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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. Just nudging this as this closes tomorrow. Please nominate somebody who you think has done something great towards the community. Again it can be anybody you think should be nominated because they have done something cool for the community.
  2. I think you can but always best to phone ahead and ask them. Too be honest if I worked in Nottingham, I would be going on a regular basis! It's a great place to visit and Bugmans is a nice place for something to eat (or a coffee). Years ago I was in the area and I was able to do remote working from Bugmans as well! In the UK. Not sure about anywhere else. Personally I think GW should make them Made to Order after the initial first year so you can get them if you miss it.
  3. Love this types of topics! 😁 My plans at moment are to complete my Kruleboys by the time the next edition of AOS comes out. I’ve got nearly 2000 points but want to have them ready for the new edition. Think we’ve got to about the summer and probably June and with my new job I’m striving for a better work/life balance. I’m also tempted to pick up Warmaster as a mate runs a tournament in May and want to get an army but I’m also really excited about TOW. Waiting until more stuff comes out but would like an army by end of the year.
  4. Same for me. I don’t have loads of space and my wife hates clutter so I’m in the same boat of having too many and not enough minis! 🤣😭😭
  5. I think it would be too small but would look cool as a unit filler!
  6. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Poke Poke back to rumours please. If you want to discuss anything else, create a new topic for it
  7. I think it's partially that but also all the older players remembering the filth they used to bring. I'm expecting mostly all goblin armies to do well if they spam characters and fanatics but that is based on me skim reading the rules for 5 minutes. Can also see Chaos armies with Ogres doing okay as well. But again depends on who is playing
  8. ++++ MOD HAT ON ++++ I've just had to hide a couple of replies and now I need to remind you all that we want this forum to be family friendly (as much as can be discussing Warhammer). This means no swearing and generally being mindful about some of the things you say. Anyway, back to Rumours and it's 54 Days until Adepticon and probably the next preview. Maybe we'll start seeing leaks about the next edition.....
  9. +++ Mod Hat On +++ I know this is the Rumour Thread and it wiggles around like a demented caffeinated snake at times, but can we get back to rumours please? Thanks
  10. Totally agree. Yes you can probably theory hammer some stuff but there has been so many tweaks to the game, it's worth playing it. A lot of the rule interactions are a bit different now!
  11. Contact Customer Services. From my personal experience ordering direct from GW before Christmas, it wasn't great and I think they are downplaying the supply chain issues they have at the moment getting stock made and sent out. I'm pretty sure the legacy armies got playtested but they aren't designed to be perfectly balanced out of the box. They are lists to let you play with your models with The Old World. I'm fully expecting the community to do some sort of points adjustment in the future. Also the game has loads of cool tweaks to how things used to work, so I think there have been some design choices to change how effective some units used to be. I think they just want the Slaan to work differently to how it used it. I was in the boat of why can't it go in a unit but after seeing the Temple Guard rules, I think they don't want it to go in units now. From what I've read about this edition of the game as well as the legacy lists, I'm very in favour of what they have done and I really like it. I can see me doing a Old World army this year.
  12. Few times a year for me due to being a parent and my job. Hoping to make more effort this year.
  13. This is my hope. I love AOS but there is something about pushing blocks of infantry around on a table. I think it's very possible to have the two systems exist together. The only "issue" I have at the moment is GW seem to be having production problems and just can't keep up with demand! I wouldn't want either system to impact each other due to conflicts with scheduling releases!
  14. I suspect it's more a combination of sales not reaching targets and ensuring that there is premium shelf space in shops. Also ideas get refined over time and there's a chance somebody in the design studio has come up with better ideas. 100% agree. I also think people get confused about Slaanesh and think it's just about pleasures of the flesh rather than it's about excess, like too much food and drink, too much playing games, etc. Anyway back to rumours....
  15. Ask in the Winter Update Topic Back to the legacy PDF - Only Skim read them so far but so far I like all the changes. Some stuff I would like to see in action but it feels a lot of stuff has been changed due to design reasons rather than it's been missed off (thinking about you Mister Slaan Mage Priest). Very excited about TOW but it's on the to do list along side a Warmaster army and getting round to finishing my Kruleboyz for 4th edition AOS!
  16. I think he does hear stuff from people but I imagine it was from the open day. Plus I suspect that GW are a bit surprised about how popular the open day was so we might see a lot more stuff sooner or with better support
  17. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Back to Age of Sigmar rumours please!
  18. Personally I think it will be towards end of this month as I think it’s the last one before next edition. However, most people are back at work this week, so it could be this week if they don’t need to do much more to it! 🤣
  19. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Back to rumours folks. Start another topic if you want to discuss what X was based on 🤣😉
  20. I don’t think that will happen. Later this year but not that soon. Would be great if it did but they still need to drop the full Tomb King and Bretonnian ranges which will probably be in first three months of this year. Plus they may have another book to cover a campaign specifically between Tomb Kings and Bretonnians
  21. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Back to rumours please. If you want to discuss other things, start a new topic please 😉
  22. I’m going to disagree with you. I think it’s a great start. It’s actually something to read and it’s great they have set out the period the game is in and refined it. I’m probably going to read the background now rather than what most people did previously by skim reading it as it didn’t change much between editions.
  23. It will be for later this year. I’m honestly surprised that they are releasing as much as they have said. I was expecting just the big army boxes. Now the question is, will this be well supported and played in the community? I’m quite excited but will probably only focused on the rule book at first as not sure I’d play it as much as I’d like 😭
  24. It’s almost like there is a topic about suggestions… 😉😉 Thank you but it’s you guys that do it. All the mod work is keeping things ticking over from the shadows
  25. Ah that’s cool. I know The Old World is close but thought it would be weird to have preorders next week!
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