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Posts posted by sal4m4nd3r

  1. 14 minutes ago, peasant said:

    after reading this Im going to order gutrok but do you usually get  your charges with them?

    8” charge is 42% chance on 2d6. I have a reputation in my group for getting this charge off a lot so lol

    Two scenarios. He and his band of merry men come in. The Kings make the EIGHT inch charge (plus one to charge on Kings) and do work. I always roll the Kings charge first to make sure if anyone gets in its them.

    Or you opponent doesn’t have units near the edge or you fail the charge. On heir turn, Your opponent then either ignores them (never happens and they would be foolish to) or diverts a chunk of their force to deal with them. Good luck with that! And now you have added a wrinkle to any plans they had. 

    Its also nice because if your opponent moves away from dirty mike and the boys, then you can move and run, drop a tree if need be and charge! Or now you could summon some demons into their backfield! He just opens up so many options by setting up anywhere on the perimeter.  Counter charging an alpha strike, alpha strike of your own. contesting objectives. 

    Ten kings has enough models to thump and stay, but also a decent sized footprint to be able to come in most places.


    • Thanks 1
  2. I will never write a *competetive* 2k Nurgle list without first adding gutrot spume and ten Kings. In my mind, when I’m formulating lists I just keep it to 1540 because the 460 is that automatic for me. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, sorokyl said:

    Blightkings are probably the worst Nurgle unit for the glotkin's ability, since they only have 1 weapon and it has 3 attacks. A measly 33% increase for each command point spent.   Plaguebearers get 100% increase, Plague Monks get a 66% increase but are more deadly than plaguebearers to start with.  Both of these units also get a lot more out of Glottkins Fleshy Abundance spell.  The Pusgoyle Blightlords and Plague Drones are alright too since they have some 1-2 attack weapons. 


    I would only think about the percent increase in effectiveness of the buff if I was basing it off the assumption I am casting BoP. This is because one blightking attack is worth so much more then 1 plaguebearer attack. unless we are going for volume for MW generation through blades. Then its still marauders every day of the week as they can easily get +1 to hit. 

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  4. As of right now, you can use Glotkin's command ability as many times as you have command points. Simply incredible to lack of fundamental common sense on the part of the rules team. I will be exploiting the HELL out of this oversight until it is corrected. Cant wait for my blightkings to roll up with 60 attacks. maybe add in the plague cyst for re-rolling every missed hit roll. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, murphs said:

    It's unclear regarding the Plaguetouched Warband. 

    The highlighted part of the answer can be read on its own and it clearly rules out the use of the warband for Nurgle allegiance armies. If this is the case then only Grand Alliance Chaos armies can use it as Everchosen don't have the models (could be wrong here).

    However in the context of the question about allies in battalions, it may not apply to PTWB because that doesn't use allies. It's for the sitatuion where you want to bring an Artillery detachment in a Free Guild allegiance army, that is clearly not possible anymore.

    The former seems correct unfortunately but it needs to be clarified. Given that last week I specifically bought Chaos Knights and Blight Kings and converted up some STD heroes so that I could use this battalion I am pretty pissed off right now.

    I cant possibly see how its unclear. Your example doesn't make sense regarding the issue with PTWB, because the the free peoples player isnt using a free people battalion and filling it with ironweld arsenal units. They are using grand alliance order units with grand alliance order units. 

    The answer to the question in the FAQ CLEARLY states that if a warscroll battalion has one allegiance and the army has a different allegiance then the points of the battalion and the units inside count against your ally cap.  The unit's allegiance inside the battalion don't matter. Its all about that umbrella battalions allegiance. 

    @Gaz Taylor I was laughing for pointing us to the aos faq team who seemingly cant/dont want to read the rules as they were written 1-2 weeks ago. I just found that funny. 

