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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. 18 hours ago, Beliman said:

    Concussion Gauntlets and Plasma Axes!!! Ironkin, and female/male hearthkyn!!! Can't wait to see more!!!

    To be honest Votan are nowhere close to KO in terms of original design. I don't even like them despite having like 3k points of KO. Hope AoS won't go that way. I mean most of them look so common it as well could be any other army. When you look at KO you know at first glance that they are dwarfs.

    • Like 2
  2. I really like both @Arzalyn and @Jaskier list. This is what I had in mind few posts back. Basically these lists differ with swapping one KH for Warsong. Wasn't Vesperal Gem a once per game ability in the previous battletome?

    Now just waiting for dragonflies to arrive with the new battletome and I'll give it a try.

  3. 4 hours ago, Warbossironteef said:

    I'm using the models I have but trying the below. It's nothing fancy but I like the idea of Durthu being a hammer along with 6 Sycthes. Bring the spiteswarm hive for either launching guys through terrain or for more protection for Hunters. Not sure if the 20x Dryads will be good but it's what I own. I think auto reviving 1 Kurnoth with Warsong and 1 from Seekers is interesting. It's a shame Warsong lost knowing the whole lore because the healing spell would be really nice for Ethereal Durthu. 

    Gnarlroot - Wargrove that expands tree buffs range

    Durthu, ethereal, d3 attacks

    Warsong - Gem revival spell

    Arch Rev

    20x Dryads

    5x Tree Revs

    5x Tree Revs

    6x Kurnoth Sycthes 

    3x Seekers 

    1x Spiteswarm hive



    Is it worth taking Gnarlroot with only one wizard? I'd rather use it with Alarielle + Branchwych or at least two other casters, like Warsong Revenant + Lady of Vines.

    With my list I'm thinking more simple and I'm going for the dmg output.

    Glade for KH battleline



    6x Scythes

    3-6x Swords

    3 Dragonflies

    3 Dragonflies

    And whatever points are left I would fill with Tree-revenants, dryads, Branchwych and/or Treelord.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, lastlostboy said:

    I'm aware. Healing up to 12 wounds over a battleround sounds like a good idea for something I want to push as a beatstick into action. 

    It didn't cross my mind to use him in such an aggressive way. Seems fun and risky.

  5. Si, are we overall happy with the changes?

    On the con side I see my Alarielle (over 800 points... really?) and Treelord Ancient alongside with Kurnoth Hubters with bows. I wonder if I will ever field them again?

    On the bright side there's Durthu, melee KH, tree and spite-revenants, new Wyldwoods, other heroes... Mostly everything.

    I really want to try out Harvestboon with Durthu, at least 3x3 KH and two dragonflies behind them.

    Just ordered 2 of those flying things.

  6. I disagree that tree-revenants extra sounds doesn't change their usefulness. It does, a lot. I remember how I argued with some of you about how they needed a boost. Now they did and they are much better both as a chaff and objective holders. 2 wounds double the chance of survival. If they can tie an enemy for one extra turn because he damaged them 9 wounds or they can withstand a missle attack while holding an objective it was well worth it.

    It's sad Ancient Treelord will stand on the shelf for another three years but thankfully we have many hero options. It seems silly he's at almost the same price as Durthu is. I'm not sure if I would take him even at his old price when Lady of the Vines is in the roster.

    Alarielle's resurrection is a fine addon. Do you think she's worth her price? And what about KH with bows? How do they compare to Gossamid Archers?

    Any new info on endless spells?

    I'm not sure how I feel about this battletome. Everything seems a bit better but also many units suffer from a price hike.

    They fixed KH with bows Huntmaster. He has an extra attack with the bow now.

  7. 32 minutes ago, Dingding123 said:

    Spears really deserve some manner of compensation, because I'd still really hope the Galletian reach rules would stick around like they're the good idea that they are.  Either that or just make all respective warscrolls' melee attack profiles the same regardless of weapon used for them; why not?

    It's the first rule in a long time that makes the game more simple.

    More simple but less diverse. Perhaps the biggest strength of AoS is how armies play different from each other. 

    • Like 2
  8. 11 hours ago, Warbossironteef said:

    Anyone here ever just buy 30x Grimghasts, spend the last week building and painting them? :( I'm so sad haha. They could have bene Bladegheists.

    No need to be sad. Now you have an excuse to buy even more minis.

  9. I don't mind a switch from monsters to infantry. I already knew a year ago that they would do exactly that. It pushes people to buy new models. Almost all of the battle tactics benefited when accomplished by monsters. Now new battle tactics will favor these veterans. In a year it will be heroes or wizards or whatever to make people buy additional models. I'm not angry because of that. It keeps the game fresh and I don't care about the tournament meta.

