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Gaz Taylor

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Posts posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. +++ Mod Hat On +++


    I have a few days away from anything warhammer related and doing stuff with family and come back to all sorts!


    1 ) This forum is for everybody. That means everyone from people who love to play competitively to casual players. I think some of you have forgotten this and I think some of you should read the rules of the forum again ( @Cdance93 I think you need to do this).

    2 ) This is the rumour thread. Keep it on topic. If you want to discuss competitive vs casual or how the game works, create another thread. Just remember the rules of the forum!

    3 ) We’re still in the sales/marketing cycle of getting everybody excited for the game. Remember that and don’t take the faction focuses to heart. Until we’ve seen the full rules and played a few games, it’s not worth getting too worked up. Treat them as a taster about how your faction may play.

    Lets get back to rumours and I’ll make sure nobody gets a paddling 😉


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  2. 1 hour ago, Sarouan said:

    I actually find it funny how much players nowadays tend to beg for GW permission to use their collection the "official way". Like when GW removes miniatures from their range and plan to "stop" official support in a announced timeline : why are people so upset about that ? Can't they still use what they like the way they like, and simply not care about what GW tells them to do so

    I think there are a variety of reasons:

    1. People like things to be official. They get a warm fuzzy feeling from it
    2. You arrange games against new people and it's a easy baseline to have
    3. You don't have time for messing around and just want to slap down the standard 2000 points and play
    23 hours ago, Mcthew said:

    The fact that we are now celebrating (some of us anyway) that the game is being made simpler to understand makes me feel we're being treated like over-the-hill gamers who can't grasp concepts. The reality is, that if we want to make a game simple, or quicker, then we can do that ourselves. Or are we saying as a community, that what school kids can do, we simply can't?

    As an adult with limited time due to family, children and work, I like a game which requires less investment time to get into it and/or set up and play a game. I'm currently trying to arrange going out for some beers with some mates and we've gone from going out in a couple of weeks to trying to arrange something in September! This is because it's just tough to arrange stuff as you get older, especially when we don't want to leave a man behind from not drinking! It's the only way we can all get together. 

    So I think we are saying school kids can do stuff we can't but thats because they can be more flexible with their time. :D  

    • Like 4
  3. 23 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    I'm so happy about 5 Health Trolls with 2 Control. It's exactly what I wanted.

    As we’ve only seen the spearhead warscroll, I wonder if troggoths get the +3 control as well. Depends if they have the moonclan keyword on the main game scroll😀

    • Like 1
  4. 32 minutes ago, Jagged Red Lines said:

    Is there another preview coming up? I remember when Dominion launched there was a prerelease preview with upcoming stormcast and kruelboyz range additions.

    There may be one but I'm not expecting one. We've sort of had the one(s) that would have covered WarhammerFest or the UK Game Expo (which GW are not sponsoring this year). 

  5. 37 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    What is that? Where you place the glass? Or something else?

    It's a Skaven themed pale ale from Warhammer World's Bugman's bar. I think they do it fairly often. For example I had a Blood Bowl themed stout called Blitzer's Best last time I was there. 

    Well worth a visit and I'm trying to work out how I can go soon to try a pint :D 

    • LOVE IT! 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    - Overall, how did you find AoS 3? 

    I liked it. Just seemed to get complicated with the GHB and updates and unless you were playing regularly and probably competitively, it was tough to keep up. So core of the game I liked but not a fan of the constant update watching.

    10 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    - Do you think AoS became more or less popular in your area during 3rd edition? Any reasons why?

    I'm a Dad of an autistic child, like spending time with my family and work full time. So I found it difficult to go gaming often, so take this with a pinch of salt. In my experience, it wasn't popular. I think this is a combination of 40K being very popular and some of the clubs by me having a game of the week and they rotated what they played often.

    12 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    - For those who played in 3rd edition, did you find most players in your group were new or experienced?

    I'd say mainly experienced gamers. I don't think many new people played it and looked at other games

    13 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    - What rules did you like? Which did you not like?

    I'd liked them all apart from the constant updating. I found it tough to keep up.

    13 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    - Do you think 4e is a step in the right direction? 

    What I've seen so far, yes. Really depends on how popular Spearhead is in my opinion though. If that catches on, I can see lots of people playing it.

    I really like the rules shown so far and GW seem to be doing a good job with keeping things characterful. Will be interesting to see what happens when more people play it.

    16 minutes ago, Enoby said:

    - What do you think 3e did well, and what could it have done better?

    I think 3rd did a good job building on what came before. From what I've seen, 4th is what could have been done better but time will tell :D 

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Draznak said:

    Interesting that Ogors, DoK and Skavens (for obvious reason) are still in vanguard boxes...

    As they are still shrink wrapped, I'd say it's old stock or stock they had available. GW are making a move to be greener (not as an Orruk), so that means less plastic wrapping and bags.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    Is Verminking nu better or worse than his 3rd edition variant? What do Skaven players think? He seems to have a very stable damage output with its merged attack profile, although no ranged attack anymore. The spell is weaker.


    My advice is not to compare warscrolls between editions. ;) 

    Thoughts on Skaven - I suspect I'll be thinking this a lot across all of these reveals but characterful and plays well into the stacking of abilities. Interesting both Stormcast and Skaven have similar deployment options. I hope this doesn't get too over used. Kind of a nice tease for the army but need to know more.

