finally made the push to get my flee-ridden friends on the field. I’m going to a tournament this weekend where I’ll be up against a lot of the higher-ranking dudes in the ITC. This will be my first tournament with my beasts army as I’m setting my stormcast to the side for a bit. Im going to be going for a small drop list focusing on summoning ASAP with Allherd. The double viletide is there just for situational use. I’m more interested in casting the endless spells and pulling other units to me. Twin Ghorgons seem to work better and I’m going to use the one blob of Gors for summoning. Reasoning being that no-one in a back line wants to charge 30 gors that will have essentially a rend of -1. 1 shaman/Beastlord runs up with the majority of the bestigors and ghorgons. Raiders form a far forward screen to get some shooting in and stopping any hammers from hitting right away and hopefully bogging them down. Warriors are there because they function fairly well without any support and putting Tzangie shaman in without dedicating more points to it is basically putting a giant bullseye in between his cute little chicken head. Unless I’m outdropped, which is super unlikely, I have the potential to start with 8 summoning points worst being 5. So that’s a good elite unit or a couple more ungor raiders in the back line to pepper whatever. Thoughts? Chaos - Beasts of Chaos Chaos Warriors 2x 5 Chaos Warriors, Chaos Hand Weapons and Chaos Runeshields, Hornblower, Standard Bearer + Battalion + Battalion: Depraved Drove . Beastlord: Dominator, General . Beastlord: Blade of the Desecrator . Bestigors: 10 Bestigors, Banner bearers, Brayhorns . Bestigors: 10 Bestigors, Banner bearers, Brayhorns . Bestigors: 10 Bestigors, Banner bearers, Brayhorns . Ghorgon . Ghorgon . Gors: 3x 10 Gors, Banner bearers, Brayhorns, Gor Blade and Beastshield . Great Bray-shaman: 3. The Knowing Eye, Viletide . Great Bray-shaman: Viletide . Ungor Raiders: 10 Ungor Raiders . Ungor Raiders: 10 Ungor Raiders + Allegiance + Allegiance . Beasts of Chaos: Allherd + Game Options + Game Type: 2000 Points - Battlehost + Malign Sorcery + Endless Spell: Suffocating Gravetide Endless Spell: Wildfire Taurus + Command Points + Purchased Command Points [50pts]: 1 Command Point ++ Total: [1,990pts] ++
  14. Rockguts are 5+ save and 5+ shrug (fnp) so bestigors will do a tiny bit better against them next time. The way to get them is to let them come to you and hit them on the sides of their line (if it’s a large unit) that way they’re going to be stuck and even with 2” range they’ll be hard pressed to get all their attacks back. Also the Taurus and horn work very well here by reducing their 2 attacks power. Throwing high damage at them also works very well. i don’t know if it fits your style, but I prefer to never ambush the raiders. They can (depending on your opponent) be a great forward screen. Because you’re using the first turn move, you can really push them forward and make sure there’s a small wall that your opponent has to hit or dedicate shots/spells at times get to the guys behind. Nice placement!
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