    • Like 5
  10. I really don't like the direction GW took with faction dice. They used to be original. Leafs, waves, bones instead of dots. Were they harder to read? Sure but were a lot more fun. Now they just make one side of the dice different, with a faction symbol. I used to collect most of those "original" dice and have more than 10 Warhammer sets of them for multiple factions. Wish they returned to what they did in the past.

    • Like 5
    • Confused 1
    • LOVE IT! 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Evil Bob said:


    Force List:

      Hide contents


    • Lady Orlynder w/ Spell: Seal of Shyish
    • Krulghast Cruciator (General) w/Relic: Arcane Tome, Command Trait: Master of Magic, Spell: Soul Cage
    • Reikenor the Grimhailer w/ Spell: Lifestealer
    • Knight of Shrouds on Ethereal Steed w/Relic: Pendant of the Fell Wind


    • 20x Chainwrasps
    • 10x Chainwrasps
    • 10x Grimghast Reapers
    • 3x Spirit Host
    • 3x Spirit Host


    • 10x Bladegheist Revenants
    • 10x Bladegheist Revenants

    Endless Spells

    • 65 Soulsnare Shackles

    Total 1990

    Force Composition Notes:

      Hide contents
    1. KoSoES can be swapped out for Guardian of Souls & Burning Head Endless Spell.
    2. Spirit Host can be swapped out for a Chainwrasp Unit if more damage is desired.
    3. Hunter of the Heartlands for up to three infantry units BGs, GR.
    4. Bladeghiests can be combined into one unit. Depends on what style of attrition or max-damage is preferred.


      Hide contents
    1. Small Chainwrasp unit as a sacrificial screen. A CP on an advance move might be needed.
    2. Soulsnare Shackles to limit how many giants can charge in. Wizard needs to be on a flank.
    3. The Grimhailer can hurt himself for a solid cast on Lifestealer and get it back. Also good for making sure a critical Endless Spell gets off.
    4. All Hero’s need to fight (at some point) except the Krulghast Cruciator.

    Things to keep in mind (because I forget them):

      Hide contents
    1. Some SoB players accidentally stack Saves with All Out Defense & Finest Hour. It is one or the other applied against cumulative Rend and Stun effects.
    2. To Wound Rolls can’t be modified by more than +1/-1.



    I really like your ideas! Thank you for the time you dedicated to answer my question!

    I certainly will try the exact list (with guardian of souls instead of knight I think). I'm not sure if soulsnare shackles aren't a bit of a d**k move here but since my friend with giants crushed me so hard last time maybe it will even the scales.

    Running 30 chainrasps seems interesting. They should buy me enough time to take his giants one by one with 20 bladegheists. I will miss my Black Coach but need to check this strategy you wrote of.

    How do you use spirit hosts? In front of heroes charging enemy units? Or just staying behind to work as a bodyguard for important heroes?

  12. 10 hours ago, Warbossironteef said:

    I know you are using the models you own but this is why I think a unit of 20 or 30 GG or two units of 20xGG is so important. IMO you either go full MSU, no coach, or you bring at least one unit of 20xGG. That unit can act as an anvil/hammer. You're army really lacks an actual hammer unit and it doesn't have enough BG/Harridan MSU to be threats. 

    Just my opinion, but it seems like your list kind of falls in between the defensive blocks of dudes list and the MSU spam lists. I think that's what's so hard about running both Lady O and the Black Coach. They are great all around utility pieces, but if you bring both, your army may not have either enough bodies or enough output.

    Thanks for this support. I started thinking about running something bigger with 20 models but still was afraid to fail a charge with that unit.

    You surprised me with the second part (either Olynder or Coach) but you might be right. Olynder played really well in both of my games with the new battletome. My first game was against Fyreslayers btw and it went pretty well. Dwarfs weren't able to finish off my units thanks to Olynder/ GoS/ Torment and Soul Cage combined with Fight Last Effect of Waves of Terror was devastating for his troops. We ended with a draw just because the shop was closing but I'm pretty sure I would have won if we played full 5 rounds.

    • Like 2
  13. 10 hours ago, Evil Bob said:

    Other than the Black Coach what did you bring? What Nighthaunt do you own that could be brought?

    So he had a three baby giant unit and three big ones?

