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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. I think it's because what people were saying they wanted and they shifted design to that way for this edition. I think 4th will be more something for everybody but lets wait and see. They do it with any new edition!
  2. It’s the Warhammer World Store birthday. Just lots of activities to celebrate it.
  3. I think they just come out around the same time. There’s no direct link between them as managed be separate teams. Suspect the delay is either due to one of the following… 1 ) some internal resource issues (people who do it may be sick, have personal issues like a family death or could even been involved in jury service, etc) 2 ) new edition means they are just less focused on it 3 ) issues with the data / stats (may have lost the data for example like a corrupted database). A combination of these can easily snowball no matter how well prepared you are.
  4. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can any discussion about the cost of collecting new Battletomes, please be a new topic Can we now get back to rumours
  5. I think they are just bad at communicating. What they should be saying (in my opinion), is "We've listened to feedback from the previous WarhammerFest and want to make it bigger and better than ever. In order to do that, we've decided not to do it this year, but we have these other cool things going on." (or something like that )
  6. Take away - they are thinking about the feedback and going to do something better next time they do it. I would still expect an Open Day at Warhammer World at some point though I'm also sure there will be lots of upcoming previews as well, so don't panic
  7. I get that but at same time, it's my free time to play a game and unless we're on the same page, I'll choose how to use my free time in the future However, I do agree, it's a tactic and part of the game and personally wouldn't have an issue with it. I like to play tough competitive games. Not everybody does though, hence some of the views popping up.
  8. Really depends if it's click bait for videos or a genuine issue, Personally, I think it's something that will come up in a couple of situations but most of the time wont happen as people won't want to play that way. Also if it starts happening at events (which is where I think a lot of the noise is coming from), event organisers would do some house ruling. If it happens at a club game, just don't play that person if they keep doing it.
  9. Please bear in mind these are rumours and general thinking aloud. It's quite possible they do a massive refresh and redesign everything and nothing gets dropped. I know a couple of members of the studio like Skaven
  10. Yeah I think it's because I see them more as the crazy animal tamers and breeders rather than that. I think it's become more like that over the years but I'm fairly sure the original book had them more pigeon holed as the animal tamers. I think this is what they will do with Warcry. Not going to disagree but if I was going to do a refresh, I'd pick one and focus on it. Probably makes it easier for shelf space and design and wot not. Other themes you can explore in other games
  11. This is what I would expect the theme to be for Skaven going forwards. I think the Eshin, Molder, and Plague Monk aspects will be condensed and refined into the mad scientist theme. I've always wanted to do a Skaven army but they've never quite hit it with me in AOS. Hopefully they will get a refresh into something cool.
  12. It's the FOMO effect. Even if you can control your impulses about buying stuff, you want to know the next bit of information!
  13. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge - less of the negative attitude. I’m fine with constructive feedback but I’ve noticed your attitude is sliding into the negative area. Just think a bit more about what you are posting! That sounds like too much thought was put in it. Anybody who has worked on projects at a British company knows the name of the project is something random. I once worked on a project many years ago, called project crisp. It was called that because there were crisps on the table at the project meeting.😁
  14. +++ Mod Hat On +++ @Hollow & @Doko - enough! You know the rules of the forum and that means being respectful to people you disagree with. Please no more!!! Also just to say AGAIN - it’s rumours until it happens. It’s also toy soldiers you play for fun and paint for fun which you can still do whatever happens with the rules. Loads of people still played Warhammer Fantasy after GW blew the old world up. Loads of people play Mordheim, Epic Armageddon, etc. Enough now
  15. If they aren't selling, they will go. However, it's all rumours so please don't think too much about it. I suspect they are getting a refresh at some point and I think this will be for anything which can be used in The Old World. However, that doesn't mean it will be this year or even next year. I've heard that GW are looking to build a new factory as they are struggling to keep up with demand, which will probably be even more when the Amazon shows hit (wonder if Warhammer + animations will go to Amazon?).
  16. To quote something a great man said once.... Please treat anything like Beasts of Chaos being dropped as a range as a rumour. Until it happens, its a rumour. If you are a BOC player, carry on playing with your models. If you are thinking about getting a BOC army, you might want to wait just in case. Yes GW are a company out to make money and yes they can change things without notice. But for now, take it with a pinch of salt
  17. The thing with rumours is that they are just rumours until something happens Personally, if the range is going to move to The Old World, I'd say they are doing a range refresh. I wouldn't panic just yet
  18. Not sure that will work as (a) You can't nominate yourself (but get somebody to nominate you ) and (b) they have cow monsters and fighters. What's there to hate there!
  19. I suspect we won’t see roadmaps for a while. They are having production issues getting stuff out to customers, so I think they will stop roadmaps now.
  20. Just in case nobody has seen this but Warhammer World is doing a store birthday. It’s a store birthday and NOT an open day or preview event but means people will be able to get hold of stuff. (Or an excuse to visit if you are in the area). Anyway read on…… “Warhammer World is throwing open our gates for our annual Anniversary on March 2nd and 3rd! You will need a ticket to join us, and this year we have 1,400 free tickets split equally across four slots over two days: Saturday 2nd March: 10am - 2.30pm and 3pm - 7.30pm Sunday 3rd March: 10am - 2.30pm and 3pm - 7.30pm You'll find a host of events focusing on different aspects of the Warhammer hobby including the Legends of Paint competition, plus you'll be able to shop including exclusive items, stroll around the exhibition, and enjoy Bugman's Bar for a drink or a bite to eat. More on all this soon... We also have 40 tickets available for the Hobby Challenge each day, which include access to the Anniversary activities too. The Hobby Challenge allows you to immerse yourself in the Warhammer hobby by diving into our huge bits pile and using all of our paints to create a one-of-a-kind Warhammer World project. Use a free miniature as the canvas with which to create your perfect work of art, and at the end of each day, we'll award a prize to our favourite finished version of the provided model – so have fun! Free tickets and tickets for the Hobby Challenge will go live at 7.00pm on the 5th Feb over at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/warhammer-events-11407030152, and if you have any questions, drop a line to the team at whworldevents@gwplc.com”
  21. Key Dates for preview stuff over the next few months if it helps people.... - GW Black Library Preview - 5th Feb to 9th Feb (next week!) - Adepticon 2024 - 20th March to 24th March - UK Games Expo - 31st May to 2nd June GW will probably add stuff in between but that's the next batch of probable previews and what we will get released. We may see a Age of Sigmar tease at Adepticon but I think it will still be focused on Dawnbringers and UK Games Expo will be either showing off the next edition or allowing you to play it.
  22. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just a nudge but less memes please and more rumours
  23. Just nudging this as this closes tomorrow. Please nominate somebody who you think has done something great towards the community. Again it can be anybody you think should be nominated because they have done something cool for the community.
  24. I think you can but always best to phone ahead and ask them. Too be honest if I worked in Nottingham, I would be going on a regular basis! It's a great place to visit and Bugmans is a nice place for something to eat (or a coffee). Years ago I was in the area and I was able to do remote working from Bugmans as well! In the UK. Not sure about anywhere else. Personally I think GW should make them Made to Order after the initial first year so you can get them if you miss it.
  25. Love this types of topics! 😁 My plans at moment are to complete my Kruleboys by the time the next edition of AOS comes out. I’ve got nearly 2000 points but want to have them ready for the new edition. Think we’ve got to about the summer and probably June and with my new job I’m striving for a better work/life balance. I’m also tempted to pick up Warmaster as a mate runs a tournament in May and want to get an army but I’m also really excited about TOW. Waiting until more stuff comes out but would like an army by end of the year.
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