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Posts posted by Aeryenn

  1. It might be a bit early since Battleforces are released around November but some small talk won't hurt either. Any ideas of what we might expect?

    It's probably inevitable to see some factions getting their second battlefoce box (or fourth? in case of Stormcast). If I were to guess I'd say both Ossiarach Bonereapers and Lumineth Realm-Lords will get a box since they didn't have one in the past. I would really like to see a box of Cows and Stoneguards. Yeah, really. Stonegurds are expensive and you need a lot of them to run Alarith army. It would be great if Battleforce had at least two units of them, a cow and some heroes.

    As for the two more boxes, since we always get 4 for Age of Sigmar I'm afraid those will be for older factions. Fyreslayers deserve one for sure but chances are small since GW seem not to care about this faction. If it's Chaos then maybe Nurgle. There was a rumour I think that they would receive a new battletome. And probably Stormcasts again.

    What do you think?

  2. I really don't like terrain GW produces for Age of Sigmar. Ruins. Half of a wall here, a column there. Can't they just make normal houses , saw mills, small temples, taverns. The only universal terrain I really liked was the Sigmarite Mausoleum (which I bought). I think a lot of people are waiting for "normal" terrain. If GW won't release anything in that taste I will have to search other publishers.







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  3. 1 minute ago, Neck-Romantic said:

    One thing Im seeing that nobody has mentioned; the unleash hell command might be a surprise to opponents. 


    We have vanishingly little ranged (I always wished we had a massed banshee scream ranged unit) but what we do have is fairly nasty. Burning a command point to give the Krulghast, the Briar Queen, or possibly chainghasts a surprise volley might be worth it; especially in the KC's case to activate his aura

    Waste of Command Point.

    Take Krulghast. 4 attacks hitting on 4+, wounding on 3+. 1 dmg. It will score like one damage. No threat at all.

  4. @Neck-Romantic@dmorley21

    Yeah, was afraid so.

    No monsters, no all out defense, no shooting. You know what is the pain? That GW can't prepare factions before it releases new core rules. Some changes should have been done in form of errata. Even for temporary use like give Black Coach monster keyword, allow Nighthaunt to improve their save. Just to be playable before they receive a new book. Instead we might wait two more years before this army is fixed.

    Same goes for other factions like Bonereapers (that can't use new Command Abilities) or factions that were really bad before (Beasts, Sylvaneth, Gloomspite)

    • Sad 1
  5. Do new formation rules impact Kavalos Deathriders' weapon options in your opinion? Isn't it easier to hit with all 5 riders when they are equipped with spears? 3 riders in the front with two of them pointing their bases to the middle so that there is enough space between them to hit coherence? And two Kavalos between these three half way the length of these three bases? Making this way like 1,5 row?

  6. 31 minutes ago, elfhead said:

    Where are you situated? Since brexit all spraypaints are very hard to find for me (I’m in the Netherlands). Something to do with the paint not being allowed into the EU. 


    There are shortages of certain paints from time to time but in this case I'm wondering if Mechanicus Spray wasn't replaced by Grey Seer. In the past GW discontinued Mournfang Brown Spray which unfortunately I used a lot for Sylvaneth basing.

  7. 39 minutes ago, novakai said:

    it depend on people i guess, Ugly is sometimes not a bad thing if done correctly

    Me and my friend ordered one copy of Dominion, me taking the Kruelboyz half. I'm not even sure if I'll paint them in the end. Starter boxes are always such a good deal it is a no brainer to take one for the price. On the one hand I really like swamp theme and Kruelboyz match that to a degree but then again I bought 2k points worth of boxes for Gloomspite Gitz and they appear to me to be much more interesting faction.

    I wonder if GG new battletome that is rumored to be one of the first for 3rd edition will provide an allegiance for troggoths both from GG side and those new from Kruelboyz. I think Troggoths allegiance would greatly benefit from that.

    And I think we're yet to see all the models. At the previous preview Adam spoiled by mistake that he likes the swamp faction terrain. I think I remember that correctly.

