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Everything posted by Bimli

  1. the grimwrath at 80 pts is great imo he goes off on his own and other armies will need to deal with him. hearth gaurd are not worth 100 pts for 5 they need a full rework
  2. hmm I wonder if this will be faq'd if I understanding correcty a runelord can unbind it when initially cast but if it goes off is unable to dispel it?
  3. can anyone point me in the right direction here i cant find where only a wizard can unbinde an endless spell
  4. you both raise very valid points. I was unaware the runelord was unable to dispel endless spells where can I find the faq? Also unaware of the 1/4 ally rule will need to have a re-read. I enough dispossed to blot out the sun lol which unit would you suggest adding? the KO are mainly there for their sky hooks for character sniping and longish range. I will maybe try my hand at the khemist with the arkanauts but then I will have no magic defence which was the only reason for the runelord.... Where is the 1/4 ally rule? I am not able to find this. this unbinding of endless spells where is the rule that says a runelord or the like cant unbind????
  5. hmm I don't agree with the to quick to assume. I feel the KO got hit pretty hard even with the boat decrease unless im missing something? The wardens going up in points is just mind boggling and the khemist 160 holy to the moly. Brokk at his point decrease is actually worth it im not sure if he is comeptitive though. since shoothing took a bit of a hit our magic defence is lackluster making a competitive KO list may not be possible.... That being said I am still unsure of the meta so I may be completly wrong ( I hope I am) so if anyone has some good competitive battle report withs the KO id love to read them
  6. So I use to play dwarfs aka dispossessed back in the day and i feel like they do have a competitive edge to them maybe only time will tell. I have been toying with a 2k list which i feel may be fairly competitive let me know what you think. heroes: warden king rune lord rune lord battleline: warriors x10 warriors x10 warriors x10 other: iron drakes x20 iron drakes x20 quarrlers x30 (or maybe the gunners) allies: 30 vulkite berzerkers the army has great shooting a huge wall of berzerkerz warriors to stop teleporting pain in the bum or hold objectives in the back lines. probably going to take the pike axe for teleporting fun.
  7. ok so now since we had a chance to digest the new ghb our good old fyreslayer took a hit i.e. point increases, wholly within, command abilities that are less than stellar, and no more vulkite horde rules. what is the general game plan people are considering? here is my consideration list. Not sure on the magic items yet and I am wondering if magadroth are worth it... heck im nit sure if the runefather is worth it but below is what i got for competitive. So the game plan for the rune lord is clearly magic defence and the KO are for character and monster sniping. my vulkite amd runesmitter to teleport where needed and the vulkites, battle smith (reroll saves) and runefather hold the lines and basically smash face. thoughts? fyreslayers 2000 pts fyreslayer allegiance ability heroes Runefather on magmadroth (leader) battle smith runesmiter grimwrath battleline 30 vulkite berzerkers war-pick and shield, hornblower 30 vulkite berzerkers war-pick and shield, hornblower 30 vulkite berzerkers war-pick and shield, hornblower allies rune lord arkanaut company light sky hook x3 arkanaut company light sky hook x3
  8. wonder what will hold for the KO im hopeing they get some much needed buffs. ships are still meh that point drop wasnt enough imo. even at 160 not sure if id take the gunhauler...
  9. 330 points for berzerkers was not at all op so many other armies got it great. daughters of khaine forbexample are 270 i think for 30 witches which do moryal wounds ie rebound are great in cc real fast and get crazy buffs. so 330 is nothing we should of kept horde imo. Mind you maybe the point hike was due to new rules hmmm. i hope the hearth gaurd get a buff as it is now 5 for 100 points it to high
  10. why not take the same movement ploys? they move you then you move back and take that card that doesnt let ploys be used on thr last turn
  11. hello all please let me know your thoughts on my deck hold objective 1-5 swift advance conquest ploymaster ferocious charge scion of grimnir unstoppable advance alone in the dark UPGRADES grimnirs speed grimnirs blessing grimnirs fortitude great speed legendary swiftness awakened weapon great fortitude activated runes sprinter headlong charge PLOY sidestep treasure lust indomitable berserk fury piercing stare distraction the earth shakes earthquake no time shifting shards im going to be real aggressive so mobility is helpful and to ensure my dudes get inspired i have a ton of ploys to ensure if someone moves me i can move back. main damage dealer will be Fjul and Tefk as secondary. what do you think?
  12. ya so long as you get the option to either pay 1 time for what you want or go monthly and get extra Id be ok with it.
  13. not my thing to pay monthly espically since I already paid to open some battle formations for certain armies.... 1 time pay is more than enough if you ask me
  14. What you mean you don't have the psychic ability to see into the future
  15. this is good to see so long as all armies get something. I like that you are able to take different units via mix and mash but taking mono list provides some bonus which imo is how it should be. Hopefully we see the same love for all armies which would make for better gaming and probably quell some complaints. oh man I feel we are going the way of 8th where armies get their own army book excitement!!! Now let get those dwarves/duardin/steam head/dispossessed/ ect ect out!!!
  16. Those don't have points or what they are yet on the GHB
  17. can you add the link to where you got this from?
  18. thanks for the reply back Arkiham, this is what I did and the point show up as 0
  19. hmm I have the GH bought it in the app but all the points are 0?
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