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Everything posted by CoffeeGrunt

  1. That's how Crypt Shields work for Death, though only against attacks with Rend - .
  2. Both Morghasts finished and ready for fightin'.
  3. Haha, yeah. No good bitz go unused. I've still got one set that I'm pondering about a couple of projects with, hopefully at least one of them comes to fruition. In the meantime, I got a my Dire Wolves painted and based on Friday just in time for a tournament today, was quite pleased to get a fully-painted force together in time, and won three out of four of my games to boot! Also looking up some 28mm Giant Spiders to serve as steeds for counts-as Necropolis Knights...
  4. I don't like the wings on them personally, so I left them off.
  5. Just about 5K of Death, mostly Deathrattle. I also have a small force of Wood Elves made up of 20 Glade Guard, 8 Glade Riders and a Spellweaver.
  6. Got a Morghast mostly-finished. Customised it a bit with flayed skin and meaty bitz to make it look more corpsey, and also lost the wings. Just some tweaks and basing to go, then I'll finish off the other half of the duo.
  7. It's a Chaos Marine for the upcoming Traitor Legions supplement, most likely.
  8. I managed to get some Dire Wolves painted recently. They're like Wolves...but Dire:
  9. The Black Coach. No matter what you pay for it, it's still pointless.
  10. Haha, well a friend built some for their new Dwarf army and had tonnes of spare sprues of shields and axes. Couldn't help but admire the gorgeous Celtic symbols on the shields and axes, so I nicked a few to scatter around new builds.
  11. CoffeeGrunt

    Angel of Death

    Counts as Vampire Lord with Wings
  12. CoffeeGrunt

    Angel of Death

    Counts as Vampire Lord with Wings
  13. Might do that, not sure atm. Anyway, got the Angel of Death painted up. Thinking I'll run it as a Vampire Lord with Wings.
  14. Arm looks too thin to be a Dwarf, unless it's a prosthetic?
  15. Main problem I had with the Morghasts is that the hip and ankle joints are designed to go in one particular position without much room to change it up. I tried to make the one on the right look like it was charging forward, while the other was leaping back blocking an incoming swing.
  16. Narrative pay is nice for a campaign, but not much good for quick pickup games. Victory also often goes to the one with the larger collection. In Matched Play you at least get something of a level playing field.
  17. It isn't. Same as mine are Spooky Dead People, my friend's are Those Flippin' Trees, and the local Fireslayer player runs Mohawk Dudes.
  18. We call them Sigmarines at our local. It's what they are, and feels less pretentious than, "Stormcast Eternals."
  19. I personally prefer the idea of finding creative ways to give weak units a role to fill, rather than just lowering their points.
  20. And I also managed to get some Black Knights painted to round out my ten-rider squad, which has been pretty handy as a fast outrider in a lot of games. Now that I'm learning how to use retreat tactics properly with cavalry on top of their regen, I've managed to make them incredibly annoying for my opponents, haha. And that's before I give them a 24" move with Fly via Settra to float them onto objectives and irritate my foes. Bases will be sorted at a later date. Usual snowy fare.
  21. Got a box of Morghasts and had a little fun building them. Decided I didn't much like the wings on them and wanted them to look more like amalgams of resurrected corpses rather than constructs. I used the spare parts to make something, and tried out some green stuff rags to give it a wraithlike "angel of death" look. I'm thinking of running it as a Vampire Lord with wings. Also added some meat and skin to the Morghasts, I had the idea that they were almost avatars of destruction and slaughter, that kill all before them and amalgamate it onto themselves. I like the idea of a more "Chaos"-like Death force. Much like how enough people being diseased in an area can empower Nurgle, why can Death itself not be a force that causes Daemon-like apparitions and warping of reality where enough death has occurred?
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