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Everything posted by Kramer

  1. At least it's not a 33% price hike vs other small hero models 😂. All of them 20-25 euro. (which seems to be the current norm)
  2. Yeah exactly what i'm debating. but I just couldn't envision it. And enjoyed painting the pup so much it isn't a punishment to do another one
  3. Oh that’s cool. I’ll give it a read 👍 My thinking is, that when that happens those insanely big war tribes do always splinter off, infight, to disorganised to truly scour a realm. So while those few warlords destroy themselves either inside out or between the war lords, in their shadow a dozen smaller tribes will rise and fall. And the cycle continues.
  4. Okay first off. I think that is why were all here. Just some support to finish one thing instead of butterflying 😅 you do you, and make it work for you. second, dang those conversions are amazing. Love the use of the keeper. 😍 And lastly super nice paint scheme. The variations in the metal look so beautiful but natural at the same time. Well worth taking a bit more time for.
  5. Still needs a better lit picture. But your suggestion was ‘spot’ on! im gonna try a slightly darker variation and stick them both on the arcanum base to see if the contrast isn’t to big. But super happy with it.
  6. Wont that be a win for Khorne? Because then it becomes a never ending cycle. Exactly what he (and slaanesh and Tzeentch want). not disagreeing with it. But on a larger scale they win in that scenario and this whole age of sigmar is part of that. tzeentch can revel in plots both successful and failed. Slaanesh in the excesses from civilisation and the sensation of the battlefield. And Khorne from an enemy that grows stronger. they all don’t care as long as things are in motion. The only way they lose is if Nagash wins or they are put in some kind of stasis like slaanesh.
  7. No don't engage them!!! That's like saying bloody mary in the mirror three times.
  8. I’d think a box a book is likely. if five factions per book is an average of 5 books. But they can stretch it with adding more cities, or slaves to darkness appear multiple times or even whole new factions. would be a relatively nice amount to spread almost bimonthly until summer for a new edition Instead of a new ghb.
  9. Im restarting mine as well. Now to bring it from 1K to 2k. 💪
  10. Yeah, since the start of this I felt I needed an intern
  11. Its not there yet but this will work eventually. Thanks for the suggestion! also just for the likes my two year old painted a tabberd for the final vanguard raptor
  12. Im still hoping that they’ll be the earth faction. We have water elf’s, fire dwarfs, air ships. I would love to see what they could do with that. my take would be they are slow, heavy armoured, short range but very powerful shooting. As these are the tunnelfighters that are reclaiming ancient Karak’s. Give it a bit of runic feel. Instead of a magic weapon table combine two runes. Little bit of a throwback like they’ve done very well with lumineth. and then to give it an unique playstyle and compensate the slow movement en short range. Allow them to ‘collapse’ a part of the battlefield each turn. Just a small stretch that becomes impassable. So the dwarf player can hinder movement and creat firing lanes. But most opponent will be faster. So you get a nice dynamic of trying to move the opponent. Maybe even collapse terrain. played a narrative scenario of my own design once where the defending player could do that to defend against an endless skaven horde. Trying to live through the night (5 or 6 turns) . It was really fun and thematic.
  13. Damn son, you are going the speed of light. (See what I did there 😏) really impressive when you see it all together. Have they seen the table for a small game already?
  14. In the Sons of Behemat book there is a story about how some Gargants find the remains of Gargants with chaos markings on their bones, encased in black armour made by the Chaos Dwarves. Just to add to your wishlist Chaos Dwarf Mega Gargants
  15. Just regular. Have some nice City terrain that works for the elevation, and trying to keep it simple.
  16. I know that's what he tells himself lying in bed at night... but does that make it true?
  17. Ah poor Be’lakor. New world same story. Again replaced as the #1. At least this time by a god and not just a favoured mortal again.
  18. I love that fabius model as well. It was one of those... 'Maybe a small 40K warband... ' But I held strong. Now to find a nice thing to convert him into in time. How big is the model? Maybe a small Slaanesh Daemon prince? It has that sleek look to it. Yeah, great idea. I'll add that to the goal of the month. Taking a group shot. 💪 Would love to see everybody's progress so far! There has been some incredible painting done.
  19. Okay, weather held today so I primed the last Vanguard raptor and made the goal for October. Already I notice I have more time to paint. So November is going to be my home stretch before the baby comes in december. Left to paint: Lord Aquilor, Lord arcanum, 2 vanguard raptors, and either 3 Palladors/3 Vanguard Raptors + birds. Then on to base the above + decimators, Aetherwings and a Lord relictor. And as finishing move taking a picture of the whole gang as @Eldarain suggested. If I make that I will have painted 1820 pts in this tale of warlords. Lord Arcanum on gryph charger, Lord Arcanum on Dracoline Lord Aquilor Knight Relictor 5 Decimators 5 Hunters 6 Vanguard Raptors 3 Vanguard Palladors 6 Aether wings 1 Celestar Ballista + a box of palladors or Raptors. And more impressively to me than all that building, converting, painting and basing I only bought one mini for this army. Now granted that's one more than I promised myself, and I got gifted one more. But that's still pretty good. Only needed a global pandemic to limit my spending. But I might get one or two Knight Azyroses soon because then I could field the vanguard mega battalion 😍
  20. The opposite would be more of a lush jungle feel to it. My Stormcast are Jungle based. Same or my Ogors. I like to do two small forces with roughly the same basing and eventually i'm building towards jungle terrain. So it all looks nice together if someone plays my army against me. I didn't have any pictures specifically taken to show the bases but if I can take some picture with notes/products if it's something you like. Or you could go full on civilisation bases. For My Cities and Kharadron overlords I will do a big rebasing project with this roller: http://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/textured-rolling-pins/867-rolling-pin-sett-pavement.html  Again I'm building a city table and thinking about a matching gaming mat so they look in place when I play at home. And I'll likely rebase my skaven eventually on these kind of bases as well. I'm dabbling a bit with water features as well. That could be nice contrast to arid and lifeless. All the stormcast walking through a savanah after a rainy spell. They come with the storm after all. But like @LuminethMage says, they get sent anywhere so no basing is wrong or more fitting. Heck, you could put them in the Garden of Nurgle. Taking the fight into the hellish nightmare that's the chaos realms. They all shiny and noble, the surface mushy and full of mutated flowers and critters.
  21. Well, who could that be 🤔 which factions updates have stalled after the third battletome? no new models expect for multiple hero characters in the last two years. lets wait and see
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