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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. Send them a email. I thought I had mine sorted but it’s gone so hopefully I can get it back.
  2. I’m think this may have been a brain storming session around what they wanted to do and themes they wanted to try. For example the things they have said so far are stripping out the magic phase and having spells cast in certain phases as well as how combat resolves and units not full routing but bouncing (but like Warmaster). I’m fairly sure the actual mechanics took longer but I think the themes would be sorted in an afternoon.
  3. It will happen closer to the time. It’s to help with what will be sold and so they can be prepared. Plus will help keep the hype for it. For example I was really excited about Legions Imperialis but that’s gone now due to the delay and just getting updates about drop pods. Im sure we will see more come the November reveal and then it’s not a long wait (if the deleted GW comment about Feb 2024 is correct). Im very excited but trying not to do anything at moment apart from watching Fantasy Battle reports on Youtube
  4. Really surprised nobody is talking about this more…. 🤣
  5. Just a note about some of the grumpy mess around the boxes and what’s in them and wot not - these are basically starter sets for new armies and players. If it has stuff in you don’t like, don’t get it. If it is good value but has one or two models you won’t use but still good value, well you can always eBay or swap those models.
  6. Bear in mind that the 40k stuff, they said had more coming and I think that will be shown in the later preview. But yes think all AOS stuff will be soon with Kill Team. Not sure about Epic as may be a quick release for Christmas but depends on how much they had to reprint. Personally I think it will be next year as focus will be on AOS Dawnbringer and 40k/Kill Team. That’s about 8 weeks until December which means we get the Christmas boxed sets, so I’m not expecting it.
  7. They were a nightmare! I’d probably find it easier now with some of the tools I have access to now (thin polly glue!!!) but I think it’s a own goal if GW did it
  8. I think they will show them off at another date. Can’t show everything now. Does make me wonder about what we will see for Tomb Kings as what ever happens with the Skeleton Warriors is the game changer for me. Doesn’t help I’m looking at Warmaster for that fantasy itch.
  9. Hope everybody has a happy preview later and sees lots of cool stuff. I’m going to have to wait until later tonight as my young son dislikes Warhammer. Which is annoying! 🤣 Even more annoying he is out with his friends today but back before the preview! 😭 I hope to see lots of stuff for the old world but I think we will see some great stuff for Age of Sigmar.
  10. Yup but I bet they don’t sell in the same way (which is why we see Space Marines all the time). Kind of on this thought but I’m hoping they announce a print on demand run of some of these games.
  11. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge folks but some of the recent posts should be in their own topic 😉 There’s some preview or something happening this weekend 😁
  12. This is pretty much what I’m expecting although I think you missed Flesh Eaters! 🤣 I think it will be a good preview and lots of cool stuff. I’m very curious about The Old World but if most of the ranges are the same, I’ll wait for a while before doing it (I was looking forwards to doing Tomb Kings if new models!). Kill Team will be cool as I want to get into that and new Striking Scorpions would be ace (if true). Excited about the AOS stuff but as I’m working on Kruleboyz at the moment, I’m more waiting for 4th edition.
  13. +++ Mod Hat On +++ No hating anything. There’s making a joke about it but doesn’t always translate very well on internet and across different languages. So no more of this and back to rumours!
  14. Yup. At moment it’s looking like it’s all the old kits which I’m not that excited about. When The Old World was announced with Tomb Kings, I was really excited as I was looking forwards to seeing new skeletons. Not that excited now. I’ll probably wait and see what comes out before jumping into it and I’ll focus on my Kruleboyz in AOS
  15. It will be around the same sort of time but can and will vary. I suspect it will be more April time but depends on what big event is on around that time and how much hype they want to generate. Also depends on how much the rules will be changing and how they want to advertise that.
  16. The reason why Stormcast are the poster boys and girls of Age of Sigmar is because they are cool models, easy to paint, heroic and diverse background, and of course the “Angels” of Sigmar so big part of the setting. I also agree with @Beliman that I don’t want them to be clones of marines. They should be better! Marines are cool because they are a satire. Stormcast are cool because they are Hero’s.
  17. No idea and but early to say at moment. I’d say it’s possible with The Old World and GW refreshing ranges to be able to have the “old” kits used with The Old World.
  18. They are probably going to be removed from AOS but used in The Old World. You’ll probably find a lot of models will start being removed like this unless they are a core component of an army (and probably get an updated model). I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what we will see with Flesh Eaters and the current models will be retired to The Old World and all the new stuff we are seeing is a brand new range. We’ve just seen this with Ironjaws Ardboyz.
  19. Lots of wishes but I think we will see what you have said. As the reveal is for more systems you won’t see much more than that.
  20. Also just to remind people asking about the next Dawnbringer book, there’s a Warhammer Day preview soon (couple of weeks I think). As for talk about Valrak and his rumours - always remember he makes YouTube videos as his job and he needs you to click and watch them. He’s going to drip feed stuff to keep you watching. Also depending on where he gets his info from, it can be Chinese whispers. For example, a rumour at the start of Age of Sigmar could have been talking about a big dragon thing, that could be a Maw Crusher. 😉 I love the enthusiasm Valrak has, but always have a pinch of salt for rumours.
  21. Believe it. I don’t have insider knowledge but spoken with people in the past from the studio and they are always surprised when it comes up in conversation.
  22. He may or may not know stuff but at the end of the day, his job is making videos. So he’s not going to say anything until he needs too 😉
  23. That’s good to hear. My wife randomly mentioned you and your missus the other day, wondering how you were getting on! No idea but I’m just hoping for lots of Kruleboyz stuff as I’m currently putting an army together for them 😁
  24. Well over on Facebook my local store has posted a picture of stuff they are sending back to head office to make more shelf space for new stuff. Should be no surprise to anybody but the Start Collecting Flesh Eaters Courts was in the picture. So my guess is they will show Flesh Eater stuff off at the Warhammer Day preview. Not sure about the above comment about buying the new kit and showing it off. My guess is unless they are decent pictures, we won’t see anything official soon.
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