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Everything posted by Aeryenn

  1. @Kyriakin Skaven are too important and unique to Warhammer to be abandoned. Maybe they will get similar to LoN book but I guess they will get some full releases when the time comes. Separately Skyre, Eshin. Just like dwarfs were split up. GW gave us so many releases we can't complain. Some factions just need to be last in the queue.
  2. Releasing battletomes without new models for pre-AoS armies years after the launch is a misunderstanding. I love GW's work with AoS but that rumoured beastmen release is disappointing at best.
  3. If I am to guess they're going the same way video games do. USA game show - best content, most anticipated premieres Europe game show - leftovers, small content Look: E3 vs Gamescom It was their FIRST Warhammer Fest in Europe. It should have been a blast. It wasn't.
  4. In the nova preview at warhammer community they joke about some of the team staying in order to keep squigs from taking over.
  5. Just've seen the Aquaman trailer. There's a lot of cool stuff that might easily fit Idoneth Deepkin. Sea monsters, sea people, cool sceneries.
  6. Do you know what's for the rest of 2018? Moonclan moved to 2019?
  7. I'd love if they made modular terrain for AoS. I'm probably asking too much but would be great if it wasn't just "sigmarite this", "sigmarite that" ot chaos war structure like. Can you imagine releases like "Orruk settlement", "Shyish temples" "Ghyran Swamps"? I'm currently really terrain interested. Partially I will do it myself like hills, but want to buy Sigmarite Mausoleum as well.
  8. I really, really advice GW that Blizzard games are the last source to get inspirations from. Since WoW or Warcraft 3 all their games look worse (design, colors, blocks, little kids graphics) than unicorn excrements. NO.
  9. I can imagine GW making endless spells for Kharadrons, Khorne and other non-magical factions if they just aren't lazy. Call them differently, change a bit the rules of casting and unbinding and there you have it.
  10. Nonsense. This is the most important thread here that works better than any other place in the internet. We have several people that share info that later turns out to be true and which I greatly value. No images or links policy isn't smart but still we have people we can trust by word.
  11. Only battletome? Looks like a lost opportunity not to add new models and endless spells.
  12. I think that we might be seeing batch 2 for some factions rather sooner than later due to endless spells. At first, when they previewed the box with a book I thought "that's it. maybe we will see more spells in a year". But then GW released 3 endless spells for Stormcasts and Nighthaunt. I think, that GW will push this new mechanic across most battletome factions and they will do it fast as long as they (endless spells) are still fresh and interesting. And if they release faction spells for Ironjawz and Sylvaneth I bet they will want to do it with a new battletome and new minis. So I think we might be seeing quite a lot, maybe not this year, but next year certainly.
  13. What are your expectations for this year's GenCon? As much as I'd love to see some new minis I don't hype myself too much. It's probably still too early for anything new but if the rumours were true, and they are lately, we are still two factions short for this year and that would be a perfect event for that. But still I'd rather expect something small, like 1 new unit per GA.
  14. Feel the same. I have still so many unopened boxes, not to mention unpainted minis that a break would be welcome. Maybe if I quit playing my ps4 then I can catch up with current releases. Just release more Stormcasts so I can rest from new releases.
  15. The more I see lists like these the more often I ask myself if I ever want to go to a tournament. The build above is like going to a restaurant and ordering cooked potatoes instead of a normal dish. ?
  16. Maybe ishlaen were hit hard but those volturnos and tidecaster changes compensate it fully. Imho.
  17. Not really. I didn't expect anything more. Start of AoS 2 is large. In terms of everything - new minis, new books, new accessories. I'm not surprised at all that they haven't teased new factions. Even if we have already seen everything that they have for 2018 it still was a great year.
  18. If I could react more than once to your post I'd probably use all the options.
  19. Somebody had a long nap. I'm excited. Was wondering how long will it take before we see any video game adaptation. Glad it's soon.
  20. In the past years we received 4 battleforces for AoS and 4 for 40k but since we had so many releases this year (and more are rumoured) I guess we might see more. If there were only 4 these are my guesses: Nurgle, Idoneth, Sacrosanct and Nighthaunt. Why not DoK? Because that faction has the least new models and the most narrow model range. But I believe that this year might be different and we will see more than 4 battleforces. So those already released and maybe grots if they are released soon enough.
  21. I'd order anything from that kind of faction.
  22. The most boring one to play, indeed. ☺️
  23. Nighthaunt will be like 3 evenings to paint with an airbrush. Yeah, I take it just because of that.
  24. I bet that cinematic sorcery will be something like we got in Idoneth battletome - couple of units need to be close to cast a spell or start a ritual that might take more than one turn to activate or it can be more powerful the longer it is being cast.
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