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Gaz Taylor

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Posts posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. 6 minutes ago, Yoshiya said:

    Also, is it just me or does the quality seem a bit off? I think it's made even more obvious since they put them on new models but I think the plastic stuff looks a lot better than these.

    I think the problem is that because they are using a white background, they don't look quite right. Also the image with the female heads on the Stormcast bodies looks photoshoped to me, which is why they might not look quite right.

    8 minutes ago, Yoshiya said:

    That said, for positives it's good to see FW releasing more for AoS (even if I can't afford any of it living in Japan...) and hopefully signals the start of an expanding of their frankly pathetic fantasy range.

    Part of the problem is that they have never really had a dedicated team for Fantasy/Age of Sigmar. It's only recently they've started building a team but it's only a few people so will take a while for us to see things.


    • Thanks 2
  2. 1 minute ago, RexHavoc said:

    If we are mirroring underworld releases, then they need to back track and fill the holes from shadespire first! We need that skaven battletome now!

    The recent Warhammer Underworld releases.... ;) (ignoring the Cult of Nine....) 

    Although I think we will see a Skaven Battletome soon with the recent announcement of the Flesh Eaters vs Skaven set. 

  3. +++ Mod Hat On +++

    Can we please wander back to discussing some rumours please?

    Also for those of you moaning about this thread being more a discussion thread rather than a rumour thread - Please go to your local store or club and discuss rumours. Now please let me know if you are able to keep the whole conversation just centred on rumours and not venture off discussion some cool models or lore aspects.

    It is generally accepted that TGA is about the hobby and we all enjoy Age of Sigmar. The last thing we want is for this to turn into a very mechanical thread about rumours (Which is very difficult now as GW have a very tight grasp on what we find out about).

    +++ Mod Hat Off +++

    Not really a rumour but a guess. Seeing how the last few releases have been Stormcast, Nighthaunt and Gloomspite, I think we can guess that Darkoath are next (which also mirrors the Warhammer Underworld releases :D )

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  4. 6 minutes ago, KaltosDrake said:
      Reveal hidden contents




    I'm sorry, i didn't know that, even thought, it's not a leaked photo. It appears in the games workshop store, at the bottom of the front page. 

    It's not that one. I removed the offending one (Battalion Warscroll from the new Battletome) ;) 

    Anything which appears from a GW website/Facebook/Instagram is fine. Anything from GW employees in their social media should be taken with a pinch of salt as that often can be something they are working on for their own fun. ;) 

  5. Personally, until the book is out, I wouldn't make any massive reactions around this. The rule sounds really cool to me but I can see it could be overpowered if it wasn't worded right or hadn't been properly thought about. However, I do believe that GW have their heads screwed on with the battletomes now and after listening to Sam Pearson and the process in writing a battletome on the latest Stormcast Episode, I have complete confidence that GW will do a great job. 

    • Like 3
  6. +++ Mod Hat On +++

    Just a poke but as it has been pointed out several times, can we try and keep to Rumours please!!

    Understand that things will drift away from this as people get excited about things, but be great if we can get back on topic like the last few posts ;) 

    • Thanks 6
  7. 18 hours ago, Luzgurbel said:

    I would like to start a Seraphon army based on the new battleforce box. Is it a good deal? All of the box can be played with more or less success?

    Having got a battleforce box of Seraphon for Christmas, I'm in the same boat as yourself. I think the box can be very successful but it will need to be added to. At the moment, my plans are to have an army based around the Shadowstrike Battalion so I can use the Skinks and drop the Ripperdactyls on something. I'm then thinking about running some Saurus Knights or Warriors to give the army some punch. It's something I'll have to experiment with but it looks like it'll fit my playstyle (sneaky stuff and then a big slap to the face).

    18 hours ago, Luzgurbel said:

    And... What can I do to have Slanns without being finecast/metal? I mean, alternative (plastic) models.

    My plan at the moment is to use my old Slann and strip it (it's metal) but for the future I'm thinking about converting something up. My thoughts are the Slann are able to distill a portion of their spirit into a temporary body which are used in situations where they need to go outside of their chambers. This temporary body can be anything and is all based upon their personalities when they aren't looking at the big picture (think a little bit like Father and the Homunculus from Full Metal Alchemist). 

  8. 3 minutes ago, RexHavoc said:

    I believe that they do it themselves, but it could have been one of the youtubers/ reviews out there. They seem to be sending a lot more kit out to people early on, so they get promotion. People got the soul wars stuff early enough to have it painting to show off on release day.

    It’s possible but I think it’s unlikely as it’s a big thing to get access to the books and models early to be able to show off stuff and get lots of views. Years ago, would have been more likely but now less as people like to get the traffic to their sites or channels.

  9. 3 hours ago, RexHavoc said:

    There are on the gloomspite facebook group or the reddit AoS page.
    I would just post them here, but I think it would get nuked as they are leaked photos and not GW sanctioned ones.

    The thing is, we would rather look at nice photos rather than dodgy ones which always look like they’ve been taken with a potato.

    usually if you wait a few hours, GW community team deliver.... 😉




    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, bsharitt said:

    Nope, didn't mess up any trolls, the troll didn't talk, "he" would clearly be the speaking grot, I siimply assume a basic level of awareness and comprehension instead of wasting my time being overly verbose.

