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Everything posted by RexHavoc

  1. They came out when GW wasn't where they are at now. But as there is a shadespire gang for KO coming and the rumour that we will see new battletomes and models for some of the older AoS forces, to bring them in to line with the recent releases, so I wouldn't be surprised too see a huge KO update some time in the next 12 months. They are a brand new army that have been heavily included in all the fluff, if they had no intention of updating them we wouldn't have heard much about them in the past 12 months.
  2. Exactly. Gitmob are the tired old goblins of other stories. I love the wolf riders, pumpwagons and doomdivers and if I had my own way I'd brought them out again (just with added mushrooms) They will never official announce them as dead- simple as that would alienate players with huge collections and you can just use gitmob as gloomspite with little worry. I do suspect that with the insane response to gloomspite, we actually see pirate sky grots in the future and if we do we will see the return of the doomdiver and other crazy contraptions. (We will see over the next few weeks if the sales are as popular as they seem to be, or if this is just everyone getting excited but just using up the old battle for skull pass minis we all have!) If we don't see sky pirates I intend to carry on with my own Mek grots at some point, but I'm just too distracted with gloomspite as I have a huge collection of night goblins and I need to get a lot more painted before the new stuff arrives this weekend! I'll hopefully get back to the in summer, but just talking about them now makes me want to finish off the test models that are still in bits box!
  3. Probably, as he is pretty new considering the rest of the range. Its no surprised that most of the gitmob stuff is now gone. Most of it was from 1999, but some of the models were some of the oldest still being sold by GW, 1992 for the wolves and 1986 for some of the snotlings. Only thing I'm surprised about is that he wasn't made a forest goblin shaman. Probably becasue the spider rider stuff is all mounted. I'd had hoped we would get a forest goblin infantry set. (though they work as such with out the spiders, but thats an expensive way to make a troop unit)
  4. Nothing really new here, but next weeks Gloomspite pre orders are up on community: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/06/next-weeks-pre-orders-urban-conquest-and-gloomspite-gitz/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=40K&utm_content=40KPreorderPreviewJan6&fbclid=IwAR0tRN4SxIsLleVsANfWNZMRO2w7uaUKL6iMAustRBGFtFk3wdis8c8ST2M
  5. If the rules prove popular enough they will either give us the yearly compendium (like in 6th ed) or if they are super popular, things like new sub factions will see a print version of the battletome. I highly doubt they will be filled with rules that you have to drag a years worth of white dwarf around with you. Sounds more like we are getting some rules that you can choice to use if you happen to like them, which means at most a copy of white dwarf instead of a battletome. Also it probably is their way of trying to get people to subscribe. I only buy white dwarf when it had something interesting in it, this seems to be a common thing now where as before people would just blindly subscribe because it was cheaper. With the all the review videos now, white dwarf is all over the net before most people even get their copy, so there is just no need to sub, just watch sites spoil the whole thing and buy if you wanted to keep something from it.
  6. Well, I was totally wrong. Three months? We made it just over three hours 🤣 (I am only messing about, but this is the exact kind of thing I foresaw, before you know it the badmoon will have spoken to me, once!)
  7. This is good, I've been wanting to see citadel Journal come back for ages now, lets just hope the WD team can keep up or they start taking in homebrews again. I loved the journal but this would be an acceptable alternative (and having it in white dwarf stops people moaning about having to pay for an expensive publications for rules that can be a bit OOT or OP) Fast forward three months and I'm looking forward to the stream of 'not fair, I don't have that issue and it's no longer on sale' or 'I'm not playing with made up rules' (as if the whole game isn't made up by the very same kind of people writing these experimental rules) It's silly to get rid of the new release section completely. They just needed to bring the schedule forward so it matched to what is actually new. I don't buy the 'Wd is made three months in advance' any more. So is every new release, they know what they are releasing months in advance. Other smaller magazines can get news and reviews out every month, and they rely on sourcing their info and advanced copies from outside sources. The WD team at most have to walk to another office to find out what's going on. Its current model is completely redundant thanks to the community and social media and therefore is a waste of printed page. But getting rid of it completely seems like such an extreme 'fix' for something that some people still enjoy. I certainly like spending less time in front of the screen, I spend all day online as it is, sometimes its nice to read the magazine and see the new releases with out having to trawl through the community page (which is a pain, if your looking for something older) or have to put up with the issues on social media.