  6. I have seen the artifacts for the realm of life, and there is one where in the shooting phase every unit within 9" of the bearer takes d3 mortal wounds on a 6. Thinking I could stack this with plague cyst maybe? so the blightkings get virulent discharge, then the plague cyst has the exact same mechanic but different name (horribly contagious) so that's doubling down on that. Then the Artifact (I think it's called the sunderblade), and the LoP command does some mortal woulds (21" plague squall)

    I feel gut punched with ptwb gone. Grasping at straws for a gimmick or theme or some synergy. I forgot how absolutely pitiful our battalions are. LIKE LOL the blessed suns which encourages you to take lots of blightkings...and the ONLY benefits are no battleshock (gee thanks) and re-roll 1s for armor. 

  7. Guys. Just let it die peacefully. 

    @Tasman You do you..but Its VERY CLEAR so stop muddying the waters. And if you continue to play this with Nurgle allegiance out of stubbornness that’s not really cool at all.

     It’s an everchosen batallion. You play a Nurgle army. Therefore the points for the battalion AND the points for the units inside count against your points limit for allies..which is 400 unless changed. No Faq for the faq necessary. 

    You can still run it as GA chaos. You would lose trees, summoning, Nurgle’s lores, cycle of corruption, blightkings as battleline. It’s not worth it. It was fun while it lasted.

    I will miss taking the plague priest and giving my opponent +1 to wound my marauders (he picks a unit and adds 1 to the wound rolls - never specified enemy unit) and having them kick back mortal wounds on 5s. 

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  8. 27 minutes ago, AaronWIlson said:

    If you pop up further them 9" away from the enemy, you need a 9" to charge no? Your 9.01 away and need be within 1" to make it successful?

    Yes you have to be 9.01" away, but the blightkings get a natural +1 to charge though! So you would roll an 8, +1 turns to 9" and you only need to be 0.50" away. So essentially its an 8" charge which is 42% likely to succeed. And seeing how a 9" charge on 2d6 is 28% you can see how huge that +1 charge is!

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  9. 4 hours ago, Blackspine said:

    On the subject of Blight Kings:

    I've run lots of variations.

    Last edition: I ran the Blight Guard and 4 x 5 pack. They were great mini meat shields. Even at three wounds, I rarely lost more than 1-2 units of them. 

    This edition: I've run 3x5 packs, two 10 packs with an auxiliary 5 pack. Most recently; a 14 man unit with a 5 man


    Some things that I've learned with their sizes/ numbers:

    Go multiple. Blight Kings can be scary, but with de-buffs/hexes they quickly go down in effectiveness.  Making your enemy choose which one of your many packs means that somewhere, on the battlefield, they're winning. 

    Go big, but only one. Running two 10 packs was daunting, but the footprints of both units quickly clogged up the game. Unless you're running many buffs on them, keep one large unit and two 'less intimidating' sized packs roaming.  I found that the large unit gets slammed hard, but has the wounds to take it. Then the other smaller packs can run rampant.

    Use their speed: Blight Kings are oddly fast. I love those fat turds making long charges with their +1. The 'trees' have made them a scary medium cav. unit on smaller bases.

    Gutrot & the gang. : having a pack of 5 blight kings pop up on the board is amazing. They need to be 9" away, but that's a 8" charge for them with their +1" charge. Even the threat of them coming, can occupy a disproportionate amount of enemies around objectives. 


    Great observations. I have found gutrot with ten kings is very scary. 41 wounds plus gutrot (who can nurture a character) is a huge headache for opponent!

  10. 9 hours ago, Dr. Lao said:

    Is there any reason not to assemble the command trio for the Blightkings?  That way you can field 2x 5 or 1x 10 and have full command with both configurations? I just assembled my second five without the standard and bell and am wondering if I made a mistake. 

    With a bit of greenstuff, there are certainly enough pieces to do so! I think the bell toller has the big bell and also a "bell flail" I used these seperatley on two different models and called them both musicians. Nobody ever questions it. Also the gnarlmaw box comes with a butt load of bells you could use!