    +++ Mod Hat On +++

    Its Christmas, the time of year where we are nice to each other. You are also posting on TGA, where we are nice to each other.

    Its clear that the person here responded to you with a general comment that doesn’t warrant your reaction. Don’t do it again.

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  11. Not a Rumour as such but nice bit on the Community Site about the upcoming Wrath and Rapture release....


    I suppose if I was going to draw a rumour from this, it gives some details about what could be in the box set


    Territorial invasions are commonplace, as packs of baying Flesh Hounds and serried ranks of Bloodletters rampage through Nurgle’s glorious fecundity or Seekers of Slaanesh and razor-tongued Fiends tear down the glittering towers of the Changer of Ways.

    Not the best rumour as I sure this is what most people would put in the set

    Also not sure if this is a new piece of artwork or not from the article :D 


    • Like 7
  12. The Moderators and Ben have had a discussion around the stickies on this part forum and we've decided to do a tidy up. This topic is to link off to all the stickies that used to be here.

    These will still get tweaked in the future, so please bear with us. If you have any suggestions or issues with the moves, please let me know.




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  13. 17 hours ago, XReN said:

    Consider looking at actual GOOD dracoline traits instead of this garbage for your arcanum

    +++ Mod Hat On +++

    I know you know this but when providing critique on somebody’s list, try to provide constructive criticism.

    So this post you did....

    26 minutes ago, XReN said:

    First, there are 3 universal and 3 dracoline specific mount traits
    Second, if you bother yourself by reading battletome you will find them out 
    Third, here are dracoline specific traits:
    1) Bounding Leap: Model is eligible to fight whille being within 6" of the enemy AND can pile in 6"
    2) Pride Leader: Add 1 to hit rolls of DRACOLINE units wholly within 9"
    3) Ear-bursting Roar: At the start of combat phase roll a dice for 1 enemy unit of your choice within 3", on 4+ that unit get -1 to their hit rolls

    .... is good. But I just need to ask you to try and not be aggressive (such as commenting “If you bother”). We want TGA to be a fun place for everybody.


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  14. +++ Mod Hat On +++

    10 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    You're full of positive comments. Everything I've seen is very passive aggressive towards other users. 


    8 hours ago, Nos said:

    Also I have nearly a hundred more likes than you despite not being here as long. Some I guess enough users don't consider me passive aggressive.

    This is really not what we want on TGA. We are all interacting with this forum because we all love and enjoy playing Age of Sigmar. So can I ask you all to think before you reply to comments and think if thats something you really want to say. If somebody has said something you deem as nasty, please raise a report or contact a mod. 



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  15. Just now, TheR00zle said:

    In regards to moonclan, weren’t we supposed to get more information last Sunday? What happened to that?

    I don't think they promised anything about more information about Moonclan apart from the tease on Friday. Personally I'm expecting it to be all Blackstone Fortress and Orks this month. A good place to keep an eye out for teases, is the Hammerhal Herald ;);) 

  16. 7 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    That was shut down with somewhat fascist efficiency. 

    Very simple warning. Do not associate me locking a thread with fascism. That is totally the wrong language to use.

    9 minutes ago, HollowHills said:

    I just don't understand why this forum sees it as such an issue to post genuine rumour based leaks when many, many others do not. Dakka, faeit, BoLS, war of sigmar etc. 

    It's the rules @Ben wants to use and we have used for years. If you do not agree with them, this is probably not the forum for you.

    If you need to discuss this more, we can chat with messages rather than cluttering up this topic 


    Now can we have some rumours please!!!!!

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  17. 18 minutes ago, stato said:

    I dont think they stream the Seminars?   Some news might pop up from attendees on twitter during or right after, but community website probably wont have details put up until a while after (10/11pm) or Saturday based on previous seminar reveals.

    They usually don't stream them but all info will appear on the Community site shortly after the seminar.

  18. Steering this back to rumours...... ?


    The timetable has been released for whats going on at Blood and Glory this weekend. This has the times for the AOS event (so keep an eye on Warhammer TV on Twitch this weekend for coverage), but in regards of this thread the GW seminar will be on FRIDAY at 20:00 UK time.

    Unfortunately, I'm not able to be there for the Seminar this year (no days off left :() but I'm expecting a article on the Warhammer Community Site with cool stuff on it. I will be at the event over the weekend though :D 


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  19. On 10/30/2018 at 12:31 AM, Sleboda said:

    1. Why are some peoples' posts in a light yellow background?

    They are Subscribers

    On 10/30/2018 at 10:40 AM, Malin said:

    @Ben can you let us know what time and day preview seminar will be held at Blood and Glory event?

    I've not heard any confirmations but I'm expecting this to be on Friday like last year (which was 20:00 UK time). Please take with pinch of salt ;) 

    • Thanks 2
  20. 7 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    He's definitely strong, but I think his low wounds per point is going to be his downfall. With the amount of mortal wounds some armies can chuck out, seeing this thing on the table would be a huge "shoot me here" sign. Definitely strong, but I wouldn't say overpoweringly so due to the risk of your opponent taking him down in focus fire before he has the chance to do all that much.  

    I think I would agree with this.

    You would expect the Warscroll to be mental for the points and the type of model it is, but it's not something I would expect to see much of at events (unless narrative). The model is lovely though as I saw it up close earlier this year

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