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Everything posted by Aeryenn

  1. The more firepower Skaven models the more likely I'm getting them.
  2. Hope this mini doesn't replace arch-warlock as it is far from being as cool as him.
  3. I wonder if Lumineth won't undergo the same purification as SCE did. In time of course. After River Elves they might start reworking Alarith which alack didn't have a fine reception.
  4. As a long time SCE hater I want to say that Reclusians look really well. They will be difficult to paint.
  5. First impression is negative, especially as I'm an OBR player. Don't like this idea of resetting and restricting everything. I also enjoy that some heroes in 3.0 can generate points, while others can prevent their opponent from obtaining them. First games will tell whether or not this decisions were correct.
  6. If GW would really discontinue Underworlds it would be another heavy strike for their credibility.
  7. Yes, exactly. AoS at some point was about breaking clichés. Dwarfs (KO) being one of the most mobile armies, Elves (Alarith build, LRL) being very tough and heavy, Skeletons (OBR) as an elite army with tough troops or some craziness in form of blind elves supporting other elves riding flying fish. That is something that wouldn't fit WFB or LOTR. Then GW decided to tune things down. Soulblight aside from unit or two could easily fit most fantasy settings. Seraphon look just as an improved version of old sculpts. With clan rats it's the same. I kind of wanted to see more original stuff rather than yet another sturdy dwarfs, swift elves and stupid orks. Maybe more crazy stuff will come with firearms side of the Skaven.
  8. By more AoSification I mean more crazy models like Warlock Bombardier, Stormfiends, Hell Pit Abomination or Thanquol. They clearly stand out. But in the rumour there were some unit names that promise a bit of madness.
  9. Too ordinary. Probably that's the intention but they lack "AoSification" for me. Maybe clan specific models will be more original.
  10. New warscrolls look really clear. Using colours for phases makes it harder to miss a skill on your unit.
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if GW changed its mind and said they are sorry due to the rage across all social media.
  12. Bad timing indeed. What was the expiration date on the new chamber again? 😉
  13. I guess today GW lost a lot more than it seems at first glance. They lost trust. Customers will now think twice before buying anything that is old enough that might get hammered. I sure will be careful with my expenditures.
  14. I can't imagine how miniatures can resemble such negative feelings to make you cast your army into fire. Totally, across 8 years I've probably spent like 400-500 hours on this hobby. Buying, assembling, playing, reading the lore and above all painting. I would consider it a self disrespect to just throw it away. Even if any of my models will no longer be supported with rules I will still keep it on my shelf. As I do with my first Stormcasts that will be in the cut.
  15. I'm not taking from you the right to be delighted by this GW move if you want. Leave mine to dislike it. We can discuss it in a polite manner. It sounds like a pretty bad joke to cut down almost 2 whole editions of Stormcast miniatures. I don't know how to justify that. These are pretty good looking miniatures. Relatively young miniatures. In my opinion GW should print expiration date on their products so that people can value if they are worth the money. Sorry, I don't buy this "don't worry, it moves to legends or TOW". People bought those minis to specifically play AoS, not other systems or sub-systems. Where do I feel this cut is justified? If any I feel like Bonesplitterz. Outside of that UW warband they didn't get a single mini for AoS. They always felt to stand apart. But still I would understand people who feel sorry about it. Beasts of Chaos are something different since they received new hero and some Endless Spells which suggested further support. Imagine how a person who bought BoC this year feels right now. They received start collecting, battle forces, minis, at least two battletomes and now they are gone. I have a friend who collects BoC and we played a couple of times. Wonder what is he going to say. I already know how my friend with Sacrosanct chamber feels like. Spoiler alert - Not good. Thing with WarCry warbands is more difficult. They can still be used in a game they originated from but they were at some point advertised as a product you may use in AoS. I bought two WarCry warbands ONLY to use them in AoS. This time they are not on that list but from now on I think I won't buy any WarCry warbands to use in AoS. Too much of a risk. In my opinion GW should really work on its communications with customers about what lifespan to expect from their products. There were never clear signals that dozens of Stormcasts or Beasts of Chaos are to be used temporarly. Update: My friend who plays BoC just said he quits AoS. Whether or not he changes his mind time will tell. Update 2: My Sacrosanct friend leaves AoS as well. Good job GW!
  16. If that GW move doesn't make this community angry nothing will.
  17. First minis I've ever bought and painted are Stormcasts from the very first starter that was SCE vs. Khorne Bloodbound. Still have them on my shelf.
  18. To be honest you convinced me about the role Stormcasts play. I still don't like it but will treat it as necessary evil. If that helps AoS as a whole let them show some more golden boys.
  19. I see your point. I still think there should be more than one poster boy but I'm not the one pulling the strings. Do we actually have some checked data on how SCE are really popular? That info would still be corrupted by how hard GW pushes them but I'm just curious.
  20. Honestly, I suspect that writing rules and story for minis stands for less than 5% of the time needed to make the sculpts done, no matter it is brand new mini or a refresh. Each time ANY ARMY receives a new mini it means others at the same time will not. No new squad for Fyreslayers. Same old Moonclan Stabbas. No Malerion, Kurnothi, Chaos Dwarfs or Silent Ones this time. Short blanket dilemma.
  21. Since a lot people think that Stormcasts are a must in the starter... Why not make another edition box Stormcast Eternals vs. Stormcast Eternals? Helmets vs. Heads, old Liberators vs. new Liberators. Countless possibilities. Double income, Great success.
  22. Definitely don't like the shift to fewer Command Points. They give a lot of flavor to hero models and justify their presence on the battlefield. It might however be okay if this means that some current CA turn to passive aura skills.
  23. You got it wrong. It's not that I want any faction to be favoured over SCE. I want SCE NOT to be favoured over few factions combined. If we had like 5 factions (for the simplicity of example) it should always be like: "we release A in January, B in March, then C in May, D in July and E in September." Instead we have: "Let's release a huge box of A vs. B in January. Then in March we can support A with some additional models. We send C in June and 1 hero on foot for D in October. What about E? I say f* E. It can wait until '26. Instead we can have this A WarCry band in December. Has the A 5th Underworlds warband left the factory yet" I collect few armies at the moment so to be honest I don't really feel that abandoned (none of which are SCE) but I still feel sorry for these E guys, which are quite a few. Pretty tired of yet another clone SCE models. If at least thay had GSG variety but they don't. Instead we get resculpts of 9 year old models when some factions still run 15 yo models (or older). Oh and I'm not being negative most of the time, especially for AoS. Many great models and factions in recent years. I'm just completing painting my 6th 2000 point AoS army so that tells a lot about my attitude for AoS.
  24. Can't wait for Skaven side. I don't expect much from SCE after today's reveal. I'd say that most of AoS factions would score top 3 popularity of they had SCE level of support. Not all of them as some target specific taste, but must of them for sure.
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