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Posts posted by Requizen

  1. 9 minutes ago, HorticulusTGA said:

    Well the crown itself has clearly industrial "feet", and is full of plasma glowing cables.

    It would be easy to convert it to AOS (corrupted Realmgate ?) removing the too "technological" parts, though.

    Hm, I think they only look like Plasma because of the lighting effect in the preview picture. I could easily see that being painted as stone or metal for a more Fantasy feel. But I guess it is more "industrial" than most Chaos things.

  2. 5 hours ago, Kaleb Daark said:

    the chaos space marine stargate... there's going to be lots of good conversion potential in that  I feel.

    I wonder if that'll have anything to do with the upcoming Slaves to Darkness/Darkoath/Everchosen mixed Battletome. There's nothing about the terrain piece that screams "40k only" to me, so maybe as an altar for Chaos Mortals armies to summon in support from the Realm of Chaos or something. Would be an easy win for GW to get double sales off one box.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Still-young said:

    The flair on the hinge is exactly the same as the AdMech stuff. 


    26 minutes ago, PJetski said:

    The hinge flair is the same as the Taurox



    Hm, for some reason it looked a little more fleur-de-lis than the Ad Mech stuff. Either way, still SoB.

  4. 10 hours ago, Lhurgoyf said:


    I just went to my first ever Warhammer tournament yesterday. Here's my report, and my impressions of the army. 

    Stormhost: Tempest Lords

    Lord Arcanum on Gryph - Thundershock

    Knight Incantor - Azyrite Halo

    2x5 Sequitors

    5 Evocators

    3 Castigators

    1 Celestar Ballista


    Round 1 - Nighthaunt: This was my first ever game of warhammer. We played one with 4 objectives in a diamond pattern around the board. I sat my ballista on my home objective and it did WORK. I crushed Reikenor and some Harridans coming down my right flank, but I think I sent too many resources that way, because I got destroyed on my left objective. We ended up tied on VPs, but I got a minor loss on kill points. I may have had poor threat assessment, because I only did 2 damage to his unit of 30 Grimghast reapers before they entered combat, and they tore through everything they touched.  Lessons learned in this one - keep the heroes close to the action, but don't rush them into combat. I missed out on some buffs because my general wasn't close enough to the front lines, then I overcorrected and got run over by reapers. The Knight Incantor did an incredible amount of spell damage until I ran her into combat with a Dreadblade Harrow.  After the game a bystander told me I could have won if I'd retreated my last surviving Sequitor and the Knight in order to deny the kill points. 

    Round 2 - Khorne:  We played Take and Hold. I set up my Castigators and Ballista on my home objective behind 5 Sequitors and the heroes. Later my Evos and the other Sequitors deepstriked near the Bloodreavers holding his objective. My poor opponent had to slog across the board while taking Ballista shots and the Incantor spell to the face. Blood Tithe table encourages MSU, but the Knight Incantor really punishes that approach. I got my first win!

    Round 3 - Flesh eater courts: The scenario didn't matter. My opponent's army was just 3 monsters. That was it. My whole army died on turn 1. I actually almost won because I deep striked onto his abandoned objectives and got way ahead on points, but once he finished eating my main army, he came and ate the reserves. This opponent's only loss was to another FEC army, which won the tournament.


    Impressions of the army: I liked it.  The Knight Incantor and the Celestar Ballista were much more effective than I thought they'd be.  The sequitors did exactly what I expected. The Evocators were great, but my opponents knew they were great so played around them. I don't think I ever got the hang of the best way to use the Lord Arcanum on Gryph. He did well in combat, but I never wanted to risk him, because his buffs were so important.  That might take some experience. Meanwhile, the castigators were terrible They did nothing all day. Opponents laughed off their shots. They were weirdly durable in combat, but if your castigators are in combat you're already losing, so  that doesn't help at all. What should I replace them with? Maybe 10 Skink allies and a 20 point spell? I don't know but I'm open to suggestions. 


    Where would you go as far as expanding this to 2K? Recently bought 10 more Sequitors and some Evos on cats, but that still leaves a lot of room.

    Expanding this army is mostly going to be in bulking out the units. Minimum units of anything is pretty meh overall for us, unless it's only taken for Battleline requirements. 5 Evos are probably the most ok min unit, but even then, 10 is better. 10-20 Sequitors is much better, as well.

    Castigators can be taken minimum sized, but you'll want more than 3, maybe a few units of 3.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 13 minutes ago, Mogwai Man said:

    It has the same format as Necromunda. Instead of the underhive and gangs setting we get chaos wastes and chaos tribes.

    Both games will play completely differently from one another it's only the structure that is similar.

    It has the same format as Underworlds. It has specific models that look similar to current ones and takes place in an area tangential to the game but not part of core AoS.