  8. I dont think anyone has updated it in a while, @WarbossKurgan had the last big update I remember seeing. We have had a couple of items of it come out since though, the squig teeth matched up with one from the hopper set and a couple of them were from the daemons. One of them was the 3d hologram of the genestealer cult models. I recall seeing a pipe like one, which might be part of the new skaven warlock model.
  9. As much as I'm excited for skaven, I'm very surprised that they are releasing Grots and Skaven so close together, being bother are generally high model count horde armies. I would have thought they would have broken up two big releases like this. But no bother. I wont be going all in to the skaven release as I just have too much on my painting backlog (between christmas and gloomspite, as well as all the made to order stuff they have been doing) but at least I can pick up the battletomes (if there is one) and cards. Then next winter I can probably make a start on working on skaven. I have enough skaven kits to last a lifetime (I brought tons as I've been using parts to slowly make a skaven themed necromunda table) and really should think about getting some of them painted too! Looks like I'll be spending a lot less on Grots than I originally planned too now!
  10. I'm looking forward to listening to it, as I loved the the first book, but I just hope all these little ebooks and audio dramas are not moving away from the books planned trilogy or even taking away from the plot of the main books. I love audio drams but hate ebooks and don't want to feel I'm forced to buy either to enjoy the main book. I just wish they would do the main trilogy, then move in to smaller sub stories, more like bonus stories for those that want them.
  11. While it will probably cause heat on facebook groups, I just don't care enough about rules not to force cool models into my armies. I'll either run them as old warscrolls or just use them as the closest thing as I can in the new books. Chariots and pumpwagons just become stand ins for the mangler and my wolf riders will be using the spider rider rules. I'm still surprised that we got a mixed moonclan/spiderfang/troll army before we got steampunk mech gobbos with blimps and plastic pump wagons, but must be a reason for it. Probably from the vocal amount of complaints that AoS was getting too steampunk and not enough fantasy crowd. But I don't mind. If we don't see them, well we have a whole wealth of new kits of plunder anyway. I'll be collecting a pure gloomspite force anyway, but all those juicey left overs will be going right into my scrap pile for my custom gitmob stuff!
  12. Yeah, it's been rumoured for a while now that any of the AoS1 battletomes that don't fit the new style (abilities, terrain etc) will be getting summer updates and models to bring them to the 'modern' version of the game. I don't know how true this is, but it has been mentioned in this very thread a few times now. I wouldn't be surprised to at least see new seraphon and fyreslayer updates to bring them terrain. As @sorokyl says, there is no longer enough skaven minis to really bring back the race as a BoC battletome release. They need new heroes and special weapons and the plague monks (as much as I love this kit and brought way to many) is severely lacking in quality compared almost everything else they currently sell. They have very few duel kits (troop wise that is) and though the end times plastics are fantastic, they are pretty pricey. They need a huge overhaul to bring them up the quality of the new lines. I'm preying we get a skyre battletome, as other clans can be easily made from the infantry all ready available and it's never too hard to fit skyre tech into other clans. Plague have their start collecting kits and could do with a new battletome and terrain.
  13. I'd personally hope that this is the case. I'd hate to think they release the two biggest horde armies so close together. I know I don't have to go mad with models but the grots have a lot of new and exciting kits and have been my favourite army ever since I got in to the game, but the skaven come a very close 2nd. I'd much prefer them get their own slot and time in the lime light too, grots have had some awesome previews and I think skacen deserve the same!
