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Everything posted by Thiagoma

  1. I can imagina a huge warmachine or a Stone golem in the shape of their ancestors (with multiple assembly options). Some Goats mounts, new tunnelers (maybe even a tunneling machine!). I belive classic Dwarfs can be expanded in a AoS fashion!
  2. While i dont think they need to release a schedulle, a reassurance that all the current models beeing sold will eventually be on a Battletome would be great. It would put a lot of minds at ease and offer an incentive for people to aquire more stuff for their lines that arent fully developed.
  3. From a pointy ear tomeless elf ****** without, Hang in there fellas! Dwarfs are awesome and the public is loyal. Your time to shine will come, i bet the Gloomspite Scenary is an indicator of it. (also gona add you guys on my GW survey) Hold on to your beards!
  4. I am sure Slaneesh will be gratefull to the Elves. She got plastic surgery, lost some overweight AND got kinky chains to play with!
  5. I think that if we get "corrupted aelves" they would be extremely distorted. This horn looks "too clean". Also if they follow that harpist design for Slaneesh, oh boy...
  6. Kinda. Aelves always had reduced numbers, even in WHFB. There werent many Elves souls indeed, but there is a long time since Sigmar made the mortal realms and by now the Elf population must be relativly "normal". What the Elves gods are trying is to save the souls that were consumed and "fix" then. So far with weired results.
  7. I will have to disagree in some points here. 1- GW didnt remove "modern plastics" from any of their lines. Not incorporate those into their collection would be an odd move. 2- The "stiff" characteristic always remind me on the introdutory scene in Lord of The Rings, where the disciplined Elves fight in a very contained way. 3 - There are twelve kits/options are still sold for High Elves. If GW would release about 3-4 kits, the Faction would look really unique AND have lots of options. 4 - I belive that Tyrion Aelves will have the classic look with the pointy winged helmets. Pretty much like Fyreslayers, i belive they will keep their identity. That said, all we can do is wait. Your guess is as good as mine!
  8. The Herald isnt a bad indicator tho. All the last entries were tied to new releases relating to the Herald posts.
  9. Give then some Fire Elementals or an Avatar, A ur Gold moved Golem or Smaller Magmadroth like monster (maybe with dwarfs riding it) and fyreslayers would be way cooler.
  10. Weaveweald Spire on Dreaming Vales of Hysh is the Swifthawk Agent headquarters. Also they guard the Spire of Dawn along the Eldtrich Council. The Spire is also located in Hysh. People got so caught on the "Angel Elves" when the "angelic" expression also mean gracefull, beautifull and so on.
  11. Why? 90% plastics, why not just add MORE models to it like DoK or Grotts? Swifthawks are based on Hyish, for example, why wouldnt they be on Tyrions army?
  12. @awkamawn i belive the "right way" to deal with Elves would be: Merge High with Tyrion, Darks with Malerion and Wanderers getting a redemption in the form of a nature spirit (wanderers lore isnt my strenght). That said, we may still get a long time ahead of us on the line to getting all those Battletomes, i would love a "temporary" book giving us options to play Elves until each group receives a spotlight, but keeping their keywords apart, kinda like the Skaven clans and Skaventide.
  13. Imo Wanderers deserve a DoK like release. All they need is a Behemoth and revised warscrolls, a kit or 2 and it is ready. Mixing with Sylvaneth would be kinda boring. Give then some cool monster/beast to ride!
  14. The looks is High Elvish but the Runes and that fact that most Wanderers musicians uses horns.... Hoping Aelves in general get some love!
  15. Design looks High Elvish but the rune is Wanderers. Good news anyways! Hopefully Gw finally figure out what to do with Elves.
  16. Yes, but sadly you must use battlelines that serves Order, "no battlelines if". So you would need liberators or such, not beeing able to field Swordmasters or PG as battlelines. If it was possible i would be incredibly happy. There is a huge discussion on the boards about it, you sohlud check it out.
  17. Sadly, i dont think you can use the Phoenix Guard as Battleline in Hallowheart because your alligeance would have to be Phoenix Temple. Yeah , i know, it sucks.
  18. I think elves are gona have a resolution when Tyrion/Malerion come out. Considering that Hyish is the plane where the Swifthawk HQ is, i think Tyrion Aelves will have the traditional High Elf looks but with a lot of movement (see namartis for s good example of what i mean). The whole "angelic" deal may be refering to grace and beauty, not the whole "wing and halo" thing. I also believe thata lot of elf plastic is gona be absorved into their lines. Swifthawk, Draconis, Phoenix, Eldritch Council and so on, beeing renamed, just like "gloomspite" were. Until there no BT for us...
  19. I Think a new army is gona get anounced, plus a dual box with 2 new BT like the last ones.
  20. Well we are missing Fyreslayers, Sylvaneth, Kharadron, Beastclaw and Tzeench 2.0 Tomes. Armies without tomes: Ogors, Free Peoples, Aelves and Dispossesed.
  21. I do not belive that Tyrions Aelves are gona be "angelic" in the sense of winged Aelves, the same way Teclis ones are not Chuthullu elves and people will be very disapointed, AGAIN. Angelic might be a description of beauty, grace elegance. Also, if there is something involving wings, it will be Phoenix related. From all former elven lore released so far, Phoenix Temple are the only mentioned "high elf"subfaction with concrete description in the Mortal Realms, with Phoenicium on the Firestorm Campaign. My take on it is that Hyish Elves are gona be the new "traditional" High Elves with Phoenix tematic.
  22. Yeeeeah that was kind of a flop... Well lets see what tomorrow brings...
  23. They didnt use the word "boxed" . AoS and 40k are warhammer games sooo.... Lets not forget KO were released on a Nova...
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