    I'm also hoping we see a Warhammer+ battle report available to all on YouTube now as well :D 

    Really looking forwards to the Gitz reveal tomorrow

    • Like 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    I don't think this will happen, because Spearhead boxes allows you to get mini's cheaper. If multiple Spearheads are available for a faction it means you can get almost every unit for that faction at a better price. Which would be great ofcourse, but in the past those boxes that added savings were limited to a certain selection of units.


    4 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    That would be lovely. I doubt it will happen soon but if each faction could field two (or more) spearhead lists it would be great. 

    I don't think it will happen either but personally I would love it! :D 

    The other option is having suggested Spearheads and you download the rules or buy the season book for them.

  10. 37 minutes ago, PraetorDragoon said:

    +1 additonal stormcast and +1 additional skaven one. 

    For a total of 25 spearhead forces.

    Personally I think there should be multiple Spearheads for each faction but themed around a unit or playstyle.

    • Like 6
  11. My two pence...

    I think Spearhead looks ace. I'm a Dad to an autistic child, enjoy spending time with my family and work full time. Here is a version of the game which is straight forwards to pick up, assemble and paint and play games with. Here is a version of the game which is official, which means it will be played in clubs and the chances of me being able to get games increases. Here is a version of the game which is open to anyone and everyone. This ticks loads of boxes for me and I'm really looking forwards to playing with it. I just hope there's a version where you just need two Spearhead boxes, Dice and place to play rather than focusing on the seasonal packs. I'm also hoping that when you buy a Spearhead, you either get a copy of the rules in the box or a link/QR code to get to the rules.

    Just thinking about some of the negativity though. I think it's easy to be negative about something and GW do make it easy to do so as the wrestling showdown was rubbish. I also agree with some of the comments about marketing of the game but I do think sometimes that they have to be taken with a pinch of salt depending on who is making the comment. For example, some people hate Marmite for some reason! :D 

    However, I do think Spearhead is a great version of the game and hopefully will be popular. If it is something you are going to enjoy and people you play with will enjoy it, who cares about the negativity. 

    • Like 7
  12. 1 minute ago, Grungnisson said:

    I guess we'll come back to this conversation in about six week's time.

    I suspect the conversation will be happening a lot. I'm still expecting a faction focus but probably a condensed one with the other stuff that is getting removed


  13. 16 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    All GW pre-orders are two weeks these days and even if they weren't, the launch boxes have always had a two week pre-order with nothing but made to order on the second week. 

    Ah. So might be first week of July or earlier preorder? Either way, it's kind of confirming when we are getting it just in case anybody was hoping it was at start of June! :D 


  14. image.png.a92a1a66e7f1803530223d4c6e1b15de.png

    So if this is starting tomorrow, my guess is 22nd June for Pre-order and general release of 29th June for the new boxed set?

    As for the new characteristics, I think it's good this is being done. You would have assumed it was what was previously used for editions but I think it was just what 'felt' right. This can obviously vary from person to person! I think it's good they have openly said this though and makes me more excited to play 4th!


  15. 13 minutes ago, Chikout said:

    Surprised to see those spyers. Why not include them in the preview? I think gw sometimes undercuts their own previews just so they can have something to show on Monday. 

    I think they are also hamstrung by the release schedule and what they can show off that is out soon. I think this is also why it's been hot and cold with the reveals for 4th edition. 

    Anyway, I'm hoping for something around 1500 UK time and hopefully a Stormcast preview of the "index" rules.

  16. Thanks @Ejecutor & @Chikout

    So converting to GBP (although I suspect in my lifetime we will be using Euro's.... 🤣 but lets not mention that), it's about £188. I've seen one for less than £100 from an indie, so it's very, very tempting :D 

    Anyway, back to rumours and I'm eagerly waiting on news about 4th edition. I can't wait for the rules and index battletomes to appear! 

  17. 7 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Either that or they missed it. From the CoS army box the two heroes weren't on the preorders list and they are indeed Online Only.

    It's also got me thinking if there will be a Spearhead for Darkoath at some point and it appears in that instead?

    EDIT - so as GW still have the Darkoath sets on Webstore, is it still worth picking up a copy to save some money or not worth it?

    • Like 1
  18. 1 minute ago, EthanolMuffins said:

    Excited for the faction focuses, hope they give us flavorful rules for each army

    Same. Based on the spearhead stuff that’s been photographed, I’m really liking the rules and where 4th is going.

    Still not in the FOMO zone for the boxed set but AOS 4th edition is looking great. I’m trying my best not to go crazy getting spearhead sets and focus on what I have!

    • Like 2
  19. 11 minutes ago, Hollow said:

    If the speculation regarding the Chaos Mono-God factions is true (Updated Daemon kits) I think I would prefer an additional Daemon kit for each of the big 4, instead of a direct update/replacement. I think the current Daemon kits hold up pretty well and would like to see a big more diversity in the ranges. 

    I agree but I suspect it will be a range refresh and supported by new character units. This is probably due to the 40k chaos daemon codex.

    Anyway, really excited about spearhead and wish I was at the open day today but not able to go! 🤣😭😭

    Loving the pictures popping up. Just wish GW would drop the spearhead rules now!

  20. 21 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Btw, what is the consensus? Do we follow here tomorrows' preview (30 and 40k) here just because it is a preview and could solve REs?

    Yay or nay?


    Keep to Age of Sigmar please. Occasional missteps off the path of the rumour topic is expected but don’t stray too far!

    I will be watching it tomorrow though as want to see what is happening with Necromunda (hoping new edition with less rules all over the place).

    Anyway back to AOS….

    There’s been no mention of a release date yet?

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