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Everything posted by Still-young

  1. The similarity really is the claws, ****** and sinuous shape which is all pretty typical of Slaanesh stuff in general. I’m not convinced it’s a dual kit, from the sprue. However, I’d love to see that as a seperate model.
  2. Can’t wait for more Slaanesh stuff. The plastic fiends are looking great.
  3. Hmm, I never noticed how good a model Throgg actually is. I might have to bite the bullet on him, seeing as it might be the last chance.
  4. I love the Tzeentch team. Gobbos are cool too, I’ll be getting both.
  5. Tzeentch and Gobbos next week: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/09/30/next-week-warbands-and-warhounds/
  6. The anniversary models are already available and have been shown by GW before, I think if it was just them, they’d have said in the article.
  7. Not confirmed, and GW staff generally know as much as us about what’s coming soon that hasn’t been officially announced.
  8. White dwarf does the first 2 weeks of the month at most, so there’s still half the month for Orks. I think people have been taking Orktober to mean the whole month will just be Orks, but I think it’s just saying they’re coming in October and making a pun of it.
  9. Except that’s already been out at stores birthdays and as they’ve already shown it, they’d just show it here. Plus this is a celebration of 500 stores opening, not a birthday.
  10. The troll has the same fungus motif as the moonclan stuff and a moon icon on the model; chances are they’ll be part of Moonclan rather than a separate faction.
  11. There’s not really any reason to preorder directly. I preorder from other retailers so I generally get it on release day without having to leave my house.
  12. There’s 10. The tenth is the other side of the Cygor with the Ungors.
  13. That was their point. After Moonclan come out, it’s only Darkoath from the four that hasn’t been expanded upon, implying they will be at some point.
  14. Sure, I mean Genestealer Cults, AdMech, and now Rogue Traders never happened right? Hell, Primaris and Guilliman certainly rocked the boat for a lot of people.
  15. It doesn’t mean there’ll be more news about it at Nova though, just more stuff about it before it’s released, like most releases get on WarCom.
  16. They are in their original materials. They aren’t going to get a very expensive plastic mould machined for a model they’re getting rid of.
  17. However we’ve also seen at least 1 rumour engine pic that is definitely Slaanesh (Slaanesh daemon claw).
  18. According to people for the event where the Space Wolves and Orks codexes were announced, the Genestealer Cult codex is a while off but there’s some GSC models coming before (most likely the ones we saw at the weekend, tied to Kill Team, which is coming in July). I could see Emperors Children being released this year, a-la Death Guard last year and Thousand Sons the one before, with AoS Slaanesh early next year (would fit with the pattern of the last couple of years).
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