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Everything posted by CoffeeGrunt

  1. Maybe an alt mode for Death Summoning spells that returns slain models to a unit? It would probably need to be a new Death book rather than a GHB though, but for example have Grave Guard at +D3, Skeleton Warriors at +D6, etc, etc. Would allow a bit more active engagement with Death regen. Heck, maybe even remove the passive Banner regen and make it a more active, involved choice in return for making the regen spell more potent.
  2. It's just a minor alteration on a theme, not really indicative of anything new coming. There's plenty of images of Imperial Guard Commanders that don't have models, but are depicted differently from the norm because the artist thought it would look cool, and GW agreed.
  3. I think the main problem with Undestructable Prediction is that it so rarely has an effect, compared to Deathless Minions or the Destruction one, at least. It's nice when it happens, but really I think something else might fit better in both thematics and gameplay.
  4. CoffeeGrunt

    Grave Guard

    Haha, can't say I disagree!
  5. CoffeeGrunt

    Grave Guard

    Damn, out of likes! Great work as always Groje, on these and the Black Knights.
  6. Not had much time for painting in the past week. Made the brilliant plan of choosing Gravity Falls as my background noise for painting over the last week, it backfired when I basically stopped painting and just watched the show. Like, you should all watch it, is what I'm saying. Aaanyway, some progress was made. I've got 20 Zombies almost finished, just need basing, then that'll bring me up to 60 in total. I also finished the base for my VLoZD which I'm fairly pleased with. Hoping to get some Black Knights or Grave Guard done next.
  7. I think you're taking the simple process of teases and leaks a little personally, amigo.
  8. Can't please everybody. I like that GeeDubs are actually engaging with us and teasing stuff, personally.
  9. By the time these come out, £100 might only be about 20 € .
  10. No Death either, but two Order factions represented.
  11. I'm okay with there not being any tempting boxes to tear my wallet asunder at this most financially-trying time of the year.
  12. Yeah, not quite finished yet so I haven't shown it here. I'm currently finishing off the Zombies and the Zombie Dragon's base, then the Grave Guard and Skeletons so all the infantry are more-or-less sorted. I've got a little to-do list put together with the aim of powering through it all.
  13. Haha, well I'll keep an eye out if we're all still alive by then. Had a 4000pt game to cap off a 3 day campaign I was playing with a friend from the GHB. It was quite fun, and thankfully I managed to storm through each game at 1500, 2000 and finally 4000pts. This is my entire collection and it was pretty cool to get the chance to put it all on the table. Sadly only about half of it is fully painted and based so far, but I'm steadily ploughing through it all. Also kitbashed this chappy together as a Necromancer/Liche Priest/Tomb Herald. I mainly intend to play him as the latter, I like to imagine the brazier burning with spiritfire as he slams it into the ground, raising the dead all around him. Was an easy conversion, glad I've got all these spare Hexwraith bitz, haha.
  14. Sadly I passed them on. Actually cursed myself for it later as I was mulling over making a few Skeleton Archers for list variety later and the Bows were on those sprues too. These have been in the painting queue for a month or two now. I'd like to see a project like that though, so make sure to post it up when you have the chance!
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