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Everything posted by Still-young

  1. Nice to see the rumours of nothing for AoS after the 2 summer tomes was nonsense.
  2. We’ve already seen reboxed Skaven, weirdly. So they’re almost definitely coming.
  3. Nah, not the right style horns. Just regular CSM.
  4. I really like the colours lol. Heard mixed things about the writers Lumineth novel though.
  5. Yeah, it’s definitely a CSM, and we know they’re coming.
  6. Doesn’t look that different to me, just a different angle.
  7. I think the banners are just doubled up on each side. HH, Kill Team, Necromunda, Sylvaneth, CSM and Votann on each side.
  8. 4 is kill team also. 7 and 12 are probs CSM (well, 12 definitely is).
  9. Is the Shadows in the Mist book actually out yet (physically)? Some places it seems to be on a vague preorder and some places it seems to be sold out.
  10. Yeah but it doesn’t bode well for a big range refresh, is what I’m getting at.
  11. Well, it’s a shame the old Plague Monks are still around.
  12. The elves are disappointing, but the Skaven are very cool models.
  13. The Easter weekend shouldn’t stop articles because they’re most likely scheduled, or can be scheduled if no one is working.
  14. I’m just hoping it’s actually building to a proper reveal, and not just like 1 model tomorrow.
  15. There won’t be. Probably a bit of art each day and maybe a model Friday.
  16. Dark Elder warriors have softer boots than these and aren’t metallic.
  17. Do I remember there being mention of the stuff in the terrain box getting separate releases in the future, or did I dream that?
  18. I mean, squats are a lore existing faction.
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