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Everything posted by Still-young

  1. But he was talking about the Army Book that was written before AoS was a thing.
  2. Turns out, with the little we know so far, you can draw parallels to lots of different GW skirmish games.
  3. Yeah, it's gonna be a long wait. Keep watching the video/looking at screenshots. I'm super psyched for this.
  4. Think that’s just the ‘Warcry’ symbol, like the Kill Team one that’s on all the Kill Team stuff.
  5. I highly doubt they will have put however many thousands of pounds into developing a game, designing models, making the moulds etc without having some idea as to how many people buy Chaos models.
  6. Tomb Kings wouldn’t be a Malign Portents ‘Warhammer Age of Sigmar Expansion Set’ with this cover with Stormcast and Lady Olynder on it
  7. The easy build kits were releases as well as the warbands, not as a replacement.
  8. There’s definitely a Chaos Dwarf. There’s no Beastmen though I’m pretty sure, just guys with beast skull helmets.
  9. Necromunda is all done by the Specialist Games Team, which is part of Forgeworld. It’s a completely different team to the guys doing Kill Team (who also do Shadespire, and Warcry is them too).
  10. No. It's not Stormcast specific. It's an expansion for the game as a whole (like Endless Spells, I imagine).
  11. No, they said it wasn't a new Chamber. This is just the cover art for the expansion, whatever it is.
  12. I think that’s the faction with the Furies, there was also some bird type things in the video.
  13. The ‘Beastmen’ look to be the Darkoath type guys, from this picture. I’m guessing they’re the 2 warbands in the starter.
  14. I love those Warcry models (for the brief flashes you see them for). Chaos only is fine for me when the models/tribes are so varied.
  15. I dunno, it’s currently the only way to get the Slaanesh Fiends and herald harp daemon.
  16. Guessing is fine. You were being a lot more absolute than guessing.
  17. The issue is that people don’t manage their own expectations. It’s obvious GW are gonna hype stuff up, it’s their job really.
  18. Rogue Trader, Primaris Psyker, AdMech (possible Skitarii Alpha), Servitor, and a Crusader. They’re all Imperial.
  19. You don’t know which is which until the releases come out (or don’t) generally. The attitude is the same.
  20. The armour is very Chaos, and I think the whole point of the Daemon Engine is Chaos teasers.
  21. It only mentions new models in the starter, though.
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