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Everything posted by Still-young

  1. People reacted pretty well to the one model army release that has already been put to you as an example - Imperial Knights. Well enough that it got 2 more models last year and a chaos knights codex and kit this year.
  2. Warmaster was made years ago with different technology and before the “centrepiece” era. I don’t think it’s particularly likely to be Warmaster scale, but warmaster scale doesn’t preclude big models inherently.
  3. 10mm doesn’t preclude big centrepieces. It just means they’re bigger in relation to troops.
  4. There’s no way a Start Collecting will be limited.
  5. They are though. The Penitent engine in the box doesn’t have weapons options, there’s options in the codex. The models are all monopose, we’ve been shown some of the full kits now.
  6. 8th Edition was a huge step away from 30k if anything, being a completely different rule set. And 30k is barely being supported at the moment.
  7. If they run most/all of the local tournaments?
  8. I’ve missed all of Nightvault pretty much, but I’m gonna jump back into Underworlds with Beastgrave thanks to these guys. Too out of touch rules wise to know how they are but I love the models.
  9. So the Underworlds website seems to have been updated with their cards. I’m looking forward to these guys, considering jumping back into the game with them. What are we thinking from their profiles?
  10. Someone asked earlier what it was, presumably assuming it was new. Posting the conversion clears it up.
  11. Fomoroid isn’t necessarily anything to do with Fimir. They just use the same mythical creature as the root of the word.
  12. I would definitely err towards wishful thinking.
  13. The more I look at AdMech stuff the more it fits their visual language. Only the fins haven’t been seen on existing AdMech stuff.
  14. The look of it is actually pretty similar to Ad-Mech stuff, beside the sails.
  15. I dunno, I could see it in 40k quite easily. The cog pattern around the ball joint is common in 40k (Knights and things have it). I couldn’t really guess what it might be in either system though!
  16. I think it’s mainly because of the dynamism and design on the Nighthaunt. When the majority of the model is flowing cloaks, it’s hard to make it posable while looking realistic.
  17. Not if they want every model in the unit to be the same. There isn’t enough of the same pieces.
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