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Gaz Taylor

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Posts posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. 1 hour ago, Aryann said:


    So we have 8 mega bundles coming to 40k and AoS. If they are splitted even than we have 4 boxes for AoS sadly. Two are an easy guess - sc and bloodbound. I'd say Sylvaneth and Ironjawz left.

    Gah. I had to go to that horrible site to check. :( 

    I think the mega bundles sound about right, but you never know with how GW have been knocking things out this year.

  2. Just now, polarbear said:

    I've never had interest in Bloodbowl, don't care for football and thought the idea was goofy, but those Skaven and dwarf teams are out of this world. I would love that as a painting project. I guess if you want the board and all you'll have to pick up the starter with human/orcs eh? Humans pretty bland in my opinion.

    Also, this really makes me want to see a new Skaven clan and new dwarf army in AoS in these styles. They could make some crazy awesome Eshin now that they do tails so dynamically.

    Andy Hoare has mentioned they have been thinking about doing Mouse Mat pitches but no idea if that will happen. If it doesn't I'm sure somebody will! ;) 

  3. Yes I'm excited about Blood Bowl. Anybody else who is excited, might be interested in this event at Warhammer World in November - http://warhammerworld.games-workshop.com/the-bugmans-full-beard-cup/

    I'm also really excited about the new Horus Heresy set and I think there is some cool stuff in it which gives me a nice sized force as I've not done a lot with my Calth marines yet!

    In fact, pretty much every release GW has done this year I have been excited about! :D 

    • Like 1
  4. 47 minutes ago, Shane said:


    If true, would mean they'll be doing timed runs based on armies/factions.


    That probably makes sense then as it means that they don't need to cast up stupid amounts of things and have it sitting around in warehouses, waiting for people to buy them.

  5. 1 minute ago, wayniac said:

    True, but few of their games are really suited to 4x4, and the ones that are can be grossly unbalanced anyways (see: Kill Team and Path to Glory)

    You are assuming that everybody plays the same sized games ;) 

    I think for testing the waters and catering for people who play at home on the kitchen table, 4x4 is fine. Hopefully this is a something they will invest more into and we will see some bigger mats

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, wayniac said:

    Yeah I saw this, and immediately felt they dropped the ball by doing only a 4x4 one, so hopefully it's the start of a series.  AOS I think would be the perfect opportunity to have themed mats for the different realms so it's not always the same board with the same molded features like the RoBB.

    I think it's a bit of a test to see if it's something people want. They have been playing around with the idea for the new Blood Bowl game and were looking at having the pitches made from a similar material (not 100% sure if this will happen but if it does will be as an limited release).

    I also imagine the thinking behind having it as a 4x4 one as well is that it fits on most people's dining tables or doesn't take up too much floor space ;) 

  7. 37 minutes ago, The Jabber Tzeentch said:

    You never know, I would be suprised I'd there was a 40k Daemon release that wasn't a dual release for AoS. But isn't this new stuff just all tzeentch chaos space marines?


    Horus Heresy stuff focused upon the raising of Prospero. I'm sort of hoping for some Tzeentch Daemon stuff but sort of suspect that Silver Tower was that for this year.

  8. 5 hours ago, The Jabber Tzeentch said:

    With the exception of matched play, there's nothing stopping you using them with any Grand Alliance. Death faction with Fyreslayers is my favourite.

    100% agree. Whilst it would have been cool to have another Alliance, it's more straight forwards this way! ;)


    20 hours ago, cb_rex said:

    I hope they don't just end up having one rule set for both sysyems. I enjoy the various rules for 40k, vehicles for example. Yes it could be simplified and streamlined a with better use of keywords and synergy, also having it more digitafied like AoS would be good and simplifying and balancing army selection methods.

    However, I don't think 40k has a issue with lack of sales so why mess majorly with a winning formula?

    I don't think they will have one rule set for both systems, mainly because it will cause a massive amount of upset to the core customer base of GW's business. I suspect that they will take a lot of lessons learnt with Age of Sigmar and use that (just like how Age of Sigmar took elements of 40K and refined it - i.e. Formations/Battlaions).  I think we will see similar profiles for 40K but I think the core rules will have a lot more to it.

    The main issue 40K has is that the rules to play the game are all over the place, whilst Age of Sigmar all I need is the Generals Handbook and the Warscrolls and I can play anyway I want (Out of Box/Narrative/Matched Play).

    1 hour ago, RuneBrush said:

    Think it depends on what you are likely to play in 30k. Death Guard and Iron Warriors look weird in mk4 ;)  This box, like Calth, is intended to get the base plastic marines into production to ease FW's production so they can focus on the rest of the 30k minis.

    These are my thoughts as well, plus you don't need to use the models just for 30K as you can use the armour variants in 40K

    • Like 2
  9. 29 minutes ago, Tiger said:

    Gift is a DLC key for Total War: Warhammer?

    Yes looks like it. I'll be giving mine away as I don't play it and don't own a PC.

    1 hour ago, Arkiham said:

    40k is ramping up to something big, so expect to see a lot of 40k, probably during the winter campaign 

    13th Black Crusade (again! :D ). I suspect they are using this as the 40K End Times campaign to push the background that bit closer to midnight, so no longer two minutes but probably 30 seconds. Then I think we will see a new edition of the game which will most likely be similar to Age of Sigmar (I think probably profiles).