  8. 22 minutes ago, JustAsPlanned said:

    Any reason in particular? Did Yndastra kick your granny in the shin or something?

    She did what?

    Yndrasta is definitely part of the problem. I don't like the direction GW took with Stormcasts. Have some stormcasts from 1st edition and they had completely different esthetics back then.

  9. Best advice: ignore GW's confusion unless you attend tournaments. They were supposed to make things clear with this errata (not to mention "best rules ever core book"). It's embarrassing. Just play Wyldwoods the way it makes sense and find friends who wish to play a fair, balanced game.

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  10. 12 minutes ago, Hoseman said:

    I'm so confused and sad about the wanderers thing... it just dont makes sense so as the allies doesn't make sense to me only idoneth and well maybe stormcast too but no wanderers is like TOO strange.

    Maybe the wanderers will be sylvaneth? Maybe are we going to have kurnothi? I dont get it.

    Plus the thing of only one unit can teleport per turn is a big nerf to me as I liked to teleport kurnoth + arch revenant. And the 20 dryads will be almost impossible to teleport as I feel the 20 cant be into 6" of one tree (I guess)

    So sad about wanderers 

    It might be the best news from the errata. I'm sorry for your inconvenience but this opens the way for Kurnothi more rather than being just a small update to Sylvaneth. A full army of wood elves with it's own alliegance, models and so on. I would love it

  11. But maybe we get it wrong. If we can set up three separate Wyldwoods at the beginning all over our territory isn't this actually a buff?  Isn't this like having three terrains instead of one with just one action? That gives a great teleporting capabilities.

  12. 1 minute ago, Malakithe said:

    Maybe this FAQ is just a stand in until a new book? Maybe?

    Probably but when will we get a new book? It can be anywhere from 2 months to 3 years. I really like my Ossiarch Bonereapers and am really disappointed with them not being able to use core abilities.

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  13. 9 minutes ago, Dawnmane said:

    that's a somewhat false premise. Those people would be people who bought all of cursed city, not to play the game but to use the enemies part of the game for an army whose battletome wasn't out yet, and who probably also knew about this rule because it was revealed pretty early after release. Also, that logic would, to some extent, apply to anyone who ever purchased models/an army based on the rules at the time of purchase = that logic would mean that changing the rules was always unfair.

    I see your point but as mentioned GW isn't transparent in their communication. They say one thing,  then another and in the end it turns up something different. They've just changed Awakened Wyldwood warscroll. Very same warscroll that was published a month ago in BR Kragnos. How can we treat them seriously? It's as if they are bouncing off the wall every five minutes. Would anyone be surprised if GW changed the core rules upside down in a month? After Slaanesh battletome? After Lumineth battletome? After mutually exclusive informations about availability of Cursed City? Seriously it's such a mess I'm not sure if buying new models is safe as they can change its rules 180 degrees before I'm finished painting it.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, SilverJelly said:

    OBR does NOT get to use generic command abilities.

    I thought it was impossible for GW to mess this up but they keep surprise me every time.

    Did you know that Sylvaneth was nerfed in this errata? Fearsome Sylvaneth that place at the bottom each tournament! Well deserved. Hope they boosted Seraphon.

  15. 21 minutes ago, Arzalyn said:

    That is something I guess?

    Honestly I simple don't understand why they had to change the woods warscroll again. The changes they released on Kragnos where really good and a month latter we go back to our bad warscroll... Why change it in the first place???

    GW Quality

  16. 1 hour ago, The Brotherhood of Necros said:

    !!!!!! 🎉


    Pathetic. Flag in the wind is more stable than gw rules writing team.

    I mean good it has happened but it could have been corrected months ago.

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  17. 46 minutes ago, Dawnmane said:

    oh man if the FAQs drop today I will be so happy. It's the first day of my summer holiday.

    In my opinion faq won't help much. Almost everything is clear in the new rules. Only few armies really need explanation like Ossiarch Bonereapers. What is needed is errata to fix few problems that new edition creates. Unless you are talking about both errata and faq 

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