    • Thanks 3
  6. 3 minutes ago, Mogwai Man said:

    Not entirely baseless. Warcry has the same format as Necromunda which isn't a bad thing.

    Does it? All we know is that there are factions and it's skirmish based. That's the same format as Skirmish, Kill Team, and to an extent Underworlds. Nothing so far has told us what type of player it will be for nor anything about the game itself.

    • Like 3
  7. 5 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    If SCE get update this year(probably). I think we will also get a special terrain....😁

    One great thing about playing SCE: never being outdated for long

    We won't get an update, we already have an AoS 2 book with Endless Spells. We may get random unit additions, but I would be really flabbergasted to see a terrain piece or Sigmar forbid, Battletome.

  8. 17 minutes ago, That Guy said:

    Not to mention look at the Altar rules. A Khorne Priest wholly within 8” of this model can re-roll prayers and judgement rolls. The Chaos Warshrine can also be used for the re-rolls and prayers/judgements now, since you don’t necessarily need to be on top of the altar. Also look at how valuable the heraldor becomes now. Thunderblasting that altar is an option right?

    Sure, but Thunderblast only extends out 3" and they get the buff within 8". Still, with so many armies getting terrain, Heraldors go up in stock quite a bit.

  9. 2 hours ago, lord_blackfang said:

    I maintain that Underworlds must secretly be subcontracted to FFG or something since it's so far beyond anything else from GW.

    Dave Sanders is the guy on their team that directs Underworlds and Kill Team Arena. Dude has good eyes for skirmish level games, so I'm looking forward to this new creation from him.

  10. 19 hours ago, PJetski said:

    There's still a place for melee units, but Stormcast definitely have to take a mix of shooting/magic and melee. 

    I think Dracoths are going to be a super important unit going forward. Fulminators being able to get 0+ save rerolling 1s against shooting is really valuable.

    True, but that's if traditional shooting becomes commonplace. A lot of the ranged damage output were're seeing from armies is MW based (or debuffs comboed with melee). It'll depend heavily on how good things like Free Peoples, Bonesplitterz, and Kharadron Overlords are with their new Battletomes. 

    In the meantime, look at those new Khorne Judgements, especially the Axe. You know what kills Slaughterpriests behind a wall of Reavers/Bloodletters dead? Longstrikes, Ballistas, and Judicators. 

    I've also started fiddling with Ordinator + 4 Ballista + Celestial Hurricanum lists again. It's... silly.

  11. Curious to see if this is more Narrative focused like Necromunda (mainly campaign focused) or Matched focused like Underworlds (very easy pick up and play with randos). Kill Team splits the line between the two by having rules for both, but imo with Arena shifted more towards Matched focused. 

    I like Narrative games, but don't really have an area interested in ongoing narrative campaigns, so we'll see what it turns out to be.

    • Like 1
  12. 26 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    Longstrike's 2+ to hit and 6 to do MW is crucial when you want to kill some heros.


    Ballista are extremely efficient at shooting all types of units. Longstrikes blow them out of the water when it comes to dropping Heroes.

    The main power of the Anvilstrike list is just headshotting every important Hero off the table on Turn 1 or 2 and then mopping up. You're never tabling the opponent from a range - Longstrikes are fairly terrible at clearing out units, but once you kill the Heroes it doesn't really matter because most armies fall apart.

    It's armies with multiple units that function well independent of Heroes that Longstrikes worries about. 

  13. Man, played against a Kunning Rukk this weekend. Won the game, but it's pretty disheartening to watch 10 Evocators just evaporate under a billion Arrerz. It was really close until I got the turn that let me drop the Rukk Boss and the Wizard with Brutal Beast Spirits via Longstrikes, but honestly if he had deployed/positioned differently I might not have been able to reach them even with 30", at least not without sacrificing my Longstrikes in the process. 

    It seems like a pretty interesting matchup for Anvils. We don't have the oomph to drop 30 Boyz easily, and the Arrerboyz are basically like the unit of Longstrikes, especially if you get Hand off and they get a threat range of 33". 

  14. 5 minutes ago, HammerOfSigmar said:

    FAQ clarifies this....



    This. Her rule states she can only take 3 wounds per turn, but the start of a Battle Round is not either player's turn. So you can drop the Comet on 1, and when the turn rolls over, she takes damage from the pulse. Anything left over can be quickly cleaned up by the rest of your army.

    • Like 1
  15. One of the upsides is that the Comet is one of the only ways to instagib Morathi, since she can take damage in the time between turns, so depending on how much of a problem she is it's a consideration. It's also a great way to kill small Death Heroes like Vamp Lords or Necromancers.

    I think there's a lot of limitations with it due to our medicore casting and the cost of the spell, but if you build with it in mind it can be a very solid tool.