    Allegiance: Nighthaunt

    - Procession: Emerald Host

    - Grand Strategy:

    - Triumphs:



    Lady Olynder, Mortarch of Grief (340)

    - Lore of the Underworlds: Soul Cage

    Krulghast Cruciator (150)

    - General

    - Command Trait: Hatred of the Living

    - Artefact: Pendant of the Fell Wind

    Guardian of Souls (150)

    Spirit Torment (115)

    - Artefact: Lightshard of the Harvest Moon



    10 x Chainrasps (110)

    10 x Chainrasps (110)

    10 x Grimghast Reapers (165)



    10 x Bladegheist Revenants (175)

    10 x Bladegheist Revenants (175)

    2 x Chainghasts (95)



    Black Coach (335)


    Endless Spells & Invocations

    Chronomantic Cogs (45)


    Total: 1965 / 2000

    Reinforced Units: 0 / 4

    Allies: 0 / 400

    Wounds: 89

    Drops: 11

    It was sth like this. He did bring 3 small and 3 large gargants. First turn he moved into the objectives. In my turn I charged 3 small ones with reapers and 10 bladegheists. This and shooting killed them off. Round 2 it was turn 1 for gargants again. He basically charged both my bladegheists and reapers with his mega-gargants. That killed them off and the game was set. What else do I have? Reikenor, executioner , 20 more rasps, second spirit torment and Knight on a horse. No spirit hosts (which I want to buy soon). Banahees and harridans still in the box to be assembled.

    • Like 1
  14. How do you deal with Giants?

    I had a game against them and my army was crushed completely. He went first claiming 3 objectives. In my turn I managed to kill 3 man eaters and did basically nothing to his mega-gargants but do did he to my units. He got first again in the second battle round and destroyed 3 out of 4 of my units (not counting heroes and black coach). Basically each time his gargant attacked it was one unit dead on my side. The game was set. I could do nothing at this point. His gargants were all close to max health.

  15. I was more impressed with the previous show to be honest when it comes to new minis.

    40k will get some disgusting and impressive at the same time for chaos.

    Votan look far worse than Kharadron Overlords. I mean, they could be anything. Not just dwarfs. Not enough dwarf ornaments, beards and whatever.

    The Necromunda team ensures me I'll never enter this game.

    As for the AoS.

    Deathmaster is a cool mini and at the same time it was the most disappointing reveal of the show. It's been 7 years since the release of AoS. In these 7 years Skaven haven't received any new troops, machines or monsters. They got what? 4 heroes on foot? I don't get it. Skaven are GW's original design and are by far the most neglected army up to date. As if GW was ashamed of them. They already should have half of their range updated.

    Sylvaneth. My very first army I raised to 2000 points few years back. Now I have more than 3000 points and have fully painted every Sylvaneth unit available to them. Am I satisfied with the reveals? Sure I am! Each and every mini looks cool and will bring something interesting into the army. Half-tree half-elf riding a dragonfly? I'll take several boxes of these. One thing I really expect is the Wildwood rules to be finally fixed. One of the presenters told that Sylvaneth haven't been good in tournaments and this is about to change. I'll believe it when I see it.

    As for the other reveals, well nothing special in particular. Good show but nothing more.




    • Like 4
  16. Great show. 8/10

    New Chaos Knights look absolutely awesome. Flea Riders close after. New Nighthaunt hero is a creative design which I will welcome on my shelf. Underworlds warband is just ok as nothing stands out really.

    Not so keen on the terrain. It seems as if someone gathered random pieces together. 

    • Confused 1
  17. Unless Nighthaunt have a global MW on 6 trait I don't think crossbows will be worth the trouble. Maybe there will be a Procession that favors them somehow. However it's usually better to take an already good unit and buff it further than take trash and hope they will become average.

  18. 1 hour ago, pnkdth said:

    Step 1: Create controversy and s***posting.

    Step 2: Make people feel like they're watching a train wreck.

    Step 3: Deliver a full battletome and thanks to all the attention generated from step 2 & 3 get more people into the book, i.e. deliver the cure to the "pain" people felt before.

    Alternative title; Dr. Saltmine or, how I learned to stop worrying and love the hype cycle (reference for you movie buffs).

    NH is likely to have plenty of allegiance abilities and leaders with synergy.

    I'm so over huffing mopium at this point.

    Also, least it is something more creative that MWs on 6s. Heh, look at me not getting dry skin from excess salt. 🤗

    Probably now was the best opportunity to reveal their synergies. To hype people for the DoK vs Nighthaunt box. I have over 2,5 k points of Nighthaunt and was about to buy that box. I'm not so sure anymore if the "star" unit of this box is trash.

    • Like 1
  19. This Hunter Prime fix should really be temporary. Overpowered units should have their scrolls fixed or points in worst case. Interesting mechanic but it shouldn't be set in stone. Internal balance within battletome is as important as external compared to other battletomes.

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