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Everything posted by Still-young

  1. When they showed the Gloomspite video, they didn’t show the Trolls or the Mangler, we saw them through battletome leaks later. Sometimes they show everything and sometimes they don’t, and they mentioned with the Slaanesh video there was more to see.
  2. It absolutely was realistic. Tzeentch got 3 new units along side their characters and greater daemon when DoT was released. Slaanesh have got 0. Slaanesh only has Daemonettes as a basic troop. Tzeentch has Horrors, Tzaangor and Acolytes. Khorne has Bloodletters, Blood Reavers and whatever the more armoured guys are called. Nurgle has Blightkings and Plaguebearers. No ones asking for anything crazy here.
  3. The Lord of Change came out with the big Disciples of Tzeentch release, and the Great Unclean One with the Maggotkin release which had a couple of mortal things too (and they already had their mortal unit anyway).
  4. Not sure how much you can actually read into that, though. Beasts of Chaos for example was a small release with just the terrain and spells, so it’s easier to afford the LE book with that. There were loads of models for the Gloomspite release, so people may have passed over the more expensive book in order to get more models. Lots of the Gloomspite stuff went out of stock from what I remember. Not that you can read much into that either without knowing how much was made, but I haven’t had any impression that they were an unpopular release.
  5. Well, we can’t ever discuss anything Games Workshop officially announces then, either. Gotta stick to pure rumours!
  6. People talking about a new release in the news and rumour thread? The horror!
  7. It won’t, until the Monday of the week they’ll go up for preorder. That’s when retailers get their price lists and we generally hear about the prices then.
  8. That stuff would have come with the battletome, if it was coming.
  9. Yeah, that’s what I suspected. It’s like when the community a year or so ago decided it was ‘year of the xenos’ and then got annoyed at GW who had never made such a claim.
  10. When did they call it ‘year of destruction’?
  11. Well, it was an Idoneth artefact shown in the rumour engine. It just wasn’t on an Idoneth model.
  12. If they’re new models for each faction, then looking at release schedules like Warhammer Underworlds and Necromunda, it’s gonna take 2/3 years for all 15 warbands to come out. It says the 9 non Chaos Warbands are playable from the start. I think it’s just gonna be rules for existing models.
  13. It’ll most likely be rules for existing models, rather than all new models for the 9 non Chaos teams.
  14. I don’t think these factions are getting new models, as that would be 15 new warbands and it says they’re available from the start. There’s not gonna be 15 warbands from the start. I think it’s just Warcry rules for current models.
  15. Yeah, it’s just my initial knee ****** reaction.
  16. Personally, I’m worried that they’ve just added these at a late stage because of complaints about it being chaos only, which makes me a bit worried about the balance. And there’s almost no chance they’ll be new models for the existing factions, which is slightly disappointing - if they’d have added them later they could have done new warbands for them.
  17. I hope the non Chaos stuff was planned from the start, and not just shoehorned in because of the moaning about it being Chaos only.
  18. Really liked the voice acting/narration in that trailer.
  19. Adepticon is next week. I’m hoping for more Warcry too, but it wasn’t that long since the trailer so I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t get much more so soon after.
  20. They do - that one is painted as a Black Legion guy. They just showed it in the World Eater bit.
  21. ‘Meta’ is a word of its own now, in certain contexts. Funny how language does that.
  22. I dunno if it will. The Daemon list is deliberately ‘generic’, so you can use loads of different models and aren’t just stuck with the same daemon models we already have. There’s even base size list for the list, so you know what size model to use for each entry.
  23. Possibly next week, at Adepticon, but maybe not as it’s only just been shown at GAMA.
  24. The flair on the hinge is exactly the same as the AdMech stuff.
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