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Everything posted by Thostos

  1. Indeed they are very expensive,though I have both a 4x6 FAT mat and just this last weekend picked up the GW city ruin Battlemat for use in SWA...its by far top quality and has the hemmed edge around it.Probably not quite worth the 85.00 bucks but still,very nice stuff.
  2. I wouldnt rule out the announcement of the next rendition of 40k as its highly suspected that it will be rather "AoSified".Also there is rumors of making both games use the same(or very similar) ruleset.Perhaps in announcing this during the SCGT,they may hope to get some 40k players to take a closer look at how AoS plays since that game would be heading in that direction. Combining this with the release date for the next GH would seem appropriate as well....and I would love to know as im running an event this summer and very much DONT want to have to use a comp pack going into it,heh.
  3. Dread Saurian does not fit on a 170x105...too narrow. Ive fabricated a 220x130mm base and it looks very proportional.
  4. I think I caught every post in the thread here,sorry if I missed it but has anyone figured up a base size for the Dread Saurian yet? It is not shipped with a base and the model itself is very large.Ive just finished the base body assembly with the legs,head and tail so I could take some measurements.He comes in at a massive 34cm x 11 cm wide(approx),there is no base in production that I can find that would fit this model so what I would like to do is make a custom one out of some 1/8 panel I have..ive done similar with Nagash early last year as I purchased that model during its 8th edition release. Ive used a Carnasaur to compare it to as its similar proportions and it basically works out to an oval base of approx 150 mm wide by 200mm long would seem about right.I dont want to go too big as I feel I would get complaints of it being able to cover an objective control area,yet too small makes it difficult to get models into base to base,especially taller models that would its body and such. Anyone else have any ideas on this?
  5. Humm,,this is probably more of an faq thing,,but what if a player makes an entire list of say,Deathlords units,then chooses the last 20% or so points to be the summoning pool.Do they have to choose only Deathlords units to summon?
  6. Ahh yeah,,read the actual leaked page and it does clarify that,,I stand corrected. The earlier posted leak implied it was possible but would deny any bonuses if done...not like anyone would ever do that anyway,heh.
  7. Naa,you can still bring anything you want,even mixing Grand Alliances,,but if you do that you wont be able to pick from the Command Abilities and no Artifacts. To expand a bit..if you choose to have an army that is all from a single Grand Alliance,then you will get a bonus for that.Though if you choose to be all from one subfaction(such as Iron Jawz,in your case) then you can get an allegiance bonus for that.You will need to choose which one you will use for the game though.
  8. Thanks for doing this Ben! Im curious as to the basics surrounding the scenarios and their victory conditions..are these kill point based?,Objective based like 40k or a mix of both?
  9. I want to clarify some stuff here in light of the latest rumors on points and such from the Generals handbook. I will be playing my Death forces for the Summer campaign,I have Nagash along with Neferata and a rather extensive collection of old and new Death units/models.These rules,including the summoning nerf,I feel are going to be just fine and actually make for some very balanced and competative games. First off,according to the Warscroll for Nagash,he can cast/dispel a total of 8 spells at full strength,he has a +3 to cast and unbind as well. Now the way im reading this persons rumor report,as a summoning player I will be able to set aside a point amount for summoning.During the game I can choose a unit to summon(any unit/model from my collection that is),pay the points for it,then roll to cast.Of course if it doesnt go off I think its safe to assume that the points arent spent..as well I cant attempt that summoning spell again until the next battleround,,fair enough. With Nagash`s bonus to casting he should have no problem at all getting units out rather quickly and in fair numbers.Even the doubling of models could be a boon even though the additional warscroll would have to payed for as well,but I would get two for a single cast roll...I believe he would be able to cast Terrorghiests on a 7+ with his best bonus,,add another +1 if hes near arcane terrain,,,,or even get some Morghasts out early(on a 4+ even) then gain another +1 to cast.the cheap units of 5 or less to cast would only fail if double ones were rolled.Basically I can start on the board with just him and some bubble wrap troops,finish deployment before my opponent and go first(depending on scenario rules of course).Then spend my first turn summoning out units from my collection specifically catered and likely optimally positioned to deal with my opponents army.I can see this as a viable way to use him and is likely why hes costed so high. Ive played Nagash a few times in open play,,,basically his summoning is just not fun unless your opponent has some hard hitting stuff on the table.Probably the best battle with him was against Glottkin and large army of plague bearers and nurglings.Other times its been so one sided that we gave up on it..This new system certainly does look to be a nerf to him,but not even close to making him useless...
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