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Kaleb Daark

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Posts posted by Kaleb Daark

  1. Are there freelance opportunities?

    honestly, i think this is great.

    the fact that gw are here, amongst us, asking these questions is something which was just unimaginable in the age of kirby. 

    This is just going to reinforce why gw sits at the top of the industry.

    all i need is them to buy into my aos brets idea!!!

    Lets sit back and actually take stock of what that initial post is actually saying to us as a community :)

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    No hint about Be'lakor whatsoever since AOS launch (but his entry in GA : Chaos), nothing to do with "his children", and since when has Be'lakor a female voice ?

    no. you've jumped too soon on this one.  I didn't say the voice was Be'lakor.  I believe that to be neferata as it mentions dragging him into the realm of death and nagash far too often.

    I was saying that the realm of shadow storyline could be a way of re-introducing the dark master's involvement into the AoS landscape that was all.

  3. How about tomb kings coming back in another form?

    setra was ressirected by the chaos gods at the end of end times.. technically he’s owned by them now and of course he hates nagash.


    now theres a story arc that was left open that’ll never happen.

  4. Well she's wearing a hell of a lot more than the bloke she's bossing around.

    i think the beauty of AoS is that there are enough realms and planes and  worlds to make whatever style you want co-exist, steampunk dwarfs, grim dark grit, flamboyant gilded chaos, large pantaloon Germanic gothic, it's all possible and it's all there.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, chord said:

    Good bargains.  Although disappointed its not a new set of terrain.  (a castle not covered in skulls please)

    If they produced that, a subversive rumour might start that brets were coming back :o

    • Haha 1
  6. lovely smooth blending on your stuff, I'm really envious.

    Criticism.. it's too good,  there's very little to criticise!

    LIke... here's what I like, and I think your comment about red nmm nails it.  You use your eyes and it shows in your painting, where you understand that light and shade isn't one colour but many colours and a colour will react and be affected by the colour next to it.

    Once you understand that, and you do, your painting walks up a level without even trying.  I'm really looking forward to seeing more.

  7. the barbarians are absolutely epic, and the skeletons which were shown in the teasers are going to be just stunning as well.

    @DantePQ I really think that for GW it's more of a recognisable cliche for the non believer.  There's no point preaching to the perverted, you already know the minutae of the factions, but joe walking in off the street sees shiny smashy good guys vs snarly choppy bad guys.  easy.

    the other factions will come, and they'll be all flavours of awesome as well.

    • Like 1
  8. With compendium armies not included my hellcannons will be strictly consigned to chaos dwarf allies.

    i'll be interested to see how many years it takes for forgeworld to catch up and offer its revisions for ghb2017. 

    I had rather hoped the collectors edition handbook would have included the open war cards as well, just for the sake of keeping the look the same.

    ill be interested to see the new changes now that reveals are starting to happen.

  9. 41 minutes ago, Killax said:

    No :( Stupid PowerPoint just said soon again, so how soon oneone really knows. Perhaps even FW is doubting if it's such a good idea to make another huge model for AoS that will not sell like Sayl ;) 

    Jokes aside, Im sure it will come at some point. I do think it's a test on the casting process to make something so 'natural' in sculpt look good with FW resin. With this I mean that warpage is a likely occurance and the model can't be as easily split up in parts as say a titan. 

    the sayl comment actually made me laugh out loud :D

    I think it'll be ok, especially as all models are post process engineered in cad post scanning - that way you can engineer the split lines and interfaces and even simulate the mold flow characteristics and material and exothermic contraction coefficients.  I'd put money on it just playing second fiddle to known money spinners like 30k and Bloodbowl, and who can blame them.

    Obviously Killax, when they employ you me and @Arkiham to handle their AoS side - naturally my first act will be to mark skin wolves and mammoths (which will go back into production as a twin pack with the curs'd ettin - who will get new fluff in the form of immune to anything a mournghul can spit out because that's their favourite rotting flesh foodstuff).

    Make fimir Chaos and write a mighty tamurkhan-esque homage campaign rollercoaster which will double as a mighty new battletome for the chaos dwarfs and fimir to boot.

    tOh and I'll bring Wulfric back and he can seafang teleport automatically himself and any slaves of darkness unit  to within 4" of sayl if he's on the table  before he takes any action and automatically get to go / hit / auto wound first - even if he doesn't have first turn.

    ..then all will be good in the nerdosphere. :)

    • Like 5
  10. and yet he's been ruined with the ubiquitous leaping kitty pose that plagues all of the current sculpts that come from the hand of seb perbet.  Oh well.


    Onto more important matters, do we have any more news on the khorne dragon from Forgeworld with skeletor as it's rider? :)

  11. how about the dark elf spear with the fleetmaster sword blade on the end, so it's not a full length spear, but more like a glaive.

    I think the chaos knight stuff just looks too heavy for them.

    the kairic mace would be quite cool just with their hands going into the ball as if it was a guard, so the ornate blade is more a cross between a buckler and a punching dagger, buckler much like the blood warriors gore fist thingy. :)


  12. News just in on miniwars about the 40K8th Starter set, with release set to be 17th June with pre-orders up on the 3rd.  Comments claim that GHB2 will not be far behind - take the dates with a pinch of salt of course until we have firm evidence.

  13. 51 minutes ago, Vaz84 said:

    Do you feel it's a safe purchase, given GH2 and the model no longer being made? Like off Ebay.

