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Everything posted by Austin

  1. Yeah for sure, but if you remember last week they showed the new endless spell. I was basing the timing off Carrion Empire and associated battletomes, but I suppose this will just give me time to paint more before the release!
  2. Very strange that the battletome isn't coming next week.
  3. Can you explain why it is still worth it to take the Loonking if you aren't making him the general? I always feel like I am wasting so much potential that I end up making him general if he is in my lists.
  4. I think GW specifically said non-Chaos would use existing models.
  5. I agree with you on all the above. But you know why they won’t stop making them? Bc as someone pointed out to me, they are made in China, and therefore can be made all the time vs whatever manufacturing problem they keep having in the UK.
  6. I leave those questions to the professionals.
  7. It would be pretty cool if the wardroth beetle was separated from Alarielle and could be taken as another behemoth.
  8. The pricing is a test of your commitment to walk the path to glory. Do you want to be the Black Pilgrim or not? If so, raise the banner and open the wallet.
  9. Awesome, I’ve enjoyed painting them a ton so far. And I think I’m gonna get two boxes.
  10. Here’s what I’ve got so far. Winter is coming, but very slowly haha.
  11. Yeah no kidding. I have 25 more revenants to paint. I thought I had more time!!
  12. Yeah that’s my fear, that the Darkoath got canceled. Like I said we should know soon with all the previews.
  13. Yeah I think a number of things are possible. I guess what I’m also saying/asking is do you think that was the initial plan? Release four heralds, and leave one army undone for 2 years? Seems odd. Edit All these upcoming previews will definitely give us a good idea, but on the latest podcast I thought I heard Bickham say Chaos was basically wrapped up for a bit.
  14. I am very curious what has happened with the Darkoath release. Every other Malign Portents herald has gotten tons of new stuff, meanwhile aside from the Shadespire warband which was shown off back in November 18 (maybe earlier than that even) there isn't even a whisper of these guys. And, now I am wondering how the Darkoath release fits with Warcry. Is Warcry a de facto replacement?
  15. Ok you’ve convinced me. My entitlement (bc I was expecting these models for free) was out of control and now I will open my wallet and be happy with whatever GW makes or doesn’t make. Oh this is a good point. Nobody pointed out yet that all those existed prior to this release, or that the other Chaos gods have more options. Given that I can’t argue with your logic. Great new release with new armored warriors, armored knights, and skirmish horsemen. And with a closing argument like this, how could I fail to see the error of my ways.
  16. Honestly man I wouldn’t even try to reason any longer. This is way simpler than its being made out Every other main chaos god faction has gotten mortal units since the End Times. Slaanesh has not. It’s easy. You know this, I know this.
  17. I wouldn’t worry about it too much my friend. The level of disappointment here has been very well managed, like most things are on this forum. You can’t help the hurt feelings brigade. It’s unclear what exactly the motivation there is. You will notice that a lot of those folks don’t respond when any number of people give well thought out reasons for the disappointment, and instead just come back to the “you should be grateful” argument.
  18. Ha yeah you were right! But, I won’t be collecting them. I will keep waiting for Sigvald to get an army of his mirrorguard!
  19. The comparison to other factions is easy to do. Just take everything you just said, and see if you would need to say it for the other Chaos gods. The answer is, you would not. And I don't follow at all your logic about the title. What about Maggotkin of Nurgle speaks to mortals? Or even Disciples of Tzeentch? Khorne got new mortals when the battletome was first redone as Blades of Khorne.
  20. Oh so you are saying you think in a year or more we might get mortals for Slaanesh? I guess that's as possible as anything else, but I wouldn't say it is worth betting on.
  21. Compared to every other main Chaos god-based faction, yes it is incomplete.
  22. So we think rules for mortals will be in the book without models? That seems unlikely.
  23. I mean, I like where your head is at. But that means no new hedonite mortals.
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