  14. Some new gloomspite info up on community. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2019/01/02/gloomspite-gitz-preview-part-1-the-basics-and-allegiance-abilitiesgw-homepage-post-4/?fbclid=IwAR0b-9Qjg4P4jhJ2lS-ObnBlGBcbu_g3KdYhgJ6BvKBhYDm0RGtC_tlGuHA#utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Facebook&utm_campaign=AoS&utm_content=AoSGloomspiteRulesPreviewJan2
  15. I'd suspect the slannesh and keeper of secrets would come during the 40k heavy release, that way they can do it as a duel release and AoS still gets a release on a heavy 40k month. I've been wondering about KO endless spells, and would they really fit. Personally I think they need them as otherwise they would end up being the only race that didn have them. However this does give GW the excuse to work outside the current mould of endless spells. They could go in a different direction, I'd love to see KO styled tech that has models like the spells, but work more as anti magic like olden dwarven runes. I'd love to something like defence turrets, Aether-gold deposit, fuel depot- that kind of thing. Have them absorb enemies spells of give buffs. That way they can have access to magic with out being flown blown fantasy magic. I made a small goblin warband for skirmish. It's ended up at about 30 miniatures so far and no sign of slowing down! I can't wait to see how big my planned 'small' army of gloomspite grots ends up! haha
  16. There was no spiderfang Start collecting set. The were ally sets designed to add something like 400pts of allies to your main force. Many of them cost more than a start collection and I dont think they all head heroes in, which means you can't 'start collection' and an army with them as you'd still have to buy another box to get a commander. There were still pretty good, but never meant to be a regular item.
  17. I believe that they do it themselves, but it could have been one of the youtubers/ reviews out there. They seem to be sending a lot more kit out to people early on, so they get promotion. People got the soul wars stuff early enough to have it painting to show off on release day.
  18. omg , they are so packed with details. I was so-so on the trogs from the leaks, but they look superb, From the tiny bird trying to grab the worm and the trog wearing a dead grot as a loin cloth! I could stare at these for hours and still find something new to look at. They really have knocked it out the park with this release. There are so many cool things all at once too. It's like an entirely new army, yet nothing from the old range will feel out of place with these models! That Gobbapalooza is amazing too! The poor chap that's having a bad time on the shrooms, hilarious! I'm sadly not so keen on the Sneaky Snufflers, I'd preferred id they all had the baskets like the other chap as I like it more than the spiders. But hopefully it's just an easy conversion. That's fine, that's why I didn't post them! The leaked photos in this day and age are a little silly, but I still think that GW know that they are going to be released and they have the other previews ready to go out as soon as someone does leak them!
  19. I only didn't post as I'm sure that potato leaks are a no go on this forum. I know searching is a bit of a pain, espcially with not everyone having facebook, but reddit is pretty accessible and don't seem to mind potato leaks.
  20. I'm looking at trying Vallejos red inks. Not sure it will work as a wash, but I've seen some great stuff done with it as glazes for really deep, deep reds. I moved away from painting red gobbos and went with blue as I've had trouble with the newer GW reds not coming out very red. Most of my grots are done with blues now, but I'd like to go back to red for these models, so I'll be experimenting about with reds again.
  21. I've just had it pointed out, that in the photo of the mangler there is actually a whole unit of the sniffler hound squigs and grots with baskets on their backs (as on the battletome cover!) I've seen him once before, he's in the background of another video, but by the mangler there is actually a whole unit of the fellows! Happy days for me! I had wanted to use him as part of my display board, but was worried about the cost of buying multiply characters! If they are part of a unit then that means he should be affordable!
  22. Same reaction I'm having, just called my misses up at work and pretty much did that down the phone at her. Not sure how impressed she was that I was that excited over a new model or having me interrupted her few precious minutes away from her work with me talking about more goblins for the 900th time this week! There are on the gloomspite facebook group or the reddit AoS page. I would just post them here, but I think it would get nuked as they are leaked photos and not GW sanctioned ones.
  23. Troll king is up on the reddit page as well now. they are defiantly mind-blowing! This might be the best release they have done for AoS yet. I thought the death overhaul was pretty well done, even if I didnt liek all the models, but they seem to be knocking it out the park with the size and intensity of these models! As a converter I think this is going to spoil me for choice!
  24. There are pictures of the new mangler squig going around on facebook/reddit. Edit: Also pictures of the new trog king/units! (someone has been naughty with an advanced copy by the looks of it!) Edit 2: also there is a model of the basket chap from the cover, in the picture with the troll. He looks amazing, I'm hoping he's not too expensive so I can buy several for my display board! I won't post it here, as I think its a bit to much like a leak (it's pretty clear but also clearly a photo of the battletome taken from a phone camera) but as some one that hated the old one, this one is fantastic! It looks huge! (and stable!)
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