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Everything posted by Still-young

  1. They obviously have, they aren’t going to do the whole process of writing, editing and printing books in a handful of months.
  2. Do you mean fully update the kit like the Fire Warriors, or just an upgrade sprue like the Cadians? Because I’m much more on board with the former.
  3. The alt art ones these days tend to be if there’s an army box, like Black Templars, Sisters of Battle, Beastsnaggas. This isn’t consistent though (of course), some like the Lumineth and Chaos Knight ones have the same art as the normal book but with the text removed.
  4. And until we get a warband that breaks the current format of 8-10 (relatively) human sized warriors, I’m not holding my breath for things like Maneaters and Troggoths.
  5. I don’t think so, because the Cursed City models and all the Blackstone Fortress models (including the expansions) are push fit, and those aren’t. If they were meant for Cursed City, it was probably changed quite early on.
  6. But until The End Times, it didn’t really have things that moved the setting forward - it was a setting frozen in time, like 40k was until Primaris marines really. AoS is an evolving setting with a timeline moving forward, and a narrative campaign like Broken Realms which it sounds like the complaint is that it didn’t actually change the status quo at all. I think a frozen setting and an evolving story can each work well and people will prefer one or the other (arguably a frozen setting is the easier choice for a game where people spend literal hours building and painting models from the setting), but if you have an evolving story but nothing actually really happens, it’s just unsatisfying.
  7. Store managers know about as much as us, but an army box for them before a wider release wouldn’t surprise me at all.
  8. Yeah it’s a 2 week preorder. 1 week (or so) from now to the preorder and then 2 week preorder.
  9. Archaon was definitely AoS, as mentioned he came with the Varanguard and the Gaunt Summoner. My favourite centrepiece model is probably the Eidolon of Mathlann, I really like Katakros, Kroak, and maybe controversially Lauka Vai too. The Kruleboyz vulture and croc thing are great too. I also love the Warsong Revenant. Outside of large models, I think my favourite ‘unit’ is probably the Dread Pageant from underworlds. But the best kit, in terms of customisation, aesthetics, paintability, character, everything in combination, is probably the Rockgut Troggoths. They really did knock that one out of the park and I don’t think it’s been matched since. Edit: if we include models that came out in WHFB but are still around, I have a soft spot for the Treelord. Really cool aesthetically and a really clever build that offers a lot of customisation.
  10. Timing is hardly irrelevant when we’re talking about a release coming like half a year earlier than ‘rumoured’. Half a year later maybe, it could have been delayed. But bringing a release forward half a year seems pretty damn unlikely. It’s more likely just guesses with the odd one being correct.
  11. It was £60 or £65 when it was first released. It actually went down in price when it was bundled with other models.
  12. That won’t necessarily come this time round though.
  13. The shadowed bit of the black curved surface blends into the dark background. The red and gold doesn’t as much. The red on the actual book to my eye does look a bit wider than the black, just like it does in the leak. It might be a fake, but it looks pretty consistent to me between the real book and the leaked image.
  14. 40k’s was consistent with every book for the edition though, which made it seem more like an actual design decision and not just a random approach.
  15. The Slaves to Darkness one is the limited edition cover from an army set by the looks of it.
  16. They’re both in similar states I think. Some cool plastic stuff that’s fine, some old plastic core kits that need redoing, and a fair bit of finecast. It sucks that skaven didn’t get a redo but Seraphon are just as deserving of one.
  17. They’ve got an underworlds band already. Of course they could get a second but I’m not sure how likely that seems.
  18. I’m gonna assume it’s a Seraphon Warcry band, I don’t want to get my hopes up for a proper update for them.
  19. Yeah, 40k is as much science fantasy as anything.
  20. Surely one of the warbands will be the Horns of Hashut, no?
  21. Do you really think they’ll tone the hats down, after things like the Lumineth?
  22. I’d be surprised too. I’m just not surprised that they’re not investing big from the start with lots of plastic, even though it has a much bigger chance of success that way.
  23. They did the same with the Tau release I think? Definitely did it with something before.
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