    3 minutes ago, bottle said:

    We could be getting a release in November late, as the Nov WD will presumably cover October and maybe early November. At this point I think Steamhead Duardin was nothing but wishlisting by BoLS "industry insiders". I think a Tzeentch release across 40k/AoS is the only thing we'll see before 2017.

    I think if there are any more releases it will be either tied into the 40K Tzeentch release if we see new Daemon models, or some new character releases. I don't think Steamhead Duardin are a wishlist but I'm very interested in what GW come up with as they almost have a blank canvas for them. I wouldn't be surprised if they polarise people when they come out, especially as they no longer need to stick with what we had with the World that Was.

    • Like 1
  10. 43 minutes ago, Bowlzee said:

    I'm pretty sure i heard it said on the Warlords Twitch feed over the weekend that an Allegiance Book was coming. Or it was at least strongly hinted at.

    Totally excited by the White Dwarfs now, looking forward to the comic!

    I know it was very strongly hinted at they would revisit the Generals Handbook and add content as well as adjusting things but I think this was a given. 

  11. 21 minutes ago, Dez said:

    I'm afraid some love for the Thousand Sons will cause me to pick up some 40K stuff, even though I haven't played much at all this edition. I'd love to add to my 30k Thousand Sons I started in 2010?

    Same here but I have a small mountain of marines to paint up so heading in that direction anyway (and my local group play a lot of 40K).


    10 minutes ago, Shane said:

    Sneaky Thousand Sons snake in the background there.

    Those Silver Towers are too big. FW would probably do them if they were Khorne.

    Fingers crossed for a month of Tzeentch. Let's do this!

    Good spot Batman!

    Month of Tzeentch would be cool but unfortuanlty I think there will be little Age of Sigmar content bar some model updates. Would be nice to have a Exaulted Flamer model on it's own rather than having to have the Chariot kit.

  12. It's Silver Towers. I think this is for the second part of the 40K Fenris Battlezone campaign. So this is probably all the Tzeentch stuff that has been rumoured as well as the ones around Primarch models #wolftime

    Be interesting to see if there is anything new for Age of Sigmar though with this release, as it would be cool to see a new Lord of Change model.

  13. 13 hours ago, shinros said:

    Who knows GW do make miniatures month's in advance right? Still at least it's something I do think it's tzeentch because his battle tome could lead into the dark aelves, steamhead and slaanesh. 

    What happens if it is 40K or Horus Heresy Tzeentch? #handgrenadethrow ;) 

  14. I think a lot of stuff gets mistaken for other stuff. I remember before the End Times came out, we had rumours about a Chaos Lord on a Dragon and a new plastic Great Unclean One aka Archaon and The Glottkin.

    I think part of the issue with these sorts of rumours is that even though they are from a 'trusted' source, we don't know how much of it is hearsay from somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody or how much is a bit of fun from the guys in the Studio. Personally with the recent amazing stuff from GW via Facebook and Youtube, I'm more happy to wait for the cool teasers and pictures that way than a bit of fishwife gossip. A cool example was the recent leak about a 30K release which the GW guys blew out of the water with dropping Kharn!

    • Like 1
  15. 11 minutes ago, Chris Tomlin said:

    Cheers Gaz! Go pick up a couple of Start Collecting boxes and have some fun! :P 

    Regarding the timescales, whilst it seems short, the amount of hours put in within them are pretty ridiculous. On Friday alone I painted for literally just over 15 hours straight, stopping for food a couple of times and that's it. So I'm not a quick painter (when talking about proper paint jobs like these) and am not claiming to have produced these in a quick time. If they'd have taken me 2 months, the overall hours invested would've been the same...if that makes sense?

    I now have a Cabbage, Ardnob, 3 Gore-gruntas and 5 Brutes to paint by 09/09/16...another frankly absurd target (which I genuinely might not be able to hit). I converted the Ardnob last night and hope to start work painting the Cabbage tonight. This week is a bit of a write off as I have Summerslam to watch tomorrow night (no spoilers please!) and 2 weddings to go to at the weekend. You'll learn my weekends are essentially Warhammer or Weddings pretty much :S 


    You foul temptress! ;)

    I really think you are doing yourself a dis-service with what you have achieved. Seriously, if I had 15 hours I would not be able to do anything to the same quality that you have.

  16. I'm going to have to say it now - I equally love and hate this thread.

    I love it because it's inspiring to see somebody doing a great job with the fantastic miniatures that GW have produced, but also showing that the force does have some teeth (or teef ;) ) now we have all digested the warscrolls and battalions.

    I hate it because it has me rethinking about my Clash army and trying to work out if I can knock out a Ironjaw list (although I am equally tempted with a Duardin force just to annoy Mo)

    • Like 2
  17. 16 hours ago, Rusty said:

    Yeah, I'm interested where people are hearing about an Autumn Campaign for AoS... Any links to credible sources?

    I would say wishlisting as I think 40K is going to get some love with some Deathwatch Marines and a new boxed set and then backed up with what I see as the 40K End of Times stuff to gear people up for the next edition

  18. Games Workshop have recently released some FAQs to try and help out with any common questions players may have about the game or the Alliances. Please see the link below:





    You may be wondering if these are offical or if you have to use them. Please consider the first question from the Age of Sigmar Rules FAQ....

    Q - Is an FAQ required when you can discuss things with your opponent before a game?

    A - Players should always feel free to discuss the rules before a game, and change things as they see fit if they both want to do so, whatever the printed rules and FAQ may say so. The rules and FAQ simply provide a 'default setting' for your games.

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