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Everything posted by Drofnum

  1. Is the balewind really that good for the cover spell though? Maybe if you can get your tidecaster pushed up to the center of the board and then park him there but getting him in range without being able to move is going to be pretty hard, especially in an Eel heavy list mine already struggles to keep up with runs every round.
  2. They will have to update all the warscrolls to avoid confusion imo. Otherwise you end up with some people playing from their books, some from the app, some from FAQs... It would be a mess.
  3. They said it in the most recent podcast of Stormcast.
  4. I dont want to keep droning on about the double turn in the rumors thread, but maybe go take a look at all the other threads on the topic to get an idea of how others use it strategically. There are plenty of instances where it IS a good idea and its obviously here to stay for the time being.
  5. His command ability enables everyone else to use their command abilities. If it is still powerful(or one of the best) that means that the core mechanism they are adding to enable all heroes to use command abilities isnt going to be free, there will be some drawback or cost associated with it or it will be limited in another way.
  6. Its something I did quite a lot with my KO as well. Sit back and let you come in to my gun line for 2 turns, I dont care if you double turn me on 1/2 if you're not Murderhost.
  7. I've done it plenty. If you're set up far enough away that its very unlikely they can charge you, or only charge you with a portion of their army it can be beneficial. Also letting them move up in to your gun range if they are outside of it. You can give yourself the chance at a double by giving one up early on as well, for some slower armies that cant get to you in turn 1 and can only get some units to you on the second there is no reason to be worried about getting double turned. There are quite a few instances where it can be advantageous to give away a double turn actually. I could probably come up with quite a few more if given time to think about it, those are just the ones off the top of my head that i've done before. Edit: Another instance where it isnt really worrisome is a Turn 2/3 double when playing Idoneth. Especially against a melee heavy army, I dont care in the slightest if you take the double on turn 3 as i'm attacking first in melee no matter what. And again it could potentially force you to close with me so I get my charges for sure in turn 3 which means i get more bonuses with every unit attacking first.
  8. Thats true, but it would be basically useless on your turn, since most of the punch from deepkin comes from their charge you tend to want to charge in the 3rd turn if possible. I just think it would be strange to have that rule then write something that is very similar to it into the core rules for all armies. I guess it may just mean making sure you charge 2nd turn and then 3rd turn you still get your attacks even if they arent as powerful.
  9. It would also drastically lessen the power of tides of death for Deepkin, an army they just barely released and seemingly wrote rules for knowing AoS2 was coming. It would be a really weird change when compared to that ability alone.
  10. They definitely look weak to mortal wounds. They arent all that tough other than a couple specific units so far as we have seen. They seem to pack a decent punch but its also hard to tell until points are out. Everyone seems to worry about every faction before they actually see all the rules/points etc and once that all comes out they tend to find those worries are unjustified. It was the same with LoN, DoK and Nurgle recently.
  11. None of those are new as in new models revealed. Just the details are new(What little details there are).
  12. I think good guys vs bad guys is boring as hell too. I much prefer the groups being split the way they are rather than good and bad.
  13. Getting rid of Grand Alliances wouldnt do anything to counter that. And the really the only one that hasnt gotten some love in the past year is Destruction, which needs it nearly as bad as Death did. GW have been pretty obviously working to correct the fact that some are underpowered/under represented though.
  14. Everything leaked up until mid year has shown that it will be Order releases. Supposed to move on to Death after that though then i would expect Destruction soon after.
  15. Hints that they are based in Ghur as well. Could be fitting for fishmen.
  16. I could see 7, 10, 16 and maybe 13 all being Idoneth. Maybe 1 and 14 too but i dont think its as likely.
  17. What they have on them stays and what they drop goes back? I havent read the battletome, just the black library books but that doesnt sound right.
  18. It seems like they can leave some equipment behind, say they drop a sword and fight on with just their hammer, the sword doesnt go with them. But whatever they have on them when they die goes back with them. Thats what i've gathered from the books anyway.
  19. I found this interesting for placing where we are in the timeline now. From the God's Gift short story:
  20. I agree on the power cards. But on the objective cards, Page 25 under "Objective cards in the action phase" it states that if you score a card in the action phase you discard it face up, gain the glory, then immediately draw another card. Quoting the relevant text: "If an objective card is scored during an action phase, that player can immediately draw another objective card." Maybe this would only happen in the power phase and not the score immediate ones, but as written I feel like you would still draw for both.
  21. I have a question with Power Card. Ignoring any cards that let you draw more, are there any times you draw more cards from your deck other than during end phases or when using an activation to draw more? I know with objective cards if you score one in the middle of the phase you can draw another to keep your hand at 3, but I couldnt find a rule either way for power cards. I've been playing that you dont draw new ones except in the instances above but would like to make sure i'm playing correctly.
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