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Everything posted by AdamR

  1. If you're on Warhammer Twitch the last game from the AoS finals has a Gav bomb list in it.
  2. To run it on to an objective and win the game? Obviously you can do this with just a regular retreat, but tooted by the Heraldor it would also allow you charge any objective campers there. Remember that in 2 missions from the new GHB objectives aren't static, so there will be situations where you need to redeploy on the fly if you want to win the game rather than just eat your opponents doods.
  3. If this list gives you any ideas, I went 4-2 at the GT finals with it, and the losses were down to a lack of practice on my part and very capable opponents rather than any inherent weaknesses in the list. Allegiance: Stormcast EternalsMortal Realm: AqshyLeadersLord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger(240)- General- Trait: Staunch Defender - Spell: Azyrite HaloLord-Celestant On Stardrake (560)- Celestine Hammer- Artefact: Ignax's Scales - Mount Trait: Storm-wingedLord-Castellant (100)Knight-Heraldor (100)Battleline20 x Sequitors (400)- Tempest Blades and Soulshields- 9x Stormsmite Greatmaces5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield- 1x Grandhammers5 x Liberators (100)- Warblade & Shield- 1x GrandbladesUnits10 x Evocators (400)- 5x Grandstaves- Lore of Invigoration: Speed of LightningTotal: 2000 / 2000Extra Command Points: 0Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 124 The stardrake acts as a massive distraction carnifex, but is also useful for getting off turn one charges in tandem with the heraldors tooting. Once it's in the opponents lines it's impossible to ignore as the evocators and sequitors get into position. That's the theory anyway!
  4. You gain the moral victory for using a knight questor!
  5. "Friendly" refers to the unit being yours rather than your opponents, in the case of you both playing the same faction.
  6. The sort of pinch where you're not within 12" of your general perhaps? Although having to be wholly within for the ordinators ability makes it of questionable use for large units. So howabout where you are taking Battleshock on multiple units?
  7. How are you getting 12 shots out of each Knight Venator?
  8. How is it I've only just noticed that Liberators and Judicators are Bravery 7 now?
  9. Looks good. I do like Vanguard Chamber although they can be tough to win with against some popular lists at the moment (I'm looking at you Nagash! And you 12 million Plaguebearers!) I'm a big fan of Longstrikes, but I don't see how you could fit any in without dropping something essential. Also I would probably drop the shackles and hope to get a triumph. What extra spell are you going for on the Incantor? What you will find hard think is armies with big blobs of resilient troops, especially with shooting debuffs, as you don't have the bodies to outscore them on objectives.
  10. Step 8) Win on objectives as your 80 Bloodreavers cap objectives while the dragon kills all of your opponents army
  11. Mine took out 10 plaguebearers, 40(!) plaguemonks and the glottkin(!!) in one big protracted combat. They were buffed to a 2+ rerollable save mind you, and still got reduced to 5 guys, but even so!
  12. Pretty much. without modifiers the swords do 1 wound on average vs .88 for the mauls. with a -1 wound debuff they are both .66. With a +1 wound buff the swords pull further ahead - 1.33 vs 1.11. That's all before saves of course, but neither have any rend.
  13. It's how I've gone in my list. I was torn between this or just an incantor and 5 more libs, but I really wanted the Arcanum's healing and command ability, It seems to work ok, generally I don't want the Arcanum in combat, so he's sitting at the back buffing and then going for late game objective grabs with ride the winds.
  14. That list comes to 1920 with no battleline! Unless you meany Mystic Shield not cogs (as per the effect), but even then it's 1860.
  15. Looks good until you face something 2+ rerolling, like buffed sequitors or liberators. Or a stardrake. Then all of those shots together are doing 2 and a bit wounds!
  16. In the old FAQ it was stated as healing first, then lose wounds from failed saves. What he said!
  17. Agree completely. I'm currently toying with a list like this for the GT finals Allegiance: Stormcast EternalsMortal Realm: AqshyLeadersLord-Arcanum on Gryph-Charger (240)- General- Trait: Staunch Defender - Spell: Azyrite HaloLord-Celestant On Stardrake (560)- Celestine Hammer- Artefact: Ignax's Scales - Mount Trait: Storm-wingedLord-Castellant (100)Battleline20 x Sequitors (400)- Tempest Blades and Soulshields- 9x Stormsmite Greatmaces5 x Liberators (100)- Warblade & Shield- 1x Grandblades5 x Liberators (100)- Warhammer & Shield- 1x GrandhammersUnits10 x Evocators (400)- 5x Grandstaves- Lore of Invigoration: Speed of LightningTotal: 1900 / 2000Extra Command Points: 2Allies: 0 / 400Wounds: 119 Not sure what to spend the last 100 on yet - maybe a second castellant, or a translocating relictor to help with it's slowness. Or a ballista for some shooting. Or skinks... Or I could swap out the Arcanum for an Incantor and another Liberator Squad. Lets me put Staunch on the Stardrake and gives me an auto unbind for when Nagash tries to Hand of Dust the big dragon.
  18. They are worse against 4+ or better with rerolls though. I think a 50:50 split is probably best for an all comers list.
  19. It's in GA:Order along with Warrior Brotherhood.
  20. Lightning Blast and Thundershock are my picks, but the problem is as almost all of our wizards only cast one spell, it'll usually be their warscroll one, mystic shield, arcane bolt for LA's or the comet.
  21. What about Thundershock if you are getting into the enemy. Not great vs a solo unit, but if there are a few units close together the chance of multiple -1 to hit debuffs would be good I think.
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