    I feel anything Chaos Dwarf, Nurgle from FW is kinda up in the air at the moment.



    I don't care.


    I bought it for the model and its the same with my chaos dwarfs - moreso as they were not recognised in 8th ed at whw events until the eve of end times.

    here's the thing, I don't live my gaming life by what tournaments and events stuff is allowed into.  I couldn't care less if SCGT doesn't want me to play it because it's in a compendium, which in many respects if that's the case  then everyone relying on Sayl in their chaos armies should be very afraid as he's in the same boat.

    I wouldn't buy a war mammoth off ebay anyway as it's the provenance one cannot attest to.  I had a similar thing with selling some forgeworld mechanicum robots, as it's trying to convince people they're genuine.  Luckily for me I've kept every forgeworld bag and shipping invoice so proving genuine was not a problem - that and ebay sellers want nut case money - there are two on at the mo, and they want mega bucks, and neither can prove genuine FW.

    In my group which amounts to the local store, people are cool with it.  mainly because I don't take the pee, and also because they know I'm not in it for the filth - for me rule of cool all the way.

    You're probably right about it being up in the air, lets face it, it always was, but that's never stopped anyone before.

    Their compendiums are poorly written, they were the barest minimum effort in order to make sure that people still bought their stuff, and in terms of updates glaciers move quicker, since 30K is their biggest cash till ringer.


    So what keeps me one of the faithful? - they've released stuff for AoS and yes apart from the fimir it's pretty much cross purpose when you consider the two khorne characters, but they've also released the bull centaur executioner and they didn't have to, same with the Fimir characters which are work in progress, and the khorne lord on dragon, which tells me that simmering in the back ground a nice beautiful book might be on the cards, even if we're all retired when it lands. 

    Wish list?

    that all chaos models can be marked so as we can buy them and not break allegiance,  (a dozen pleading emails for mammoth and skin wolves from me alone! - as they used to be in Arcanum and Tamurkhan), and they make Fimir Chaos once more as their original fluff was that they were the first children of chaos, hence their bitterness at the races that followed.

    • Like 1
  14. 17 hours ago, Kurrilino said:

    yeah yeah yeah..... we are all exited.

    But this has absolutely nothing to do with AGE OF SIGMAR rumours

    I think that the gathering storm campaign will be the showcase for new daemon units and models and naturally there will be the cross over to AoS as a result in the same way the tzaangors were.

    daemons are important because they straddle both systems and new players can dip their toe into the curiosity pool without getting their pockets burnt, especially now that core rules will be free.

    what gw can't and don't want was what happened under the devil Kirby blackout, where people get nervous and jittery and sales stop stone dead because everyone is waiting.  It's already startled to happen at one indi I go into, who has bought over 5k of stock only to have it sat on a shelf and not move.  His customers have said that until 8th lands they're not risking buying anything, and the same goes for his AoS and ghb2.

    the fact the community is being drip fed what's to happen and how things will work is great, and they will hold the rules long before it lands I'm sure.

    thryve also said 30k players will still stay on 7th but I'm sure that once a conversion book comes out be it free or paid tHe community will migrate naturally to it out of choices because they have nothing to lose. It's the way 8th should have transited to AoS.


    i also thing that the rules will be of interest as it will also give clues to things that could be implemented or work in future AoS releases.

    haters gonna hate, but the truth is that 40k players don't have anything to belly ache about, they're having the rebirth we w,ou,d have killed for in fantasy. 

    Theyve learnt the hard w,at from fantasy, now it'll be interesting to see what we can pick up for age of the empermar :)

  15. 12 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Yeah but they didn't show even a glimpse. I think it is just having an announcement of an announcement rubbed me the wrong way. 

    The little teaser video was cool but it was just that a teaser. If this had all just dropped without the prior warning I would have been much happier. I was also hoping for something aos centric. 

    But it's still a couple of months away, and by the time it lands you'll know all you need to know- which is what AoS should have been so nobody is walking into it blind or kept in the dark.


    as for AoS centric, yes, but our day will come.

  16. 3 minutes ago, daedalus81 said:

    They're going to have a starter box with new minis.  Check the FAQ:


    This is the way they should have transitioned to AoS.  Totally fantastic.



    im super optimistically excited because this is the, new face of the Rowntree era GW.

    end times and AoS was borne under the dark Claud that was Kirby and I still to this day believe that had AoS happened under Rowntree it would have been released with the generals handbook and a smooth transition that didn't alienate anyone.

    of course old codexes will be invalidated, but I bet good money that you'll get the rules in them on the data slate for the model and there will be the equivalent of  battletomes to give fans of the faction all they need.

    for me the question will be how it will work with FW and the Horus heresy, but I dare say it will have been long in discussion as its ugh a lucrative element of the cash flow. :)

    • Like 1
  17. so.. you've got a mammoth with a chieftain in it.

    You happen to have some marauder horsemen.

    in your hero phase you can get the marauder horsemen to roll d6 and move them that far towards the enemy. if you deployed at the 12" line then with the marauder horsemen's move of 12 + an average of 3, that's 15" move with a 9" javelin range at the end of it.  not too shabby especially with their feigned flight ability.

    not exactly sayl bs, but you probably could get close enough to him to turn him into a pin cushion with some lucky javelin throws.

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