    • Thanks 1
  11. 1 hour ago, sorokyl said:

    But why do they even have a target on their back? The general gets no benefits really, other than a command trait? and if they die you pick a new general with a new command trait.

    I was thinking, If they don't change Archaon's wording to force him to be the general, you could see Archaon being led by a Harbinger of decay or something just so that you get an extra command trait... 


    Can’t wait. Now I can use glotkin AND get a command trait. If not Harby.. any random hero I have.

  12. 22 hours ago, Brodylan said:

    Has anyone had much experience with either festus or Bloab? Trying to fill out a spot for a rotbringer sorcerer and wanted to know if either are useful

    My issue with bloab is that his daemon flies ability triggers in the hero phase. So its before you move, run and charge. MOST of the time you would have had to take a charge and then be able to use the ability. If this ability was a "start of the combat phase" or "end of the charge phase" or something he would be worth his 260 points for sure. Partly due to his unique spell being probably one of the coolest and potentially damaging spells in the game besides curse of years. 

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  13. 15 hours ago, Oldshrimpeyes said:

    I realise this is entirely subjective but is Plaguetouched still worth it if you don't commit to the whole 'multiples of 7" thing? 

    Think of it this way.. would you spend 20 points per UNIT for a -1 to hit debuff? Lol I would. Especially when those units can be any mortal Nurgle units you want.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, hughwyeth said:

    There was a concern that the new rules about battalions mention something along the lines of not being able to populate a battalion with understrength units, they must be at least their minimum model count, which would ruin the plaguetouched one. I assume they'll errata this in a couple of weeks after launch day as plaguetouched warband is the only one that does this as part of the core part of the battalion. 

    So after discussing this there are multiple issues.

    1. Understrength units are described in the rules as a unit you don’t have the models to fill out. If you DO have the the models but CHOOSE not to use them is that still considered understrength?

    2. Understrength units rule reference the units warscroll description in its wording. Maruaders warscroll says 10 is the minimum. So if I bring 14.. I’m above the minimum and not understrength. Understrength for maruaders would be 7 marauders...as the minimum on the warscroll’s unit description says 10. So as long as your taking more then the minimum..but even if that’s less then the block of models purchased based on the pinched battle profile..your still good!

    3. IF they change the wording in the generals handbook then everything changes.

    I think taking 28/30 maruaders for plaguetouched is fine. Taking 7/10 wouldn’t.

    • Like 1
  15. 22 hours ago, hughwyeth said:

    Blades was only ever a universal always-take because of the chance to get + to hit from scenery. Now that's not a thing, it's only for pretty specific scenarios- against enemies with high saves for example, we don't have a great chance at damaging them, but blades gives us a little more damage output.

    Keep in mind huge blobs of maruaders are cheap,  and have a natural and quite easy to roll +1 to hit. So it not only turns them into mw factory but also negates any -1 to hit from completely neutering blades. I think a horde maruaders army with glotkin, harbinger and some other units tossed in could be a great army.

  16. I don't mind paying for units in blocks.. but it bugs me that there are battalions that give incentives for taking units in multiples of ruinous powers sacred numbers.. and having to pay for models I'm not using just so I can pay for the battalion..

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, DantePQ said:

    Yeah I doubt they will release anything anytime soon for Stormcasts, as they needed new Battletome to be in line with post GH battletomes so they added more minis and much needed repacking of old units. 

    Now it's time for other armies it's all speculation but I think we may see : 

    - Dwarfs - Spring

    - Aelves Shadowkin and Tyrion's Elves along with Slaanesh - Summer

    - and then some Death Battletome maybe along with Nurgle or some Destruction - Holiday. 


    That would mean 6-7 Battletomes in 2017 which may be too much, but Death could be  moved into 2018

    I would kill for a nurgle battletome!! It seems a possibility due to them being in the new board game much like tzeentch tzangors in silver tower

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