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Everything posted by Derptau

  1. Cygor have actually been pretty ok in my last games. Especially with Teclis becoming less dominant in our meta. Meaning he can still snipe wizards and if he doesn't it's because my opponent has an unreasonable fear of him.
  2. 2X Shaggoth (1 with horn of the tempest and 1 with father of the storm) 3X6 Drogors with Crushers 1X Ghorgon 1X centigor One-eyed Grunnock Previous to this list I was using Grunnock's points for more ghorgon and filling in whatever. Hilariously, the only one to stop me at the last GT from going 5-0 was a teclis list, which the ghorgon spam iteration just doesn't care about.
  3. Well. Considering my list as of late has been all dragon ogres and I've done very well with them, this is going to be scary for my local meta. Outside of our summoning staying the same, this feels like a really really good update for beasts. We've been meta-breakers, but this may be a bit too much for some armies to deal with.
  4. The new rules for the allegiance gives him a heal 1 wound on 2+ per turn, coupled with spells and any other fun you want to introduce. I don't know if I would want to waste cp on our healing when we can finally get reliable damage.
  5. Remember our new rules let shaggoth heal as well. I don't think we're in as bad a spot as people say we are to be honest. Slaanesh is definitely worse than we are in the moment.
  6. https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Kholek_Suneater
  7. This is the best way to look at it really.
  8. I think it would be an interesting thing to try a mega gargant. I don't necessarily know how good it would be, but the ability to kick objectives into layered hordes sounds fun. As for Fimir, I'm just sad. I had built up an entire 2k list to play tournaments with right as the Coviding happened last year. Now they're legends so I've got lots of them sitting around. Going to proxy them as either warherd or trolls I guess . . .
  9. Yup. Just confused in general about what they were thinking.
  10. I've been wracking my brain on how I could possibly use them, and the only thing that comes to mind is the same way I'd use enlightened on foot: Surrounded by some gor or bestigor on a spot I want someone to charge me at. Otherwise I just can't find any use for them at 140pts
  11. No way. 3rd through now you can still hide in close combat in 40k and it's dumb, but it's also much more important in a game with standard troops being able to reach across the board from every army out there. Shooting into combat is great in AoS as far as I'm concerned. One of the things that doesn't happen because of that is the previously mention ork hopscotch. More so, it stops protracted combats from happening, meaning it behoves you to use the movement phase to better effect in order to hit units and not be stuck in combat with them.
  12. Who the hell does a 15 enchrantress list? That's just dumb. I kinda love this list. I think we're goin to see a weird swing against shooting armies soon though. Either in the guise of a new book or the new edition.
  13. With the beastlord, the shaman and even a chaos spawn the Gors can situationally get there. The BoC book is full of situational buffs. The problem is the 1 attack. If they're starting at 2 and getting more for having 20 models I think they can justify their points.
  14. I agree with the first part on the disparity that needs to happen with the gors vs bestigors. I don't think the bestigor need to actually get any better though. I think if Gors just had 2 attacks base and wounded on 3s instead of 4s that would be perfect. It would show more strength, it would also make them have a little more edge than the ungor and the capability to get a bit crazy with buffs. Keeping them hitting on 4s with no rending makes them stay cheap and keeps them out of the bestigor roles, but then they have just a bit more teeth. For me the reason I don't field them en masse is the low amounts of attacks and 4+ to wound. Unless I'm getting a cavalcade of spells off they're just not going to do much at all. Giving them a little bit more dependability (for beasts at least) would go a long way.
  15. I honestly still don’t know how to feel about using the tzaangor. I was running 2 skyfire and 1 enlightened on disk for a while, to random returns. They’re a hard unit to use correctly and their effectiveness drops very quickly.
  16. I don't think Kharadron are that terrifying to be honest. Catch them and they fall so hard it's laughable. The easiest way I've found to deal with them is to know that your heroes are going down no matter what, so don't line up your forces to depend on them. Secondly, hit the boats with everything you have at once. Once you've smacked it down in profiles it stops being a real threat. Bonus is if your opponent still has people garrisoned in it, you can surround the boat fairly easily and kill all the little dorfs in it. As for cities, you need to have them break up to engage you on your own terms, if you make them spread out to get good firing lanes they'll have to. Charge the ones that have overwatch with your throw away units so they waste their shooting and then smack them hard with well, anything. Most cities shooty units are pretty garbage in combat so bestigor will most certainly eat them without trouble.
  17. Barring most things like KO and Kurnoth, there’s not really much out there that will easily shrug 40 ungor raiders playing the same game. We can easily outshoot many armies by volume alone if we plan for it.
  18. Yeah. I think it should be at the most 200pts. Though even then I'll take skyfires before a Chimera in a BoC list any day.
  19. Yeah, the Chimera isn't even worth summoning at the moment, though that is the best way to get it. 240pts doesn't matter when it wont make it to combat before being drastically bracketed.
  20. I don’t think they’re really even worth 7. They’re just too swingy and squishy.
  21. I don’t think they’re really even worth 7. They’re just too swingy and squishy.
  22. I don't think using summoning points is a viable tactic for spawn. Considering the amount hasn't changed you're always going to be spending more points in summoning than just paying for the spawn up front. Even 10 ungor at 60pts is a better expenditure.
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