  16. Just now, stus67 said:

    So would you recommend 20 sequitors over say two 10 man units?

    Depends on the rest of your army. 2x10 are efficient fighting units that can activate relatively independently, even without Hero babysitting. 20 Sequitors are really strong with Hero support - hitting them with a Castellant Lantern, Heraldor Horn, and a spell or two can turn those 20 dudes into an absolute nightmare for your opponent.

  17. 1 hour ago, Naprapaten said:

    I know, thats why i have 3 ballistas :)@PJetski

    Ballistas are a really inefficient use of the Command Point, and can be quite difficult to utilize in actual gameplay if you want to get extra 18" shooting against important targets. Try it out, but I'd recommend more bodies over the Ballista/Ordinator suite.

    12 minutes ago, stus67 said:

    @Nos @Karragon


    Thanks for the input it helps a lot. I've been trying to think up a bunch of weird stuff for Nova Open. I like the idea of the battalions since it's less drops too, but I agree that it wouldn't make sense bringing it for 5 man units. I could never get into the giant 20 man block though because of how slow and unwieldy it is.  I also want to still try and use my foot evos since I already own them.

    The thing with the 20 man Sequitor unit is that you don't care about all of them. The only ones that really need to get into combat are the Greatmaces, anything else is just gravy. Especially with a Heraldor, they're far from slow overall. 

  18. 13 minutes ago, IRifter said:

    Thank you for your thoughts. Any chance you got a list with fulminators and/or Dracolines for me?

    That's a bit open ended. Lots of lists can include either one, depending on what you want the rest of it to do. Karragon's Heat 1 list further up the page as a reasonably solid build for 6 Dracolines, and the old Stardrake + 2x2 Fulminators list is the most popular (just Google Les Martin Stardrake if you want an idea). But you could easily run them quite differently depending on what other options you want.

  19. Fulminators are the only Dracothian Guard unit worth taking imo. Desolators and Concussors might be better with a point drop, and Tempestors are... fine but nothing special. 

    Dracoline Evocators are strong and fast, but super expensive. A unit of 6 or maybe 9 is about the most you want to bring if you don't want to get tabled by high-damage enemies. They do really want support, however - they're fairly squishy on their own if they get caught out.

    Palladors are a cool screening/distraction unit but really lack enough hitting power to be worth bringing competitively. You can use them, but it's not really that great.


    Basically my feeling is that if you want to run a big ball of punchy that burns across the table and kills whatever it touches, go for Dracolines. If you want smaller, independently operating  units that focus more on flanking and troubleshooting, ~2 units of Fulminators should do the trick.

  20. 15 hours ago, jaebird said:

    Has anyone given the Lord-Arcanum on Tauralon a shot? I'm thinking about getting a nice big center piece model, and while the Star Drake is gorgeous, I think it's a little beyond what I can paint right now. I like how the Tauralon looks, but is it worth getting over the LA on Gryph-Charger?

    Generally speaking, it's not worth the 100 extra points over the regular mounted ones, when that 100 can be put towards extra bodies or Endless Spells. But, it's not the worst unit in the book by far. He's a fairly solid counter-charge threat and depending on the Realm Spells can do some solid damage from a range. Overall he's a mediocre choice, but hanging out with, say, 20 Sequitors + Castellant + Heraldor, you can make a really solid wall that's hard to shift and has a fairly scary monster behind.

    4 hours ago, Phil D said:

    Question raised during a game last night. I used my Heraldor to retreat and run a unit of Consussors so they could charge Reikenor. In the shooting phase I elected to use Storm Blast on him and my opponent asked if they could still shoot as they had run. I said yes and he accepted that, but now I'm starting to doubt myself. The result didn't affect the outcome of the game.

    Was I right? Can Concussors use Storm Blast after a run move from a Heraldor?

    Onwards to Glory only lets you retreat/run and still charge. Shooting is disallowed when you retreat or run, and nothing from the Heraldor overrides that rule, so no.

  21. 16 hours ago, ledha said:

    Just nitpicking this part since the rest if correct you need to be within 3" of someone at the start to be even able to pile-in (barring few exception) anyway. I was speaking of what can allow a unit to go within 3" of another unit without being within 3" of anyone at its start, and only the charge can do that.

    Seems like aetherwing can go within 3" now. If only GW could have point that in the ability without people having to go trough faqs to allow it or not

    You don't need to have it in the Ability, the Move rules in Core cover it - Normal moves not within 3", Charge have to end 1/2" away, pile in only 3" towards closest. Any other type of move has no restrictions unless it says otherwise.

    Granted they should have a sentence that says something like "Other move types granted by abilities have no such restrictions", but it is pretty implicit in the rules how it works already.

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