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Everything posted by xking

  1. How are annihilators different to the other paladins?
  2. Ah, so if every battletome is terrible, then none are terrible.
  3. Bad for stormcast, since they are losing what made them unique, their immortality(mostly it seems), undermining the very concept of Stormcast Eternals. But for the setting overall, things seem to be getting a little more positive, Sigmar has declared the Dawnbringer crusade and Alarielle is bringing about the rise of life in the mortal realms.
  4. Why?, that slaanesh battletome it not that good.
  5. I hope whoever did the soulblight and slaanesh battletomes, did not do the new stormcast battletome.
  6. All stormcast armor is was made and designed by Grungni, no mater what it looks like. It's all sigmerite.
  7. Thanks for letting me know. Imagine going through all the effort of creating new campaign books, just to make a justification to erase and replace an entire relatively new army. Instead of supporting all of the other factions that barely get anything. What a f*ckton of bullsh*t!
  8. Exactly, I always complained about the warrior chamber, extremis chamber, Vanguard chamber and the sacrosanct chamber unit not fitting the lore and they need it to be better. I did not ask for skinny man primaris stormcast. And to see GW erase the army that I love both in models and the lore is disgusting. I was with stormcast in the very beginning! Models, campaign books. I even bought several novels that were all about stormcast! If it comes out that GW is really going to erase the warrior chamber aesthetic and replace it with the Vindictor aesthetic. Then I'm done with the game, I've done it before. I did it with Pathfinder.
  9. If that is true, then GW really are s*** I am all about Warrior Chamber, and To See gw erase my Army out of the story is garbage!
  10. The more I look at Vindictors, the more I don't like them. The skin tight armor does not appeal to me. And somehow they look more plane then liberators. They also don't look at as intimidating, they look like they would lose in a melee fight against blood Warriors or blight kings. They remind me of a light armor Skirmish unit. As for the annihilator, something about it makes it look less maneuverable and flexible then any other Paladin equivalent.
  11. Not for me, and if this does mean they are getting rid of all of OR not supporting the older units. I will quit this game. I got into age of Sigmar because of first edition stormcast eternals, the warrior chamber and the extremist chamber are the stuff I like the most. To change stormcast in order to appease people who hate them. Is not a positive to me. All I will say is I like the angel, but that is about it.
  12. I prefer the buff stormcast look, rather then skinny look.
  13. I don't think so. I believe GW is not going to put new statue in front of their building. And we just had gardus/new Lord-Celestant model come out. Think of like this, The new units have new/different names and look unique and distinct. Also old stormcast models still sell a lot, looking at stormcast socal media groups. And when GW made new space marines, they did not remove the old space marines.
  14. Same thing happened with the Sacrosanct Chamber. Will have to wait and see.
  15. I don't think we will get an up-date to warrior chamber. I think they will just focus on new stuff.
  16. To be fair, I was not initially happy with what I saw, The Vindictors made me sick to my stomach(I hate them, I like my dudes to be buff) and stricken with worry. I felt my stress levels jump. I had thoughts of, 'what does this mean' 'I don't like that slim down look' 'are GW deleting my army' But then I realized this happens every time it come to GW changing anything about stormcast with me, the Sacrosanct Chamber made me feel the same way when it was released. I then realized I don't know what this means and I will have to wait and see. I do like the new angel lady however. Now that I have calmed down and think about it, would GW really delete all of their relatively new kits? Just for that slim down look? replace all the Strike Chambers(Warrior/Harbinger/Exemplar), Extremis Chamber, Vanguard Chamber and the Sacrosanct Chamber? All of the warhammer underworlds stuff? THE STATUE IN FRONT OF THE GW BUILDING!? Maybe, but I don't think so. All the units have new/different names and look unique and distinct, Like a new chamber would. When Sigmar's backed into a corner, it was Dracothian that came to his aid. That's how we got the Extremis Chambers, so I thought maybe this is a new chamber or a new position for stormcast. They are called the thunderstrike host in the article. I could be very wrong, who knows.
  17. I also don't see them tearing down this statue again
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